In the same way you received Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith, progressing further into your union with him! Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him! Colossians 2:6-7 The Passion Translation
Idolatry Destroys Common Sense
Having a grateful heart is much more prevalent in our humanity when we are not bowing to the idols we have erected in place of our God. What kind of idols? All kinds of things where we are sacrificing our common sense and reality of truth to on altars of politics, sports, traditions, entertainment, food, title, position, friendships and yes even things that hurt us like alcohol and drugs.
Jonah 2:8-9 All who worship worthless idols turn from the God who offers them mercy. But with shouts of praise, I will offer a sacrifice to you, my Lord. I will keep my promise, because you are the one with power to save. CEV
Bowing To Idols
Yes, all kind of things in our culture are raised up over our God and we not grateful for much, but have that insatiable hunger that is never satisfied, for all the temporary things and pleasures of this world. Discontentment shapes the human condition in times such as these and thankfulness does not see the light of day in our self-gratified culture of creature comfort.
Sacrifice To Idols
When we bow to idols, we sacrifice god goodness to serve them. At the altars of our idols we sacrifice to them our compassion, our character, our common sense, our conscious, and our civility. When we are bowing to idols, we know no power higher than self. Gratefulness is always squashed under the feet of our idols, the things we serve more and most, other than our God.
Isaiah 50:10-11 ~The Fear of God~Who among you has true fear and reverence of Yahweh? Who of you listens to the voice of his servant? Are any of you groping in the dark without light? Let him trust in the faithful name of Yahweh and rely on his God. But if you presume to light your own torch, you are playing with fire. So go ahead, walk in the light of your own fires and the sparks you have kindled. But I can promise you this: it will take you down into torment! The first step towards a heart of thanksgiving is to do what it takes to have an undivided heart. Don’t bow to idols, and don’t kindle a man-made fire and walk by the light of it, it will flame out. Walk with God, walk by the Light of His Truth and seek His Kingdom first above all. The Passion Statement
Abounding Gratefulness
Gratefulness is abounding in the heart of the people whose lives are free of idols, who have smashed and tore down the idols that keep them from being wholly-holy God’s. People with a grateful heart appreciate so much more, and are abundant in thankfulness when we know it is not about us, not about what we do, but all about experiencing God and receiving His providential care. A grateful heart is always a heart full of the abundance of God and a heart looking to pour out to others what God is pouring into them. Therefore, a grateful heart is the sweetest gift we can offer up to God with a sacrifice of praise.
This table has the sweetest meals, the So Grateful table in The Bridegroom’s Café. Truth is an amazing live thing in our heart, it feeds our need to be grateful. To hear The Bridegroom’s Voice is the most needed thing in our vital-vertical relationship with God. Therefore, it is so sweet to listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice.
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