1 Peter 3:10-11 For the Scriptures tell us: Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day 11 must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say. Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize. The Passion Translation
Dishonesty Devalues
Don’t lie to me, tell me the truth. I respect truth more than anything and what you have done that you think I can’t handle or won’t like, when you cover it up, when you secret your behavior and lie to me, that hurts me more and damages our relationship more than the reality of truth of your doings could ever hurt me. When you exchange dishonesty for genuine living, you are devaluing the people you are in relationship with.
A Fake Façade Is Hurtful
If you lie to me over and over again, and I am continually having to stumble over your fake façade, I will back out of the relationship, and acquaintance is what you will have. You will not have my heart, my favor or be a part of the inner circle of people that I trust with my heart. Dishonesty steals, kills and destroys the best part of life, genuine relationship.
As Your Life Waves Crest To Crash On The Shores Of Your Relationships, Let them Be Formed With The Genuine Reality Of Truth. Honesty Is A Precious Gift – Gift It Into All Your Relationships. Gifting People The Reality Of Truth Through Genuine Honesty, Is The Best Thing You Can Give Them. Be real. Be Genuine. Be Honest. Be Best. KimberlyMac
Deception Paints A Picture That Is Not Real
Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear instead of being honest with me. When someone plays me, becomes something they are not to please me and gain my approval, they will say what they think will make me happy, instead of living truly, dealing truly and loving truly, this hurts me more than anything in this world. I treasure honesty. Honesty is a gift that adds value to my life more than any gift you can give me.
False Fronts = Deception
When you tell people what you think they want to hear, but secretly do the opposite, you do a great disservice to the relationships you are in. A false front will eventually catch up with you, you can’t hide who you truly are forever. So why not just be honest. Honesty is the best gift you can give someone. People don’t really care about your fake life which grandstands a pretty façade, an unreal presentation; they care about the real you.
Colossians 2:8 Beware that no one distracts you or intimidates you in their attempt to lead you away from Christ’s fullness by pretending to be full of wisdom when they’re filled with endless arguments of human logic. For they operate with humanistic and clouded judgments based on the mindset of this world system, and not the anointed truths of the Anointed One. The Passion Translation
Live Truly With Each Other
Relationships are at their best when honesty flows through them, when heart to heart you live truly with each other. People will love you where you are at, if you give them a chance to know the truth, instead of covering up all things you, putting on a false façade and pretending to be something you are not.

True Friends Speak Truth Into Your Life
Good people, true friends speak what is true into your life. God always speaks truth into our lives and we should listen up to Him first. Don’t give people permission to speak into your heart, who do not give God permission to speak into their heart. This is where deception sneaks in and will greatly damage your relationships. God is honest, genuine and trustworthy, He will speak what is true into your life. Listen up to God first and foremost and hear the truth that can and will set you free from all dishonesty of thought, word and deed.
Dishonest Secreting Is Hurtful
What hurts relationships the most is not what you are truly doing and being, but the secreting of it, the dishonesty. Dishonesty comes back and shatters hearts with its disillusionment and disappointing blows when truth comes to the light. No doubt about it. Truth will always come to the light of reality. You can’t dishonestly hide things for long, it comes to the surface, the lies are revealed, the real you is clearly seen.
Jeremiah 17:9 The choices and consequences are clear. Rely on people alone, and life will be tough and brutish. Rely on the one True God, and life will be rich and productive. The heart is most devious and incurably sick. Who can understand it? It is I, the Eternal One, who probes the innermost heart and examines the innermost thoughts. I will compensate each person justly, according to his ways and by what his actions deserve. The Voice
Dishonesty Blinds And Lames
When you are walking in dishonesty, you are blind to the reality of truth that is right in your face. You can’t know your heart, when there is nothing genuine in your life. You will stumble into things and places you should not be, because dishonesty is laming to your discernment of what is true and right and blurs the boundary lines of truth with rationalization. When dishonesty comes into your life like a flood, the current changes from right to wrong, good to bad and everything in your life becomes imbalanced by irresponsibility, which will eventually destroy every area of your life. There is no area of your life safe from the destruction dishonesty brings upon you. You don’t sin alone, everyone connected to your life will suffer. The consequences of lying are far reaching. Change it up. Change it up to truth and be set free. Live truly, deal truly, love truly.
Genuine Life = Genuine Relationship
If you want genuine relationship, you have to be honest with people. People will not stick with you, grow through with you when you are being dishonest with them. There is no cut so deep in a relationship than finding out the other person has been dishonest and has been playing you. Trust is destroyed. Trust takes a long time to rebuild after it is shattered by dishonesty. Dishonesty hurts way more than surface, it goes deep. When you lie to other people, you are damaging the relationship with them more than you could ever begin to imagine. They no longer believe a word you say. Your word is not accepted as being true, it is no longer viable and your reputation stays that way for a long time. Dishonesty destroys the belief people have in people and stomps on the favor you had with them. People want to help an honest person; people don’t want to help a dishonest one. The bridge from dishonesty to honesty is steep and takes time to climb to get to the other side where relationship thrives.
“The worst thing about you lying to me is knowing I am not worth the truth and knowing that from now on I can’t believe you. The truth may have hurt us for a little while, but a lie changes up our relationship for a long time.” Anonymous Author
Dishonesty Destroys Relationship
Dishonestly can destroy a relationship faster than you could even begin to imagine. Truth is the best way to deal in this life. So you may not be where you should be, your life might be a bit messier than you would like to admit, but adding dishonest lies and false facades to it does nothing but kill, steal and destroy relationships. When you put forth a testimony, telling people one thing and you are doing completely the opposite thing and they find out, it isn’t what you were doing that destroys relationship, it is the dishonesty.
A Liar Lives In Loneliness Of Soul
When you are honest and genuine with people, they will stand with you no matter where you are standing, when you are dishonest and the reality of truth comes to light that you have not been genuine, that you have been lying, it is hard to find someone to stand with you in your lies. Where there are lies, there is soul loneliness like no other. Truth sets you free, genuine, honest living, no matter the choices you are making, this is real living, this is where relationship thrives.

Truth Ushers In Patient Endurance
People were created to thrive in truth as we live in the presence of our God, the Spirit of Truth. Our finite reaction to life, to control life and be in good standing with all people, is to lie, to live dishonestly. God showed us an Infinite Response, of speaking the truth, being a light of truth and shattering the darkness of lies that bind us up in our human condition, making us a slave to it. We have that choice as we choose Jesus first and stand on the side of His Truth. Where there is truth present in relationships, there is also peace, joy, love and the tenacity of growing through together. Where honesty thrives in our relationships, there is patient endurance, there is forbearance to grow through together, there is unconditional love and a strong undergirding of friendship. Dishonesty destroys and it collapse the foundation, the bridge to real friendship, heart to heart relationship.
Psalm 36:2-5 For they flatter themselves— convinced their sin will remain secret, undiscovered, and so unhated. They speak words of evil and deceit. Wisdom and goodness, they deserted long ago. Even as they sleep, they are plotting mischief. They journey along a path far from anything good, gravitating to trouble, welcoming evil. The Voice
I Despise Being Lied To
I don’t hate much in this life, but the one thing I despise is when someone lies to me. I hate dishonesty. Tell me the truth, I can deal with that, but dishonesty, lying and not being genuine, it shuts off trust and without trust, relationship dies. What you are doing doesn’t hurt me as much as the lies you speak to me; this hurts me more and most. I can get over what you are doing, I can work through it, but when you lie to my face to cover up what you are actually doing, it damages and over time, it can impair a relationship forever, change it from deep to surface. Lying has many forms, one of them is rationalization.
“Rationalization is an open door for satan to come in and rule your comings and goings. When you rationalize, you tell yourself a lie. Rationalizing is a dangerous conjecture; it is exchanging a truth for a deception in your heart, the place where the issues of your life are lived out of. Rationalizations always lead to a dead end and a crashed life.” KimberlyMac
A Habitual Liar Pays A High Price
Lying to me time after time, after time, after time, yields a distrust that does not lean into relationship. I will not believe you, nor can I believe in you. A false façade is not something someone wants to be relational with, nor can trust in. I will step away from a false front, because I will fall through it into a ravine of discouragement, despair and hurt. In the inner circle of my heart, there is the Spirit of Truth, the next outer circle are the people who I trust to speak into my life, to be in deep relationship with. There is no one in that circle who lies, who is dishonest and who is not genuine. Lying destroys deep relationship and most people shield their hearts from dishonest people and live in surface relationship with them. Lying has a high price tag, it steals from you all relational intimacy.
Proverbs 14:8 For the wisdom of the wise will keep life on the right track, while the fool only deceives himself and refuses to face reality. The Passion Translation
Doubt Is A Difficult Block To Navigate Relationally
Dishonesty revealed chips away at trust and doubt moves in to replace it. When someone lies to me, I stumble over doubt in the relationship. I doubt them, I don’t trust what they say anymore and it takes time to remove that stumbling block. I pull back my heart from them, because I don’t trust them enough to be in a deep relationship with them. I withdraw their permission to speak into my heart. It takes time to move from acquaintance to deep relationship. Dishonestly sets back relationships in ways that sometimes can’t be fixed for a long time. You can forgive someone, walk in friendship with them, but not trust them completely and that hinders relational growth.
When Do Relationships Thrive?
Relationships are created when people can genuinely and honestly grow through together. People can believe differently, can live differently, but where there is honesty, the relationship grows even though there are differences. Honesty is the foundation of every relationship and dishonesty destroys that foundation. Being different is not what makes a wrong. You may like chocolate milk, I may like strawberry milk, that makes us different, not wrong. Being different is not right or wrong. What makes it wrong is when you like strawberry milk and pretend to like chocolate milk to please me. Dishonesty is what makes difference wrong. I am different, you are different, it is honesty that holds us up as our common denominator and helps us grow through together. Being different is never wrong, being dishonest is wrong.
Truth Is Courageous And Yields JOY
Live courageously, be genuine, be honest, and you will know the joy of deep relationship with one another. Dishonesty destroys joy and wedges relationship with unbelief, doubt and distrust. There is no greater joy than honesty and all the good things that travel with a genuine heart. Be best. Be honest. Be genuine. Love is honesty. Love well with honesty. Genuine living is the greatest gift you can give the people you love.
Forgive~ And With Jesus, Move Toward Healing-Restoration
If someone has not been real with you, stabbed you in the heart with their dishonesty and you have a gaping wound in your soul, open your heart wide to Jesus and His life giving blood will bleed into your wound, healing your heart and opening your soul to His reconciliation, a restoring power that comes from Him and Him alone. In Christ, in His perfect timing and purposeful power, you will once again be able to love the one who hurt you with lies, like you have never been hurt, never been lied to, never been betrayed, and you will love just like Jesus mercifully loved everyone. Jesus laid down His rights so we could live. We may have a right to our anger, but we don’t have the right to unforgiveness. Unforgiveness turns to bitterness and bitterness hurts us more than the person who betrayed us. Have you been hurt by someone’s lies, betrayed in your friendship with them? Move away from the unforgiveness, move towards Jesus.
Thanks for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café today. The meal today on the Miraculous Musing table had genuine ingredients, good for your soul nourishment. I hope it benefits your spirit in that life nourishing way God’s Words always do. Everyday we need the truth of God spoken in our hearts, we need to hear our Bridegroom’s Voice. This is why I highly suggest you take the Journey with Jesus through the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. Get to know the Voice of God in this amazing God Adventure this book will bring you through. Purchase your copy today! Listen up to: The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless ya, KimberlyMac
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