Proverbs 14:12 You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction. The Passion Translation
What We Know
Think on it! What constitutes perfect or imperfect? Is it what we think we know? Because we don’t truly know anything, our knowledge, our wants, our hopes, our desires, they are all imperfect. We can’t begin to know what we think we know or what we think we want. We can speculate, assume and rationalize, but we don’t have the perfect revelation, we are imperfect people. In Christ, there is a revelatory light, a moment to choice knowing of wisdom and guidance by the power of His Holy Spirit. Vital-Vertical relationship with God, this is as close to perfection that we imperfect human beings can get. God’s Presence in our now, this is our perfection, this is how we find our perfect way. On this day, in this imperfect world we make it personal with God, heart to heart with God and we know the perfection that trumps all of the imperfection of our human condition. Awe-GOD!

Topsy-Turvy Life Season?
Are you in an unfamiliar, uncharted life season? I am and I can’t navigate it at all. Nothing is familiar and the days are lonely and long. I was hoping the turn of the New Year would change things up, but it has only gotten worse. I feel I am so in over my head in this imperfect life season and I have no idea what God is up too. So when I don’t know, I do what I do know. I seek God on this day, I put the minutes of this day, under the direction of His Holy Spirit and I ask Him to let His purpose flow in my and through me. I bow. My first step out into every day, I bow everything I think I know and face down, I humbly submit to the ONE Who knows all. Awe-GOD Surrender.
Matthew 6:31-33″So then, forsake your worries! Why would you say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For that is what the unbelievers chase after. Doesn’t your heavenly Father already know the things your bodies require? “So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. The Passion Translation
Make It Personal
In my imperfect life season, I am learning this valuable life lesson about making it personal with God. When every door has shut and you are at a dead end? What now? When you don’t know where to go, how to go and what is up, cling, heart-2-heart with God. Cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him and wholly-holy realign your identity, at the core of your being, to be totally in Him. I can’t focus on what I don’t know, I must focus on what I do know. Things are not as they seem. I don’t know what I think I know. I know as I seek God first, as I am about His business today, that He will direct my steps. I know this life season can’t be about me, or despair will swallow me up. If you feel lost, go back to what you do know, that in Christ, there is strength, peace, hope and joy and we can wholly-holy align our lives in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21 For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we who did not know righteousness might become the righteousness of God through our union with him. The Passion Translation
Disappointed? Cling To God
I am not even sure where I will be living after March, everything is topsy-turvy, but God isn’t and that is the lesson He is teaching me. My common denominator, my anchor in Christ, it holds even in the midst of the greatest challenge of my life in Him, the inner core of my life is anchored in Christ and Jesus holds me steady, He anchors me. Disappointments come and go, but God remains steady, constant and true. If we think we are better without God, if we let our independent will buck up, we will learn that without God, we have no favor and blessing, and the peace which we took for granted, will not be steadying our soul, or guiding us.
Genesis 1:27-28 God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.” The Message
Steady Your Inner Core In Christ
Restlessness, and lack of favor will be our companion when we strike out on our own, do our own thing. We need God, we were created to need Him, we were created in His Image and apart from Him, we can do nothing good or lasting. The inner core of our heart is steady, sure and anchored as we surrender our way, for His, and we let go and let God write this chapter of our lives. God anchors us in ways we could not even begin to hope for or imagine as our topsy-turvy lives rock us, God remains our steady anchor, our Rock. We were created in the Image of God and deep within the core of our being, God anchors us in that way we could not even begin to hope for or imagine.
Mark 2: 6–7 When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son. After wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village. TPT
Life Here Is Not Idyllic
No room for the Savior of the world. This God-man incarnate, His birth here was not idyllic. I don’t think a stable is what Mary thought of for the birthing of her son. We have all these plans, we think things should go the way we think they should go, but they don’t, things don’t go as we plan. The plans for Jesus, they did not even go well for the Savior of the World, who had nowhere to be born but in a stable. There was no room for Jesus and that is what makes this world imperfect. This world is imperfect, it can’t be expected to produce perfection, but God can help us grow through in that way only He can.
God Of Perfection
There is no doubt about it, I can’t do this life chapter of my life, it is so imperfect and I can’t fix it. Jesus, please write it for me, help me, intervene and guide me Holy Spirit. Father God, the imperfections of this season of life are glaring, I get up with them every day, nothing changes and I patiently endure. Why? Because the God of perfection lives in me, at the core of my being and this is enough. I pray You, Holy Spirit would feed the need of my soul for contentment, for the things it thinks it needs, soul saturate me in the peace that surpasses all of my understanding and help me to patiently endure, giving You total access to my life story, letting go and letting You write this chapter the way You will.
Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. The Passion Translation
Revelation Light Of Jesus
On this day Lord Jesus, You are the “Revelation Light” for all of us, everywhere. We pray for our blind eyes to be opened, may we see Your Heart, may we know Your perfect way and may we serve You, mirroring and reflecting how You serve us, with an undivided heart. Make a way Jesus, where there seems to be no way, breathe in us, change us, let there be revelation light that leads us to Your Heart. Jesus, have your way in us, this imperfect world, make it perfect by Your Light shining Kingdom glory in us. Lord have your way in us, change up our imperfection for Your perfection.
Luke 2: 29–32 “Lord and Master, I am your loving servant, and now I can die content, for your promise to me has been fulfilled. With my own eyes I have seen your Word, the Savior you sent into the world. He will be glory for your people Israel, and the Revelation Light for all people everywhere!” The Passion Translation
“Think On It” is a fantastic table in The Bridegroom’s Café, and we are so glad you stopped in and partook of its great soul appetizers. As we “grow through” this life, God feeds us appetizers that whet our appetite for better things. The Bridegroom’s Voice is an amazing book, I highly recommend you purchase it and begin a Great God Adventure that will change it up in your life as you begin listening up more to the perfect Voice of The Bridegroom and less to the imperfect voices of this world.
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice