Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.” Matthew 22:37-40 The Message
God First
Be A Firstee! Now is a time like no other time to get prepared to put and keep God first. We really should take some time to “flesh out” and “truth in”, so we can endure, side stepping the enemies trap of offense and bring God glory and honor. I make my case today for our need to position ourselves in a personal relationship with God, a vital-vertical relationship with God, so we can hear our Bridegroom’s Voice, first, and follow after it, first, foremost, and forever. A Firstee is a person who is growing forward with the intention of having God first in every area of their lives. No compartmentalization, only God first in the all of their everything. Tear down the walls and lets each of us know the joy of having an undivided heart before our God. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video:
We are in a season of life where we are going to have to fight the good fight of faith at the basic point of keeping God first. Our culture is like a distractive shouting match to see who can be the loudest voice, the voice that steals our attention and changes our focus. In this generation, there seems to be no one who can command the lead for long. One punches, the other punches back, and we all stand there in disbelief as the word wars rage on and nobody wins, except the enemy of our soul. With every bout of word-rage, the hearts of human beings grow colder and colder towards each other, and a deep compassion fatigue rests upon the soul of mankind. This is not good, because in this state of our hearts and our union, the enemy can slink in unnoticed and steal our freedom right out from underneath us.
“The Bridegroom Speaks: Walk with conviction, not by human perspectives. Believing in Me leaves no room for personal perceptions influenced by your will and wants. Faithfulness to My truth strengthens your belief. Stand on My kingdom reality as your sure foundation and you will believe better in this wilderness and accomplish more than you could imagine possible.” Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
Godly Leadership Void
We do have a Godly leadership void from house to house and community to community, yes, this is true, and the real reason is a restlessness that grows stronger with a voice deeply seeded in fickle emotions. Emotions are so very distracting, but their power is temporary, they fizzle out. Truth is the opposite, it stands through the heckle of emotions, and is still standing on the other side of an emotional tantrum. Emotions entice us into incredible “flesh out” episodes and leave us spent with regret, not even able to believe that we went that far. After our emotions have spun out, anyone who stepped into the whirlwind, has been knocked around and probably hurt, and we have damaged relationships.
Truth Is Durable
Truth is durable, emotions are not. When emotions are spent and there is still lack, this is the open door for truth to shine clearly, and this is why the voice of truth must be a consistent, a nonstop voice in your life. We must persevere, patiently endure as we share the truth. There are many challenges to being a bearer of God’s light, a person who puts truth first, a firstee. Great difficulty begins when damaged, tired, frustrated, emotions get louder. We are drawn to a temporary voice and it distracts us, veering us off course. This is where offense steps in. Offense doesn’t do much in that constructive kind of way, it is a device of the enemy to douse the fire of compassion in us for God; for His way, His truth, His life. Our enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, and if he can distract us by a loud emotional voice, he knows he has a chance to lure us to offense. Offense is what the enemy will use to cause the love of God to grow cold in us, and it begins when we foolishly step into the emotional tornados that the enemy is spinning all around us.
“The Bridegroom Speaks: This whirlwind is destined to come to the shores of humankind, do not fight against it, because I Am in this windfall. My kingdom plan purposely puts you in the midst of this storm, but I assure you, you will not be swept into the core of it; you will never be far from Me or lost from Me as My kingdom purposes are set in play around you. I will not forsake you.” Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
Off Track Emotions
We can easily get off track by allowing ourselves to be led by our emotions. It is a simple choice of react or respond. Our human nature naturally reacts, and we need to discipline ourselves to break the habit of this natural emotional reaction, to redirect our emotions to God first before we react. A Firstee knows without a shadow of doubt, that God is the only One Who can pierce through the emotions and get to our heart, our heart is the substance of our living and God’s Word guards it. Living out of our emotions is such a roller coaster ride. Up and down and round and round, a circle of anxiety, fear, anger, bitterness, causes us to crash and burn. I think we all have experienced the craziness of crash and burn emotions, this is not a fun thing, especially when someone else is throwing up their fleshed out emotions all over your soul.
Firstee For God
Many of the voices that lead out today are emotional voices that lack the substance of truth. A Firstee for God is bound up in truth by living with it, in it, and through it, and settling for nothing less. It is so easy to get sucked into the emotion of our culture, it distracts us from the reality of truth. True leadership is not a restless voice of emotion, it is sensible in its commonality with truth. A Firstee is always speaking truth from every moment into every choice. Truth does not need to be bullish in that pushy, emotional kind of way. Speak the truth and let the Holy Spirit prove it. God is the Proof, Jesus is the Proven, The Holy Spirit is the Prover. A Firstee steps back out of doing, fixing and proving and lets the Triune God take His spoken Word and powerfully prove it out. This is the “Three-Strand Cord” of the Word of God that a human being can’t easily break. You don’t have to do, you just have to be found being a Firstee, Who puts God first, speaks His Word, follows His Life, and does things His Way. A Firstee keeps God’s Kingdom first and the rest falls into place.
A Voice Of Truth
Truth can stand strongly on its own. You can be a voice of Truth, like A.W.Tozer said, “a little echo of the BIG Voice of the Great I AM”, without having to be the prover of truth. Truth proves itself, God does not need our help to do so. Truth does not need an emotional thrust, it has a driving supernatural power that has no need of human authority. When you are being led by the Holy Spirit and Truth, you don’t have to muster up your will power to do, you are just being found in God, rolling with His passion and power. God’s way is so easy, we are the ones who yoke ourselves to fast moving emotions that yield to no power higher than themselves. These kinds of out of control human emotions, they get damaged easily and they irrationally spin out until they totally collapse and dead end.
“The Bridegroom Speaks: You also have unwisely invested your expectations in people and this needs to change. You need to be careful how you spend your hope in mankind. Don’t place high expectations on people who have a carnal nature. You can’t expect human beings to make the right choice when confronted with their need to be first.”
Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
Temporary Fixes
Why do you think there is so much substance abuse in our generation? Because we can’t will ourselves strength and power that can last. We don’t have the emotional stamina to be led by ours and other’s fickle feelings and opinions. The restlessness of this generation is damaged emotions, souls spent, wills exhausted at trying to be what we were not created to be. We were created to need God first. We were created to collaborate with God first. We were created to be finite intertwined with Infinite. We were created to put God first. We were created to be a “Firstee”. When we are led by our emotions, we can’t keep up with the demand they put on our soul, so we take pills, we drink, we use drugs that enhance our emotions, but even with these temporary fixes, we fail to strengthen our soul in that everlasting kind of way, only Jesus can.
A Growing Restlessness
The restlessness of our generation is growing because we can’t “fix” our soul in any permanent kind of way. With this edginess, an impulsive violence has been ushered in by our enemy. There is no greater threat to a society when inner restlessness becomes its loudest voice, because it corrupts the seeking of purpose with a dysfunctional focus. Voices become louder: Hear me first. At the center of every act of disrespecting another person, devaluing another person, wounding another person, murdering another person, is a damaged soul encased in restlessness, with an embittered purpose of being heard first, a dysfunctional selfishness in action with godlessness at the core of the inner spirit.
God’s Passion
Where is your focus today? What purpose are you pursuing? Are you being led by the Voice of Truth? Are you being led by the voice of emotion? Emotion. Can we trust it? Are we not supposed to feel anything? True Passion is ignited when our focus is wholly-holy aligned with God and His Kingdom. The passion of God was not self-centered in anyway. It did not seek its own way, and it was self-sacrificing, not self-egotistical. God’s passion is powerful and when we tap into its purposeful flow, our soul emotions are strong, reliable, controlled and trustworthy. Let’s keep God’s passion as the first passion we yield to. Let’s be His Firstee.
“The Bridegroom Speaks: Who do you think is keeping you so busy? It is not Me. This is not My plan for you! At times, I don’t recognize you as you do not resemble Me. The enemy’s plan is to keep you busy doing, not being! My plan is for you to be found in Me, being completely dependent on Me. Know Me! I AM YOUR GOD!” Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
God Purpose
God passion is flowing in God purpose and is founded upon an unshakeable truth that subjects our soul in submission to it. We can lead out passionately with truth that is wrapped up in love and it doesn’t devalue, it doesn’t steal, kill or destroy, it adds life. When we are being led by emotions, it is will powered and self-pushed and very exhausting, leaving us highly vulnerable to the deception of our enemy. We can be easy deceived when our soul is exhausted and when we follow the voice of emotions instead of the voice of truth. God purpose is always flowing in every challenge we face, it is even greater than the challenge, so we must tap into it by connecting to God’s heart every single day in vital-vertical relationship with our God and His Truth. Only God is the Fixer, Only God is a Way-Maker, so we need to go to God first. This is being a “Firstee” loving God first, acting like you do by putting Him first in all things. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video about being a “Firstee”
Creating Alternate Reality
We must in times such as these increase, our standing upon truth and our followship of truth, and decrease the sway of our emotions that will lead us to personal offense. When you follow after your emotions, you redirect the course of your life to be about you. You need to win in that self-presumed kind of way that you feel is right? Presumption is the devils playground and he uses this to draw us into the party of assumption, speculation, and rationalization, all three of these have no basis of truth, it is like associating with unreality at all times and never finding true reality. Ever daydream? How would you like to be stuck in a day dream and never find your way out to your real life? This is death to the real you. This is the enemies plan that we never live in our God created reality. Do you live in reality or are you creating an alternate reality by standing on the side of assumption, presumption, rationalization, speculation, presupposition, which are all deceptive and not real, not truth.
Change It Up
We have to stop being led by our emotions. Period. We have to change if we want to endure and grow through this season of time and be victorious in Jesus Christ. We can’t avoid offense if we are being led by our emotions, we will crash right into it. Offense is the enemies trap to suck the life and love of God out of us. It begins with our casual veering off after our emotions. Change It Up! Now, is the time like no other time, for our Bridegroom’s Voice to be first in our lives, we must follow after no other voice, but His Voice of truth. We must increase our listening up to The Bridegroom’s Voice, to His Word of truth and give way to Him first. He must be our first voice and we must prepare and learn how to keep from being distracted by loud emotional voices, we must learn to cut through the emotions of the many loud voices around us and find the truth that God is constantly speaking and revealing to us.
“So many thoughts! So many assumptions go through our head when God does not do things in the way we think He should or would. Assumptions are never our friend at times where there is no understanding. Assumptions are not truth, therefore when allowed to stay in our mind, they open the door to an ushered in soul torment.” Written By KimberlyMac
Lazy And Distracted
We have become lazy in our relationship with God and His Living Word. We sit back and are spoon fed, instead of searching out the truth for ourselves. We have allowed too many voices in our lives and that is why we are distracted by assumptions, presumptions, rationalizations and never truly find our way to truth. We are sidetracked by emotional voices instead of being voices of God’s truth. This has to stop. God is calling all of us to a vital-vertical relationship with HIM, and His Word, His Holy Spirit, first and foremost. Followship, being led by God first. This is His plan for us in times such as these. We have to change our focus and stop being distracted by emotional voices that fizzle out because of the lack of the foundation of truth. Being a “Firstee” God has the only permission to speak FIRST in our lives. We need to revoke the permission of others to speak FIRST in our lives. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and pray it up:
The Bridegroom’s Voice
God spoke to me over many years, 25 or so to be exact and I kept a journal and then He miraculously took that and brought forth the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. I am the author of this book, but not really, I can’t take credit for it, it was all God’s plan and doing. His purpose is clear in the publishing of this book, in this time period. I am the most unlikely person for Him to use. I have no formal education, no money, no way to do it. He opened every door and made a way for “The Bridegroom’s Voice” to be published. He wants us to take a journey with Him, with His Truth leading. It is now that Jesus wants to do this work in His Bride, to prepare us, to “flesh out” our dependence on the emotional voice of our culture and “truth in” our soul, a foundation that will hold us. These are going to be tumultuous times and many emotional voices will rise up to steal our focus and push us into a path of offense. We can wisely and victoriously endure these times and bring God great glory and honor. We can avoid offense and side step the enemies plan of stealing our focus and causing our love of God to grow cold.
Prepared To Endure
The book, The Bridegroom’s Voice, Is God’s “for now” tool and it will increase your focus on truth and decrease your natural tendency to react first and follow your emotions. This tool in the Hands of God, the book, “The Bridegroom’s Voice”, will birth in you a followship of Your Bridegroom, Jesus, a wholly-holy alignment with His Voice of truth will be established in your relationship with Him. You will learn to bypass a natural emotional reaction and respond in Christ Jesus first, respond out of His truth. You will be prepared to endure and you will bring glory and honor to God in these difficult times, where the restlessness of damaged souls is loudly acting out. You will no longer be led by the voice of emotion, but you will be led by the Bridegroom’s Voice.
“The Bridegroom Speaks: Each day as we connect Spirit to spirit and Heart to heart, I will reveal to you your explicit itinerary and make a way for you to carry out My plan for you. I have divine appointments set aside for you, a precise moment of time blocked out for you to meet with someone who needs Me, My life, My caring, and My healing touch. Your definition of ministry can’t’ even begin to describe what I have prepared for you.”
Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
Decreased Finite Reaction
Jesus’ Voice and His Powerful Word will increase your response, you will decrease in fleshly reaction. His focus of truth will increase, your emphasis of emotions will decrease. He will increase your relationship to His Kingdom and decrease your relationship to this world. He will increase your kingdom perspective and decrease your worldly viewpoint. I challenge you today to get a copy of this book, God is using to prepare us for times such as this one. “The Bridegroom’s Voice” will have you deeply in the Word of God daily, and as you begin your God Adventure, journey through this book with Jesus, His Voice will increase in you and you will become His firstee, a person who leans into His Sovereign sway first, listens to His voice first and is forever His.
Holy-Wholly Aligned
“The Bridegroom’s Voice”, this is a book God will use to change your alignment to be holy aligned with Him, His Voice and His Kingdom. I pray you help me with the task of getting this “tool” that is designed to prepare us to patiently endure and bring great glory and honor to God, into the hands of people all around you. Help me by purchasing it for others, be a part of this mission God has tasked me to, that we would no longer be led by a temporary emotional voice, but we would be led by a permanent voice, “The Bridegroom’s Voice”, our soon and coming King, Jesus. Jesus, the name above all names, the Voice above all voices. Let it be so. Let’s do this together with Jesus, let’s change our focus up, let’s look up, listen up, live up and point the way up to Jesus, so we all will be ready, prepared to endure and bring God great glory in these times ahead.
Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café today. We hope you enjoyed your meal on The Bridegroom’s Voice table. Please share this with others to help nourish their soul. Click Here For An Overview Of “The Bridegroom’s Voice”. To purchase a copy for yourself and a copy for someone else click on this link:
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