Jesus went over it again, “I speak to you eternal truth: I am the Gate for the flock. All those who broke in before me are thieves who came to steal, but the sheep never listened to them. I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow! I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep. John 10:7-11 The Passion Translation
Fight Well~ Armor Up
On this day fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:11-12) by consistently, diligently guarding your heart (Proverbs 4:20-23) with the Word of God. Do not underestimate the influence of your enemy, resist him (James 4:7). Fully face God, giving God total access to your life, following after His Voice. Abide in Christ, being wholly-holy-His from every moment to every choice. Choose to be a branch who is connected to the Vine, Jesus Christ in vital-vertical relationship with Him. Make it personal, you and Jesus and talk it up with Him. God loves being in relationship with us, He desires it and we are so blessed when we are wholly-holy aligned with Him. There is no better way to be abundantly empowered with peace, strength and joy.

Kingdom Empowerment
Do you want to be empowered by God’s Kingdom ways? Do you want to win the cultural battles that come your way today and entice your human condition (James 1:13-15)? Captivate your worldly viewpoint with God’s Kingdom perspective. (2 Corinthians 10:5) How do we do that? We start our day with our first step out being down. We bow before God humbly and connect with Him heart to heart. It is this spiritual connection, this constant conversation with God that will help us stay on mission with God’s Holy Spirit, being all in with Him. Give God total access to your life, even your reactions to things that foolish people do or say. Change it up in your character, by subduing your human reactions with self-control empowerment, as you pray it up to God. Remember the second part of prayer, that is being quiet and listening up to His Holy Spirit because this will help you respond to the issues of your life through followship of Jesus, His greatness, His character, His love, His Way, His Truth and His Life. (John 14:2-7) Be so. The person who enters each day through the Gateway, Jesus Christ.
“A sheep pen was an enclosure with walls and no roof that would often have the sheep of an entire village kept within. After the sheep were brought in for the night, it was common for the shepherd to sleep at the entrance so he could protect his sheep. Only the shepherds of the sheep would be recognized by that gatekeeper. Jesus is the one who will remain with his flock and keep his sheep living in peace and safety. His teaching (voice) will guard us from the unreliable teachers who want to steal our hearts and bind us to themselves. They steal and rob the affection that belongs only to Jesus, our kind shepherd.” The Passion Translation Commentary
https://youtu.be/Gf8qQLGZ3o8 Listen Up To: “The Greatness Of Our God “
The appetizer on this “Just A Thought” table in The Bridegroom’s Café today whets our appetite for more soul nourishment. I hope you enjoyed it. The meals at The Bridegroom’s Café are prepared by Jesus for our soul nourishment, I highly suggest you get them straight out of the oven by subscribing by email. Go to the home page: https://thebridegroomscafe.com and put your email address in the left side bar, you will be so glad you did. There is a book I highly suggest to you, it is called: The Bridegroom’s Voice and it will be an incredible God Adventure for you as you Journey With Jesus to less of you and more of Him. You can purchase it here:
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