Tag: intentionally kingdom cultured

2020 In Hindsight

Intentionally Kingdom Cultured The heavenly hindsight of my God given phrase for 2020: Intentionally Kingdom Cultured; is seen as a very amazing divine retrospection, and very revelational now that I have grown through 2020, which has to have been the most unconventional, dissatisfying, disappointing, discouraging and weird year, I have ever grown through in my […]


Psalm 115:9-12 So trust in the Lord, all his people. For he is the only true hero, the wrap-around God who is our shield! 10 You, his priests, trust in the Lord. For he is the only true hero, God-wrapped-around-us as our shield. 11 Yes, all his lovers who bow before him, trust in the […]

No Prescriptivism

Are you tired of being prescripted by other people’s labels? Personal opinion thrust on you is prescriptivism of the most evil kind. People assuming, what they think they know about you is truth and accusing you with their prescriptive deny accuse evil inspired speculations. Done with that? Turn to God. Listen up to His Truth. Give no one else permission to speak into your life but God.


These are difficult times to navigate. God is still speaking to us. So, listen up to what He is saying. You will be navigated by His Holy Spirit, your soul synchronized with the passion of His Heart. He is teaching us in times such as these. It is time to let go of the old, fully face God and be in followship of Him, heart to heart. Enfuego!


You’re only truly happy when you walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God’s word. What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart’s passion! They’ll never do what’s wrong but will always choose the paths of the Lord. God has prescribed the right way […]


So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and […]

CCWG 1-8

I listen to God daily, in all aspects of my life, my ears are open to His Voice. I want to learn and grow every single day. I know I was created in the “Image of God”, but I also know I have a human condition that has to be transformed. I know without a […]

CCWG 1-8

The sweetest thing about this life is a vital-vertical relationship with God. Heart to heart in relationship with God is what we were made for. So, when we connect with God, when we are listening to Him talk every single day, hearing His heart, this is precious relationship. God speaks in so many different ways. […]

CCWG 1-4

Do You Journal? A constant conversation with God is such a good thing. We all have them, but not all of us journal. I journal a lot. When God speaks to me through people, or devotions, or articles, or however and when ever during the day, I keep it in my personal journal. I hope […]

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