
Psalm 115:9-12 So trust in the Lord, all his people. For he is the only true hero, the wrap-around God who is our shield! 10 You, his priests, trust in the Lord. For he is the only true hero, God-wrapped-around-us as our shield. 11 Yes, all his lovers who bow before him, trust in the Lord. For he is our only true hero, God-wrapped-around-us as our shield. 12 The Lord will never forget us in our need; he will bless us indeed! TPT

The Christian life, the church, our faith are not about us, they’re about Him—His plan, His kingdom, His glory. Paul Tripp

Stretch. This is the word that the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart for 2021. This morning the bottom line in day one spoke strongly to my need to “stretch” beyond myself, what I want, what I want to do, and dethrone all things me, to wholly-holy align with God in followship of Him on this day. Who will I glorify today? Me or God? Will I know a power higher than myself today? Will I open my heart wide to receive the love of God, the Only One Who loves me faithfully and truly, with pure motives and passionate abundance? Who will I listen to first? Human beings or God? What focus will I live out of? A worldly viewpoint or a kingdom perspective? Well, the answer to all these questions for me is this: My YES is on the table with GOD. I have given Him total access to my life. I will intentionally do what it takes to stretch myself past the fleshly reactions to a response made out of followship of God’s Holy Spirit. God is my only hero. Human beings up on platforms, they fall off. Dethroning everything and everyone, no one, nothing will be lifted up above God and His Kingdom. Stretch21.

“All the glories of the created world were designed to point to His glory. The universe is His, designed to function according to His purpose and plan. That includes you and me. We were not made to live independent, self-directed lives. We were not meant to exist according to our own little self-oriented plans, living for our own moments of glory. No, we were created to live for Him.” Paul Tripp

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Breakfast Table. It is good for us to to nourish our soul with the meals that Chef Jesus has prepared for us in a time such as this. Always make sure your ears are wide open to hear The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you. Much! KimberlyMac

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