Fickle Favor

Is God’s comfort too little for you? Is his gentle word not enough? What has taken away your reason? What has weakened your vision, that you turn against God and say all these evil things?  Job 15:11-13 NLT

They plotted against Jesus to kill Him because nothing worked that they tried to do to control Him, to stop His message of truth and life, which was counter cultural to their religiosity of heartless, controlling, religious duty. On Palm Sunday, Jesus was celebrated and revered and then things changed, they changed because of the fickleness of the human condition. The very people who praised Him and laid palms for Him to parade in to Jerusalem in a Triumphant Entry kind of way, were the same people who yelled “crucify Him” a few days later!

Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the courtyard of the high priest, who was named Caiaphas, and they conspired to arrest Jesus in a treacherous way and kill him. “Not during the festival,” they said, “so there won’t be rioting among the people.”’ Matthew 26:3-5

This is a mob mentality that flows with the popular trend of the day, that is driven by a fickle heart. It was an erratic changeableness, an instability that showed a self preservation, self first, and protect self at all cause kind of flip-flopping of affection and opinion to appease the cultural demands. These people were unstable in all of their ways, there was no loyalty to Jesus, just an insincere capriciousness that did not lean into any allegiance with Jesus or His Kingdom, but was an in the moment affection, for whatever direction the mob was coursing in. Their hearts were not engaged with anything but what helped themselves the most, their self-preservation was at the center of their lives, Jesus was not. They sought comfort in the fickle things of life, the counterfeit comforts which were temporary in nature which led them to kvetching and complaining, living with weary souls and calloused hearts.

“God longed to give us restorative comfort. He sent Jesus to bring us comfort and support in the moments we need it most. He didn’t crush us when we were weak, rather, He renewed our strength, and walked with us through the trials and difficulties of this broken world.” Melissa Spolestra Study Of Isaiah

Sometimes people do things that just blow your mind and leave you saying: Where did that come from? I don’t understand. They judged Jesus by what the mob wanted, they did not even know or understand His motive for doing what He did. They had their perspective that was mostly assumption of actions, and judgement of motives. One sided reconciliation applies a boundary of “my way or the highway”! This was the kind of mob mentality Jesus encountered during Holy Week. It was the fickle favor of those who served no power higher than self.

“Are you defending God with lies? Do you make your dishonest arguments for his sake? Will you slant your testimony in his favor? Will you argue God’s case for him? What will happen when he finds out what you are doing? Can you fool him as easily as you fool people? No, you will be in trouble with him if you secretly slant your testimony in his favor. Doesn’t his majesty terrify you? Doesn’t your fear of him overwhelm you? Your platitudes are as valuable as ashes. Your defense is as fragile as a clay pot.“
Job 13:7-12 NLT

The people flipped between Jesus’ way, truth and life and the mob mentality, and they became erratic in their behavior, unstable in all of their ways. One minute praising Jesus, the next minute wanting to kill him. They could not embrace the new thing Jesus brought to the table, because they could not put the past behind them, and acknowledge God was doing something new. The one minute they are saying, let’s put the past behind us and move forward, and the next minute they are right back to where they have always been, begrudging, heartless and controlling. Jesus found himself in this kind of unstable situation where boundaries are put on Him from untruthful testimony, and He is judged and punished because He stays silent before His accusers.

Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you halt and limp between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. 1 Kings 18:21,43-44

Have you ever been in a situation where people walk away from you, putting the blame on you, like you were their problem, when you knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, they were their own problem. Jesus just came on the scene, yet He was blamed for everything that was going wrong in their culture of religiosity. BE Lame. Lame is what happens when you blame other people for your issues, you become unstable in all of your ways and easily deceived. This is what happened to Jesus. The religious leaders wanted things to be the way they wanted, but Jesus came in with something new, something different, something they were not comfortable with, so  He lost their fickle favor and they cast Him off. There was no understanding of it, it made no sense, the false accusations of someone like Jesus, who had faithfully served and loved them, not from duty, but from the heart, with great compassion, and caring, had healed them, fed them, taught them, and loved them unconditionally. They turned on Him. How could that be? Fickle Human Favor!

You must defend my innocence, O God, since no one else will stand up for me. You have closed their minds to understanding, but do not let them triumph. The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger. Job 17:3-4, 9 NLT

The enemy of our soul is a narcissistic, evil  influence on our flesh, always trying to control us through manipulation of fear, and anxiety that brings chaos and confusion into our soul emotions. We are set up to be upset by the enemy of our soul.  A “flesh out” of worry, hopelessness, and despair, by stirring up dark emotions of soul whirlwinds that churn our minds into exhaustion, and leave our spirit with an atmosphere of chaos. The enemy had a game plan from the beginning, and nothing that was done or said would have changed that endgame. It is very frustrating, because nothing said in defense of yourself, and the truth you know, works. It is like someone doing something to you that is absolutely not godly, or biblical, yet they say they were directed by God. Or someone falsely accusing you of something they are doing. That is why the silence of Jesus before his enemy was brilliant.

Many false witnesses came forward, but the evidence could not be corroborated. Some came forward and testified against him, saying, “We heard him say, ‘I can destroy this temple made with hands and then build another one again in three days not made with hands!’ ” Yet even on this point the witnesses did not agree. Finally, the chief priest stood up in the middle of them and said to Jesus, “Have you nothing to say about these allegations? Is what they’re saying about you true?” But Jesus remained silent before them and did not answer. So the chief priest said to him, “Are you the anointed Messiah, the Son of the Blessed God?” Jesus answered him, “I am. And more than that, you are about to see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty and coming in the heavenly clouds!” Mark 14:56-62

“Human cruelty and grossly exaggerated punishment without the element of unconditional love, compassion, grace, or mercy has its origins in assumptive, preemptive evil actions. Just ask Jesus Who was not punished for any crime He committed, but by predetermined mindsets, corrupted by justice no higher than man-made, self-grandiose intentions, which were full of the begrudgement and bitterness of self-exaggerated importance. All of this human depravity was spiced up by the evil induced pride of our corrupted human condition, with a heart calloused by sin.”KimberlyMac

Our enemy wants to control our responses and taint our actions with anger, bitterness, and every ugly reaction that he can “flesh out” of us until we become his victim of unrighteousness, and he separates us from the fellowship of our God. The enemy of our soul uses people to write bitter accusations against us, to bring up all of our human shortcomings, to falsely accuse us of motives they can’t possibly know and things we could not possibly have done. They follow our lives and trace our footprints with complaint after complaint of us, bullying us, condemning us, and then eventually banishing us through conditions that can’t be met, all the while enacting the evil endgame they had in mind from the beginning.

“You write bitter accusations against me and bring up all the sins of my youth. You put my feet in stocks. You examine all my paths. You trace all my footprints.“ Job 13:26-27 NLT

When we succumb to our enemy with a victim mentality, becoming his victim, we react at his whim with our human condition, that he originally tarnished, the one Christ set us free from. And the minute we react to the narcissistic control of the enemy of our soul, fleshing out with our carnal nature, we become his victim, and his goal is to create a stronghold of evil in our soul, which speaks counter culturally to the Kingdom truth that we are the head and not the tale, that we are not the victim. We should never go back to a previous bondage, one Christ has set us free from to win the fickle favor of a human being. God’s Favor is forever and it is unconditional love at its best.

May God’s undeserved kindness and total well-being that flow from our Father God and from the Lord Jesus be yours. He’s the Anointed One who offered himself as the sacrifice for our sins! He has rescued us from this evil world system and set us free, just as our Father God desired. May all the glory be to God alone, throughout time and eternity. Amen! At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past. Galatians 1:3-5; 5:1

Jesus was victimized for our sin and He chose to go to the cross on our behalf, just as if we never sinned, He took the sin of the world on His shoulders. Jesus was the final victim of sin, and His motives for becoming the victim of all of our sins, were self sacrificing in nature and honorable, obedient and righteous in character. Jesus Christ died so we would not become stuck in a victim mentality, but would be victorious in Him, through His purity of righteousness. I am no victim, I am victorious in. Christ Jesus. The cross of Jesus Christ was the last stand of the victimization of our human condition. We now know the truth and the reality of truth in our lives sets us free from sin and death as a victim of the enemy of our soul. I am no victim, I belong to Jesus Christ, I am blood bought, by the blood of Jesus.

“Jesus became a victim so we do not have to be victimized, we don’t have to be anyone’s victim, He was the victim of all of our sins. He was the sheep led to slaughter on our behalf.” KimberlyMac

There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. In this life the enemy of our soul will use people to condemn us and then shun us. This is a lie from the pit of hell because the grace extended to us from Jesus Christ at salvation, this grace by faith can not be taken away from us unless we surrender it to them. The best choice for us in situations like this, is to yield to God. God is the Fixer, we are not.

So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.  For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature. Romans 8:1-3

There will be people in our life who live out of a self preservation mentality, where they make themselves out to be the victim and falsely accuse you as the villain, so they can control the situations and people that make them feel uncomfortable. They blame you for their anxious soul failure, and they would love it if they could steal your vision and confidence of Who and WHOSE You are.  Most importantly, they thrive when we ‘flesh out’ against their narcissistic control, and become their victim, by reacting out of our human condition, instead of responding to Jesus Christ, WHO is the Lord of our lives, Who is our reality of truth.Sometimes we just need an Oasis. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video

As Jesus entered into Holy Week, He knew He would be targeted by the narcissistic control of the enemy through people who were trying to maintain power, control and authority over other people, and Jesus had threatened that authority. Have you become the victim of a narcissistic enemy of your soul? The enemy of God wants to steal your vision of your Savior, Jesus, destroy your confidence in Him, and kill your future destiny that He personally shaped, designed and created you for. When you come face to face with the enemy with his narcissistic plan of control over you, don’t react to the fake reality of twisted up situations that makes a false reality which he throws up in your face. Respond to God, He is our reality of truth and His truth will free us, deliver us, and heal us from the craftily laid plan of our enemy. The Holy Spirit of God will navigate us around the traps of our enemy and we will not become the victim of the control of a narcissistic enemy of our soul. God will deliver us. Do you know my deliverer? Let me introduce you to Jesus Christ!

We are not a victim, We are victorious in Christ Jesus, completely humbled, and awed 🙌 by the cross, Jesus’ unconditional love for us!  The people yelling “Crucify Jesus” those Who had previously praised Him the day of His Triumphant entry into Jerusalem with Palm branches strewn before Him and praises yelled out.  The fickle favor of these people who became the victim of the enemies deception, is part of what led to Jesus’ crucifixion as later in the week, the same ones who praised Him, yelled out “Crucify Him” as part of an angry mob motivated by deceptive trickery of those who wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus willingly became a victim so we no longer had to be victimized. Don’t be a victim of deceived mob mentality. Keep your heart pure before God, pliable, as a person who is not fickle, but stands firm in Christ Jesus, with an identity wholly-holy in Him.

Truly, deep within my true identity, I love to do what pleases God. But I discern another power operating in my humanity, waging a war against the moral principles of my conscience and bringing me into captivity as a prisoner to the “law” of sin—this unwelcome intruder in my humanity. What an agonizing situation I am in! So who has the power to rescue this miserable man from the unwelcome intruder of sin and death? I give all my thanks to God, for his mighty power has finally provided a way out through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So if left to myself, the flesh is aligned with the law of sin, but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to God’s righteous principles. Romans 7:22-25

There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. In this life the enemy of our soul will use people to condemn us and then shun us because they feel we are not good enough to be around them, to be a part of their life we have to be controlled by their conditions.  This is a lie from the pit of hell because the grace extended to us from Jesus Christ at salvation, this grace by faith can not be taken away from us unless we surrender it to them. The best choice for us in situations like this, is to yield to God, like Jesus did. God is the Fixer, we are not. God convicts us and teaches us, He does not condemn us, He loves us unconditionally and gives us room to grow through, but not on our own, He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Jesus Is Our Deliverer, Always And Forever.

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe. We hope you enjoyed your spiritual meal at The Smorgasbord Table. This meal is a special for “Holy Week”. Make sure you share it with someone on your social media outreach. Please check out our Rumble Channel  and make sure you give us a subscription to our Heart To Heart. These special 1 Minute Encouragement Videos are amazing in beautiful scenery and Godly wisdom. God bless you Much, Kimberly Mac. 

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