God STILL Speaks In That Way Only He Can
I have enjoyed being taught, counseled, guided and loved by the Holy Spirit for years. I hear His Voice all day long, that still small voice deep within my inner spiritual core. I love listening to it and learning from it. The Holy Spirit speaks with so much revelation and I love listening up and hearing it, and growing through its wisdom. I enjoy celebrating God all day and every day. Today was one of those cold blustery days. Snow Day! I woke up to a creative, fun, joyful God. He spoke clearly and let me know that it was going to be a “page 112” kind of day. He led me to a bunch of my books and said go to page 112 on each book and we are going to have a “smorgasbord” of teaching and learning today. I said: Okay, I am game, bring it on! Then I spilt my whole cup of tea that I had sitting by the edge of my bed and it made such a mess. I could feel my attitude decline and with it my desire to follow after God’s lead of my page 112 day! It was a distraction from the enemy and he was trying to derail my day at the get go. I stayed “snarky” for a bit, my attitude and actions, rough in frustration. Then, at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I made a choice to have a good attitude and clean up the mess, and continued to joyfully anticipate what God was about to say and teach me. It was a good choice; I am glad I changed things up in my heart. So, I hope you enjoy my Page 112 Snow Day. Being led by God is so fun, it is great to be taught as equally as it is to learn, heart to heart with God. I hope you feel the same as you partake in what I journaled through my Page 112 Snow Day experience with God’s Holy Spirit. Get ready to replenish your soul. Read On!
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of Book: “Power Thoughts” By Joyce Meyer
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale said this. “I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ. In other words, I can handle whatever life hands me. The fact of the matter is, while some situations may be intensely undesirable or difficult for you, you can do whatever you need to do in life. Christ empowers us to do so.”
Philippians 4:13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. The Message
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“God always desires the best for us. Stay on track with God, wholly-holy, heart to heart aligned with Him. I am thinking I need to be steady in God, anchoring my inner spiritual core in Christ, my identity, wholly-holy in Him. I really should pray about everything, so my normality is a constant conversation with God. I totally need to develop my awareness of God, Who is with me always. A good way of guarding my heart is to think on things to praise, and don’t let disdaining and depressive things torment my mind. I fall in this enemy trap way too much. The choice to think is mine. Thus, and therefore, I need to think on what is right, true and principled. The Word of God is joyful, powerful, purposeful and full of good promise, this I know, this I act on because I think on these things.” Written By KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of Book: “Streams In The Desert” By L.B. Cowman
“In vain I tried to see the Sovereign Hand that I knew held mine and guided my fog-surrounded feet along a steep and slippery path of suffering. With a sorrowful heart I asked, ‘Why does the Lord deal with a child of His this way? Why does He so often send such sharp and bitter pain to visit me?’ Suddenly I heard a sweet, soft sound: a faint, yet clear musical note. I asked aloud: ‘what can it be?’ Then my friend exclaimed, ‘It is coming from the log on the fire!’ The fire was unshackling the imprisoned music from deep within the old oak’s heart.” Written By Mrs. Charles H. Spurgeon
I saw something like a sea made of glass, the glass all shot through with fire. Carrying harps of God, triumphant over the Beast, its image, and the number of its name, the saved ones stood on the sea of glass. They sang the Song of Moses, servant of God; they sang the Song of the Lamb: Mighty your acts and marvelous, O God, the Sovereign-Strong! Righteous your ways and true, King of the nations! Who can fail to fear you, God, give glory to your Name? Because you and you only are holy, all nations will come and worship you, because they see your judgments are right. Revelation 15:2-4 The Message Bible
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“My Thoughts: Not all of our days are bad days, we have so many more good days, where the melody of God’s joy is etched deep within our hearts. Praise Him! The wisdom of our experiences as we walk with God, becomes our heavenly hindsight. We tuck this Godly perception deep within our inner spiritual core. We can become callous and hard in this life and God uses the fires of our trials to burn away the cold-heartedness. The compassion fatigue that so easily overtakes us is because we are centered on us, instead of having an upward focus of praise to God. We definitely need to change this up to God first.” Written By KimberlyMac
“The intense heat of the fire wrenched from him both a song and a sacrifice at once. Then I realized: when the fires of affliction draw songs of praise from us, we are indeed purified and our God is glorified!” Written By: Mrs. Charles H. Spurgeon
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“This is definitely me at times, an old, tired log. The compassion fatigue takes over me and I become, cold, hard-hearted and unfeeling. At times such as these, my attitude picks up the stank of my human condition. The reality of truth is, I sit in the darkness of the enemy of my soul, at my choice, in reaction to something that has not gone the way I planned. But I don’t realize that the enemy brings into this darkness many of his friends: despair, discouragement, disillusionment, dishonor, disrespect, depression and they build a trench of pity in my soul that hardens my heart and quiets the melody of praise for God, imprisoning the harmony between God and I. Not for long. God never leaves me nor forsakes me. God comes to deliver me and He gives me a chance to change it up, my bad choice and that opportunity many times, comes in the form of a trial, where I can choose a sacrifice of praise instead of a pity party.” Written By KimberlyMac
“It is the fires burning around us that release notes of trust in God and bring cheerful compliance with His will. Yes, singing in the fire! God helping us, sometimes using the only way He can to get harmony from our heart and apathetic hearts.” Mrs. Charles H. Spurgeon
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of Book: “Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands” By Paul David Tripp
“Insight alone is not change; it’s only the beginning. Insights about who we are, who God is, and what He has given us in Christ must be applied to the practical, specific realities of life.”
2 Corinthians 5:20 We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips. So, we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him. Foot Note: To be ambassadors for Christ means that we are his diplomatic agents of the highest rank sent to represent King Jesus and authorized to speak on his behalf. We are the voice of heaven to the earth, invested with royal power through the name of Jesus and authority of his blood. TPT

The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“Who Am I? I Am God’s Ambassador and so are you. We reflect God, when we are connected to Him, heart to heart as His Mirror Image. Ambassadors represent someone or something. Everything we do or say should be intentionally kingdom cultured. When we are wholly-holy aligned with God, we faithfully represent Jesus, and we help other people clearly see themselves in the mirror of God’s Word, through His reality of truth alive in us and through us. Our identity is in Christ, everything about this identity, reflects Him. Thus, and therefore, because we are God’s Ambassador, on this day, we love God, we know God, we speak Godly and we do Godly things.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “Awaken” By Priscilla Shirer
“Amazing what calling out on the Lord can accomplish. The power of prayer can work wonders – not only in your spiritual life, but also in your physical, practical well-being. All the way down inside you. He can give your hunger back-for food, for family, for work for ministry. For life.” Priscilla Shirer
Thirsting for God~ For the Pure and Shining One~King David’s song when he was exiled in the Judean wilderness~ O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God! I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory. For your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God! Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise. I overflow with praise when I come before you, for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else. You are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul. Psalm 63:1-5 TPT
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“Passion for God and the things of God does not stop at feeling, it travels from soul to will, to mind, to spirit and engages our heart and flesh in godly thoughts and doings. The Words of God are powerful, so much so, they engage all of us. When we hear them, we want to be like them, to do them, to act them out in our lives. The Word of God is active and we need to live it out, activate it in our lives, in response to the purposeful workings of God in us and through us. God divinely creates our relationships, it is here, that He masters the art of His purposes bringing for good and growth in us.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “The Bridegroom’s Voice” By KimberlyMac
“You are destined to experience an abundant and fulfilling infinite love as we walk together. I will always be faithful to you. You are Mine and I pledge to meet you all times, at the point of your need. Our relationship, this love that we share, is one of no conditions; just ask and I will come to you and be present with sovereign omnipotence in your life situations. Bride of Christ, cling tighter to Me, dig your life roots deeper in my Love.”
Swing wide, you gates of righteousness, and let me pass through, and I will enter into your presence to worship only you. I have found the gateway to God, the pathway to his presence for all his lovers. I will offer all my loving praise to you, and I thank you so much for answering my prayer and bringing me salvation! Psalm 118:19-21 TPT

The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“I am living out my destiny as I listen up to God, hear His voice and respond in thoughts, motives, words and deeds. My heart is grateful before God, every day is a thankful day, lifting Him high in praise. God is good! God’s good purposes are in play in our lives, always, we can count on this. When we embrace His purposes, we embrace Him.” KimberlyMac
“Mankind is rapidly changing and by My Spirit I will transform the hearts of all people into everything that I have ordained them to be. Church, be open to adjust and do not be afraid of the changes that will come to your world, as I am doing a new thing.” The Bridegroom’s Voice
Blessed is this one who comes to us, the sent one of the Lord. And from within the temple we cry, “We bless you!” For the Lord our God has brought us his glory-light. I offer him my life in joyous sacrifice. Tied tightly to your altar I will bring you praise. For you are the God of my life and I lift you high, exalting you to the highest place. So let’s keep on giving our thanks to God, for he is so good! His constant, tender love lasts forever! Psalm 118:26-29 The Passion Translation
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “Power Thoughts Devotional” By Joyce Meyer
“God has chosen us to be His ambassadors and we represent Him well when there is good fruit in our lives. It isn’t enough just to have a Jesus sticker on our car and a cross hanging around our necks displaying our Christianity, we must have the fruit to back it up.” Joyce Meyer
“Constantly be on your guard against phony prophets. They come disguised as lambs, appearing to be genuine, but on the inside they are like wild, ravenous wolves! You can spot them by their actions, for the fruits of their character will be obvious. You won’t find sweet grapes hanging on a thorn bush, and you’ll never pick good fruit from a tumbleweed. So if the tree is good, it will produce good fruit; but if the tree is bad, it will bear only rotten fruit and it deserves to be cut down and burned. Look at the obvious fruit of their lives and ministries, and then you’ll know whether they are true or false.” Matthew 7:15-20 The Passion Translation
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“We should guard our hearts against the phony human condition. Deception is rampant in our world. We also could be self-deceived. (Matthew 21:19) This is why our vital-vertical relationship with God is so important. So, we don’t end up the phony, but are the genuine honest one. We need to be the fig tree with the figs under its leaves. Our Christianity should bear fruit that others can pick, eat of and be blessed by. People are watching us to see if we are phony. We are real, we are genuine, when our hearts are connected to God, heart to heart. (Proverbs 3:3-6) We mirror GOD.” KimberlyMac

Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “Patterns For Prayer” By Alvin VanderGriend
“Pray that the children have hearts open to God’s Word from their earliest years. Ask God to help keep their ways pure by living according to His Word.”
True Joy~ How can a young man stay pure? Only by living in the word of God and walking in its truth. I have longed for you with the passion of my heart; don’t let me stray from your directions! I consider your prophecies to be my greatest treasure, and I memorize them and write them on my heart to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you. My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all; teach me the power of your decrees! I speak continually of your laws as I recite out loud your counsel to me. I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world. Psalm 119:9-14 The Passion Translation
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“Lord, we need to take time to pray for the generation beneath us. It was done for us and we need to take up the mantel of prayer for the younger generation. We need to pray for them to have a hunger for God, for His Word, that they would treasure the Kingdom perspective more than they do, the cultural say-so of this world. God is speaking, may they hear it, may they know Him, personally, and be taught by His living Word. Jesus, speak what is true to the generation beneath us and cause them to live in the reality of Your truth.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “The Red Sea Rules” By Robert J. Morgan
“Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Whether we have an ‘Alas’ (Revelation 18:10) or an ‘Alleluia’ (Revelation 19: 1, 3-6) depends on our perspective. Storms, I realized, look different from the upper side. Learn to accentuate the positive and remember that the silver lining is the reality. Develop the perspective of praise, and the power of this proper perspective.”
The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell facedown and worshiped God, who sits on the throne, saying in agreement: “Amen! Hallelujah!” Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “Praise our God, all you his loving servants and all who reverence and honor him—those who are lowly and those who are great!” Then I heard what seemed to be the thunderous voice of a great multitude, like the sound of a massive waterfall and mighty peals of thunder, crying out: “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Revelation 19:4-6 TPT
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“In the book, The Red Sea Rules, Robert J. Morgan gave an example about a horrific storm, violent with strong winds and lightening. It looked so menacing, the clouds iron gray and angry. He talked about how his flight when it left the airport, flew right into the storm and when the plane pierced the storm clouds and flew high above them, the scene was incredibly beautiful. They were the same clouds. It really taught me about perspective. We need to let go of our worldly viewpoint and begin looking higher, seeing things from a kingdom perspective. This is the better viewpoint.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “The Case For Christ ~Daily Moment Of Truth” By Lee Strobel
“God took the very worst thing that has happened in the history of the universe – “deicide”, or the death of God on the cross – and turned it into the very best thing that has happened in the history of the universe: the opening up of heaven to all who follow him.” If God can take the very worst circumstance imaginable and turn it into the very best situation possible, can he not take the negative circumstances of your life and create something good from them? He can, and He will.” Lee Strobel
And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words. God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny. So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. Romans 8:26-28 TPT
“Moment Of Truth: God can use our suffering to draw us to Him, to mold and sharpen our character, to influence others for Him. He can draw good from our pain in myriad of ways if we trust and follow Him.” Lee Strobel
Romans 8:29-30 29-30 God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun. The Message Translation
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“Glorious is the way of God’s endgame. I know what suffering is like, but I also have experienced the deliverance and healing of God. I know I am not the Messiah and I do not struggle with a “messiah complex”, I am the messenger of the Messiah. I stay in my role. I have seen His miraculous intervention in my life many times, thus, and therefore, I believe that there is no dead end in the trials I face. God is always, purposefully working for my good and His Glory. There is no doubt about this. I believe in God and with my incredible heavenly hindsight, which speaks praise into my trials, I believe God, and stand on His Promises, wholly-holy so.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “Learning To Lead” By Boyd Bailey
“Leaders learn by listening to the Lord and the wisdom found in His Word. Teachability is not a one-time educational event but requires the ongoing purging of pride, pretense, and prayerlessness. Wisdom becomes like a beloved sister to whom you go for counsel. (Proverbs 7:4) The Holy Bible is your armor against the assault of unwise thinking. Leaders are learners and when they stop learning they cease to lead wisely. Teachable leaders listen to the Lord first when seeking the wise choice. A wise and teachable leader never stops learning.” Boyd Bailey
1 Kings 22:1-3 They enjoyed three years of peace—no fighting between Aram and Israel. In the third year, Jehoshaphat king of Judah had a meeting with the king of Israel. Israel’s king remarked to his aides, “Do you realize that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us, and we’re sitting around on our hands instead of taking it back from the king of Aram?” 4-5 He turned to Jehoshaphat and said, “Will you join me in fighting for Ramoth Gilead?” Jehoshaphat said, “You bet. I’m with you all the way—my troops are your troops, my horses are your horses.” He then continued, “But before you do anything, ask God for guidance.”
The Thoughts Of One Taught By God
“Go to God first before you make huge decisions that affect other people. Listen up to God, don’t be led by the passions of others, be led by God’s passion, guidance and will. We must keep learning and growing. There is so much to know, but the best way to grow is heart to heart with God, listening up to the One, Who knows our heart perfectly and will clearly lead us in the way of His Wisdom.” KimberlyMac
Holy Spirit Led! Page 112 Of The Book: “At The Name Of Jesus – 365 Meditations” By Sarah Hornsby
“Jesus is the Holy One. He is the only person worthy of our worship. In Him is perfection, and the way to God. Jesus says… I call you to adore Me with all that is in you. Give no man such high praise. As you reverence Me with your entire life, you will find complete fulfillment and joy in the everyday tasks that I call you to, as well as in My ultimate purpose – that all might come to know me intimately…”
1 John 2:18-22 The Passion Translation
Believing in Jesus~ Dear children, the end of this age is near! You have heard that Antichrist is arising, and in fact, many enemies of Christ have already appeared, and this is how we know that we are living in the closing hour of this age. For even though they were once a part of us, they withdrew from us because they were never really of our number. For if they had truly belonged to us they would have continued with us. By leaving our community of believers they made it obvious that they never really belonged to us. But the Holy One has anointed you and you all know the truth. So I’m writing you not because you don’t know the truth, but because you do know it, and no lie belongs to the truth. The Power of the Truth~ Who is the real liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is the real antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
This is the end of my “smorgasbord” of delight! Page 112 on every book God’s Holy Spirit led me to in my library was perfectly ordered in wisdom, truth and discernment by God to feed our souls with today. On this day, we have been taught by God and we have grown in truth, discernment, hope, trust, faith and relationship with God. God bless you, Much… KimberlyMac
We hope you enjoyed the special meal today at The Smorgasbord Table in the Bridegroom’s Café. This meal was created anew today by Jesus, it is unique and deliciously flavored. It is great soul food. I hope it nourished you. Everyday is a good day to be in the Word of God. Oh, how we need it in times such as these. I highly suggest you purchase a copy of the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. It is an incredible journey with Jesus that will change things up in your relationship with God, as you listen up to His Voice and grow in ways you never dreamed possible.
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice