Golf Life Lessons

Life Lessons From The Golf Game

I am the author of this website,  The Bridegroom’s Cafe. I hope you are enjoying the God exhortations you find here. God is still speaking and God is still caring enough about us to correct our course when we need it. One of the things in life that I really enjoy and wish I could play more is golf. I love the game of golf, so, I thought I would do a couple golf devotionals. I am finding out that golfing teaches me a lot about myself, and that the principles found in the game of golf can teach us a lot about life. I will put these devotionals at the “Think On It” table, because the game of golf gives us some pretty cool things to think about. I hope you enjoy it! 

A Missed Par

I missed a par by one putt the other day. It was discouraging. Yet, I can’t even count the number of times I have missed the mark in life. We are human beings, with a human condition that misfires, and sometimes we just miss the mark. Something may be off when we get up and we follow after our feelings, instead of connecting with God, and letting His Holy Spirit lead us, we lean into what we “think we know” and end up really off course and we fail to finish well. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Golf Devotional Video.

Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart. Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Proverbs 3:3,5-6

Not So Good Drives Happen

Truly, golf is a good teacher! Really, I am finding out that just like in golf, we can miss the mark by the slightest wrong move. Let’s think about it. Like picking up your head on the downswing before the ball hits the club… hmmmm that makes for a really ugly drive. I usually do that on the first hole. I definitely need a Navigator on the first hole! It is kind of like my curse hole, because I try to do it in my own strength, especially when I am coming in cold, and haven’t practiced at the driving range. I never do well on the first hole. Things happen… We also  can misalign our shoulders, our feet and our aim, and end up taking a lot of dirt with us on our iron shot and not going very far, missing the mark of that par because of a bad shot from a miscalculated swing. So what if you have a misstep and you end up in the weeds? Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video

Course Correction

Just like God says “No” sometimes for the greater “YES” to happen in our lives, God also lets us miss the par in life to teach us a better lesson, to change it up in our lives to more of His character and less of our human condition. We need to learn to not try so hard in our own strength. When you muscle a golf shot and your back swing is too fast, because you are trying to kill the ball, it does not go far. God is teaching us not to kindle our own fires and walk by the light of a man made fire, because it flames out. I am okay with that, with God doing a course correction in my life, because it lessens my frustrations as I use the wisdom I learned, to make a par next time and to stay on course and finish well.

Who among you has true fear and reverence of Yahweh ? Who of you listens to the voice of his servant? Are any of you groping in the dark without light? Trust in the faithful name of Yahweh and rely on your God. But if you presume to light your own torch, you are playing with fire. So go ahead, walk in the light of your own fires and the sparks you have kindled. But I can promise you this: it will take you down into torment! Isaiah 50:10-11

Realign Before You Hit Into The Weeds

Missing the mark, missing the par are things that happen in this life! It is okay. Just get up and try again. Just like with golfing. If I really mess up on the hole, we have another hole right behind it to redeem myself, to realign my thoughts, my stroke, and remember the right things to do. We can’t let a bad hole in golf dictate our day, or give us a bad attitude, or we will just get worse and not better. Even if we get off course and find ourselves in the weeds of life, God is with us. God will navigate us out of the weeds and bring us to the way to life, peace and truth.

You Have Room To Grow

think the best thing to do is when you miss the mark on something,  is to get back up right away and reconnect with God, wholly-holy align your life with His. God does not condemn us or forsake us because we mess up. God is right there with us to encourage us, course correct us and get us back on the move with Him. I love that about God, He is such a great navigator. I feel like I have room to grow, that if I do miss the mark, I can get back up and start again, and He is right there to cheer me on, teach me and be my course correction, so I can shine brightly in this life with His character, His ways, His Truth and His hope. I can be a bright light. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video.

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Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today. We hope you enjoyed your “golf lesson” on the “Think On It” Table. Please take a moment to share it with someone else on your social medial platforms. We really appreciate this. Also, our Rumble Channel is here: Please subscribe, I am sure you will enjoy the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. These videos are short and powerful and give you a bite of godly wisdom always at the right timing. God bless you, MUCH, Kimberly Mac Author. PS (We would love it if you subscribed to this website. Thanks! 

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