The Wonderful One A child has been born for us; a son has been given to us. The responsibility of complete dominion will rest on his shoulders, and his name will be: The Wonderful One! The Extraordinary Strategist! The Mighty God! The Father of Eternity! The Prince of Peace! Isaiah 9:6
Pray It Up ~ Seek The Truest Gift
It is the hope of God that Thanksgiving is the pathway of our family to our Prince of Peace, Jesus, The “Truest Gift” of Christmas. We pray that this Christmas Season, our family members will seek The “Truest Gift” Of Christmas! Pray for your family now to stop, and bow their heart this Christmas, yield their life, and personally ask Jesus to be the Lord of their life, today, tomorrow and forever. Be the first in your family to do so. Stop. Bow. Pray. Jesus, be the “Truest Gift” that I have ever received and help me to re-gift this precious gift this Christmas in the all of my everything and give me the strength, wisdom and grace to live like I am wholly-holy Yours. Amen.
Great and vast is his dominion. He will bring immeasurable peace and prosperity. He will rule on David’s throne and over David’s kingdom to establish and uphold it by promoting justice and righteousness from this time forward and forevermore. The marvelous passion that the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, has for his people will ensure that it is finished! Is 9:7
Pray It UP ~ Be God Listeners
Nothing is true in our society as our culture is being swallowed up in a chaos of deception, which has badly damaged the Nuclear Family. Pray Your Family Will Listen Up To God First This Christmas. No word is true, no media is true, no person is true, no power is true because absolute power corrupts absolutely and the human nature is bent towards serving no power higher than self. There is a prevalent deception as we put our expectations in people with a human condition. People will scam you, offering you the greatest Christmas gift that will last forever and you can be deceived to pay dearly for it, and it only has temporary power, a light that will flame out, a temporary happiness. This Christmas seek “The Truest Gift” together with your family, the only gift that can last forever, the gift of eternal life that is gifted as your family seeks the Giver of such a miraculous-merrily-so gift, Jesus Christ, The Truest Christmas gift.
“Jesus Christ is a light of rescue for the lost, comfort for the hurting, wholeness for the broken, and escape for the captive. It is the light of joy, the light of revelation, the light of deliverance. This glorious light includes Jesus’ teachings, his miracles, and his pure life lived before the Father. Jesus’ birth signals an end of night and the beginning of morning.” Brian Simons
Pray For ~ The Gift Of Jesus
The gift of Jesus is very personal, it is a Heart-To-Heart gift exchange from the Father God to us. Jesus came here to us, to every family, and we were given the gift of Jesus, He is the “Truest Christmas Gift” that never stops giving to you and your family. This gift has no conditions, and no punishment clause to pay off. This “Truest Gift Of Christmas” it is a forever love which is unconditional in the nature of mercy, and graceful in characteristic of forgiveness.
Pray For ~ Jesus Be At The Center
This Truest Christmas gift, is gifted to you and your family members, right where you are, no crazy conditions, no added shipping fees, entirely a free gift, with no hidden scams, no deceptive contracts, and no punishment clauses of high interest charges! This Truest Gift Of Christmas, Jesus, He came to us, to all of our family members, making a grand gesture of Love like no other. This gift fails not, it delivers on all of its promises, it is not faulty, it is the all is enough gift that requires no extra purchases, just a once and forever transaction between God and us. Pray for each family member to not be scammed by the enemy of their soul to take Christ out of Christmas, but to keep Him at the center of all their Christmas experiences.
“Just as darkness and night have boundaries (Gen.1:4), so the Lord will cause gloom to end and the shadows to flee. He is the one who says, “It will last this long and not a day longer.” God begins in darkness and brings darkness into the day. The darkest thing in us will be bathed in his glory-light.” Brian Simmons
Jesus gifted “The Truest Gift” a Love that does not condemn or punish, but embraces all from here to there unto forever. This “Truest Gift” of love keeps on pursuing us, giving to us, and gifting our family with the all of the everything of our Father God. Modeling a right life-style, with a purity of righteousness in His Heart, and motives that were all in for us, Jesus came to us, to our family. The “truest” character, a life with no deception, a life with no sin, He came to make the truest gift exchange of our sin nature, for His godly nature, our death for His life. He came out of love to ALL the human race, to every single family, as “The Truest Christmas Gift” with a life-time warranty that expires not, and is fully funded by The Father God of heaven. Jesus we pray our family makes room in our hearts to write the story of our family life and we stay in our own lane letting Jesus be the Savior, because we are not the fixer, He is. Help every family member learn this and walk in the grace and unconditional love of God towards each other.
As we and our family, begin this Christmas season, we look for the best gift, we seek the “Truest Gift” a gift without an angle of hidden scam or fake facade. Jesus is this gift. We pray our family will receive this gift in the heart of our homes. Let us put the “Truest Gift” first on our family gift list, Jesus, a Savior Who came to us with a BIG Purpose that He would purchase eternal life for us, and we would be gifted with life with Him forever. The Truest Christmas Gift delivers the best joy, a forever joy to our family, to our world. We pray on this day, our family will Know Jesus, The Truest Christmas Gift, where hope is eternal, and His joy is our family’s continuously so, and unyielding strength on this side of heaven. We pray for our family to have a miraculously-merrily-so from here to there unto forever and to be protected from the enemy who likes to mess with our lives. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video
Pray It Up ~ Protection – Favor – Faith – Safety
Pray It Up: Be our eyes, Lord Jesus, watch over us when we come and go. Help us to make the right next choice we pray, guide us by Your Holy Spirit. It is so easy to lose our way in this crazy culture unfolding in our life season. Guide us Jesus, to the places of safety, as we travel through, growing through these difficult times. We pray You increase the faith of our family, may we hear Your Voice, may every sorrow be ended by Your miracles of heart, as we pray in Your powerful name, Jesus, and every heart broken be mended by Your Healing touch, and every need of our family be met by Your Provision. Give us favor with our family members who are lost from You, and draw our family members to You, to Your Salvation, may all who are lost from You come. Help us in our family life to remember that we are ALL Your children. Help us Jesus, to always reach out to touch You and know Your heart, so our heart breaks for what breaks Your heart. Watch us from above, and teach us to find the best way to love each other unconditionally, with a prevalent mercy and forgiveness. Guide us to and with Your Grace, Jesus, our Truest Christmas Gift.
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today on the Family Table today for a great spiritual meal for families. It is so important to be praying for your family in times such as these, calling their names out to God and asking Him for the specific things you need for your family. Please make sure you share this post link with a couple families you know and your favorite social media platforms. What only takes a few minutes could change the life of a family forever. Thank you. We hope you also will subscribe by email to The Bridegroom’s Cafe because then you won’t miss one of the new spiritual meals posted and your soul will stay nourished by God’s Voice. God bless you, KimberlyMac