Life came into being because of him, for his life is light for all humanity. 5 And this Living Expression is the Light that bursts through gloom the Light that darkness could not diminish. John 1:4-5 The Passion Translation
Set Your Heart On Jesus
There is enough doom and gloom going around in our daily lives as things are changing up rapidly and people are “reacting”, fleshing out their anxiety, fear and worry on people in their life path. Have you ever gotten someone elses dark emotions thrown up all over you? It is not fun! Gloom sets into our soul as we deal with the fleshing out of people’s violent emotions in times such as these. But, as we wholly-holy align ourselves, heart to heart with God, in our vital-vertical relationship with Him, He supersedes all gloom with his glittery glory glow. There is no shadow of darkness that can put out the SON-Light of His life in us. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Dig deeper than the gloom and find the joy of the Lord, shining inside of your inner spiritual core. Glow God’s Glitter Glory!
“Jesus Is God’s Chosen One ~ Full Of Grace And Truth ~ He Is The One ~ Set Your Hearts On Jesus! Minister To The Heart Of God Day And Night ~ Be Wholly-Holy His! Debunk The Enemies Gloom With God’s Reality Of Truth” KimberlyMac
From Gloom To Glitter Glory
Gloomy mornings and gloomy nights and we find ourselves in a never ending cycle of gloom. Gloom sets in our soul with despair, hopelessness, pessimism, sadness, and dejection. We feel it, we speak it, we live it out. Not so good change is happening and we can’t stop it, we can’t control it’s effect on our lives. What is good is lifted up as bad and what is bad is lifted up as good, in times such as these. Injustice goes unanswered by fair accountability, as our human justice stinks with the stank of Poo-Poo-Politics. Times are changing and it seems like things will never be the same, our liberty is eroding. People say this is our “new normal” and in our hearts we long in hindsight for things to be the way they were. Gloom sets into our soul and we lament over the freedom we once knew, a liberty of life that has been stripped away by illegitimate authority that knows no power higher than self. It is time to change it up from gloom to the glitter-glow glory of the joy of Jesus. Glow God’s Glory!

God Still Speaks ~ Listen Up
Heart to heart with God, He speaks from His Word, He speaks what is true directly into our spirit. Listen up to God every morning, and you will receive a good morning manna for the nourishment of your soul. God’s manna is full of the light of His Truth. God’s word is a glittery glory glow that lights up deep inside our inner spiritual core, shattering the gloomy darkness of this world and bringing forth the heavenly morning Son-Light. Jesus is the Light that shines in the dark gloom of our times such as these. Do you want a glittery-glory-glow in your Spirit, than stay in a constant conversation with Jesus, throughout this day, listen up. Jesus is able to shatter the dismal gloom that sets up in our soul, creating an atmosphere of hopelessness. Everything may be changing, but Jesus has not changed. Jesus is a bright light of hope, that our gloomy life forecast can never put out. Jesus is a glittery-glow of joy, which strengthens our inner spiritual core. Look to Jesus, Set your heart upon Him and glow His glittery-glory!
“Speak The Name Of Jesus And Usher In The Glory Glow Of God, Shattering The Dark Gloom In Your Soul With Hope!” KimberlyMac
John 1:3-5 And through his creative inspiration this Living Expression made all things, for nothing has existence apart from him! 4 Life came into being because of him, for his life is light for all humanity. 5 And this Living Expression is the Light that bursts through gloom— the Light that darkness could not diminish! The Passion Translation
God’s Glitter-Glow Shatters Soul Darkness
Jesus! This is the LIGHT that is within us, it is hope that no gloomy day or dark life season can lessen. Always remember to tap into the hope of Jesus, nothing can diminish it. It shines in you, Christ in you, the hope of beautiful glory-glow. Our lives may “feel” darkened by our circumstances, but they are not because the reality of truth is that deep within our inner spiritual core, there is the Light of Jesus, a light no dark situation can put out. So, change it up, your focus, to Jesus, and in times such as these, dig deep within your heart. Pray it up and push past the outer worldly viewpoint and you will find the light of Jesus, it still shines, nothing puts it out, absolutely nothing. No doubt about it, nothing diminishes the light of God in us. SHINE God’s glory glow from within your heart to without, into your circumstances. The Light of Jesus will shatter gloom and leave a glitter glow of God’s glory, dusting every dark emotion of your soul with God’s contagious joy. Be aglow with God’s glory today, always shining in love and care and spreading the contagious joy of God’s glitter glory glow to all you know. Be contagious with God’s glory glow.
“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One Who is leading. It is a life of faith, not of intellect and reason, but a life of knowing Who makes us “go.” The root of faith is the knowledge of a Person. The life of faith is not a life of mounting up with wings, but a life of walking and not fainting, a faith that has been tried and proved and has stood the test, a tried faith built on a real God.” Quote By~Oswald Chambers

Proverbs 3:5-6 ~Wisdom’s Guidance~ Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. 6 Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. The Passion Translation
Grace And Truth ~ A Strong Glory Glow
In times such as these, we need to acknowledge Jesus in all of our ways, stay in a personal, heart to heart ~ vital-vertical relationship with Him. We set our hearts on Him, focusing on all He is in us and through us. He is full of grace and truth. Jesus is light that can’t be extinguished by the gloom of human depravity. Jesus the reality of truth that debunks all the lies and false narratives from our enemy about a dismal future and points us to living hope. Set your heart on Jesus, He is stable in all of His ways, unchanging, and is for us, an Advocate like no other, speaking truth into our lives and shattering the fake reality of our enemy’s stronghold in our minds. Word of God speak to us today, change it up in us so we may be God’s Glory His Glitter-Glow!
“The Reality Of Truth Is, Jesus Is Our Future And Hope, We Have A Bright Future. Therefore, Be So, God’s Glory Glow.” KimberlyMac
Pray It Up ~ God’s Glory Glow
Collide our hearts Holy Spirit, with the God of love who ransomed us, paid our sin debt, a liability we never could have paid without the grace of God, Jesus, giving up His life for us, so we could know the goodness of God’s riches, at Christ’s expense. Holy Spirit, open our hearts wide to our Father God, giving Him total access to our lives. Jesus, let’s roll together on mission, teach us a wholly-holy followship of You, may we be so close to You that we radiantly shine out of the reflection of Your Glory Glow. Amen!
This Morning Manna at The Breakfast Table today has a glitter glow like no other, with ingredients that will nourish your soul. Make sure you share it with others, this incredible spiritual meal of divine encouragement. Be God’s glitter-glow of glory. Every day is a great day to partake in the Word of God, an incredible strength for our soul. Make sure you hear The Bridegroom’s Voice today. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac