The Voice took on flesh and became human and chose to live alongside us. We have seen Him, enveloped in undeniable splendor—the one true Son of the Father—evidenced in the perfect balance of grace and truth. John 1:14 The Voice

Embrace God’s Grace – Embrace Jesus
Today I choose to embrace the Grace of Jesus Christ. My heart is set like a flint as look upon God, fully facing HIM, my God Who knows everything. He knows the day I have ahead and this comforts my soul. I know without a doubt, that the riches of His Love will be enough for this day ahead. My heart sings and it sings no other name but Jesus, as I wholly-holy bow before my AWE-GOD.
Flesh Out – Breathe In God’s Holy Spirit
The sweetest name that has ever been, the name of Jesus, will be on my lips, in my soul and strengthening my spirit today. I want to praise You, Jesus, but I am overwhelmed by Your Presence and I know that You are more than my words can ever say, so I lift up my heart and silently submit to You. You are here with me and Your Hope rises up in my spirit and fleshes out my soul as I let go of everything else but You, hoping huge that my heart will never, ever sing of no other name but Yours, Jesus.
Focus On The Empty Cross, The Sign Of Freedom
I gaze upon Your empty cross Lord Jesus, and I know without a doubt, You will reign in my day today, there is no darkness that will be able to enclose me today, You will raise up a standard of Your Truth against it. No fear will cripple my peace, because, You, Prince of Peace will be with me in the fullness of Your power. You are Lord of my life and Your cross is the symbol of my freedom, the liberty my heart receives every time I run to You, find my way into Your powerful, safe arms. You are my joy, Lord Jesus, the strength of my life, the reason I write, sing, live, love and have my being. AWE-GOD!
“Nothing in all the vast universe can come to pass otherwise than God has eternally purposed. Here is a foundation of faith. Here is a resting place for the intellect. Here is an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast. It is not blind fate, unbridled evil, man or devil, but the Lord Almighty who is ruling the world, ruling it according to His own good pleasure and for His own eternal glory.” Author~Arthur W. Pink,
Dig Deeper In The Sovereignty Of Our Awe-God
God’s restorative justice has entered the world, independent of the law. Both the law and the prophets told us this day would come. This redeeming justice comes through the faithfulness of Jesus,[ the Anointed One, the Liberating King, who makes salvation a reality for all who believe—without the slightest partiality. You see, all have sinned, and all their futile attempts to reach God in His glory fail. Yet they are now saved and set right by His free gift of grace through the redemption available only in Jesus the Anointed. Romans 3:20-24 The Voice
This is what the Eternal has to say: Eternal One: There will come a time when I will be the God of all the clans and families of Israel, and they will be My people. This is what I, the Eternal One, declare to you: My people who survived the sword found grace as they wandered in the wilderness; When Israel went in search of rest, I appeared to them from far away and said: “I have loved you with an everlasting love— out of faithfulness I have drawn you close. Jeremiah 31:2-3 The Voice
Since we have a great High Priest, Jesus, the Son of God who has passed through the heavens from death into new life with God, let us hold tightly to our faith. For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God. So let us step boldly to the throne of grace, where we can find mercy and grace to help when we need it most.
Hebrews 4: 14-16 The Voice
“Helpless sinners can survive only by grace. Our strength is futile in itself; we are spiritually impotent without the assistance of a merciful God. The hands of God are gracious hands. They alone have the power to rescue us from certain destruction.” Author~R.C. Sproul, The Holiness of God
This song “Forever Reign” causes my heart to bow. We all need to bow before God each day and flesh out our souls, breathing in God’s Holy Spirit. I chose this for a Worship Spotlight because this song and the worship that continues after it, demands from me reverence for God and I believe that in this generation, we are called out to do everything we can do to restore reverence to our AWE-GOD! In your heart commitment to restoring reverence, please share this with your social media using the button below, share with your friends, family, co-workers, and make a comment below of your reverence for our AWE-God, talk Him up! Please check out the rest of The Bridegroom’s Café and come here as often as you want to feed your soul. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac