In Heaven

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that. The Voice

In Heaven~No Human Condition

I can’t wait to go to heaven where there is no human condition. Won’t that be amazing. Human beings can be so hurtful, spiteful, mean spirited and exclusive. Heaven won’t be like that. I so long for that. This world with us people with our human flaws is painful. I so look forward to heaven because there will be truth. Have you ever been falsely accused by assumption? Not fun. Being defamed, disrespected and dishonored, this is all a part of how we roll, we humans, in our judgmental human condition. In heaven we are gifted with perfection and all the wiles of imperfection will be completely gone. Oh, the peace of that thought of being completely fleshed out.

In Heaven~No Isolation

Our world used to be a creation where the created extended a lot of inclusivity, now it is exclusive. We are not inclusive. We intentionally leave other people out, we snub them, we treat them like they are the scum of the earth, without good reason to do so. On this earth, we follow our feelings and we crash and burn, dead ending in places we would rather not have gone and feeling there is no way out. We isolate ourselves, making our circle smaller and leaving others on the outside looking in, wishing for an invitation. In heaven there is no exclusion, we are all accepted and will be one big happy family. That seems so unreachable on earth, because our human nature constricts us, compartmentalizing and obstructing inclusivity. In heaven there is no loneliness and we will have sweet fellowship, unconditional and inclusive relationships.

In Heaven~No Grudges

Then there is that wonderful side of humanity, that judgmental, grudge holding, spiteful side of people who are just plain mean because they feel they have a right to be, they have been hurt, so they hurt others. Most of the time, the grudges they hold are not even the reality of truth. What I love so much about anticipating heaven=Truth. Truth, it will be crystal clear, no clarity needed. Every assumption, every false accusation, every reason for a grudge will be debunked. Truth. It will be a place of wholly-holy truth. No lie can stand. No speculation can spin a web of false narrative. Can you imagine heaven, a place of wholly-holy truth. Wow, it is an awe-inspiring future and hope.

In Heaven~No Injustice

So many things that are not fair happen in this life. You can serve, love, care and support people for a very long period of time and then they turn on you, for no good reason at all, and you are kicked out of fellowship, exiled like you are the scum of the earth, by the court of public opinion. Heaven will not be like this, there will be fairness, justice and rejection will be no more. The standard of righteousness will stand in heaven and we won’t have to live up to someone’s expectations that we could never even begin to meet.

In Heaven~No Past

Your past is gone in heaven, it is thrown as far as the east is from the west. This is freedom like no other. There will be no trace of your past, all things will be new. No one can throw a moment of failure in your face and punish you for it any longer. Even mistakes you made a long, long time ago, can’t be used against you in heaven. They are gone. Wiped out. No grudges in heaven, no emotional bullying, no shunning of relationships and no false blame. This human emotional torture is no more in heaven, our souls will be free from the beating of the human condition. Only in heaven will we find peace from our past. How sweet is that?

In Heaven~No Soul Wounds

All soul-wounds will be healed in heaven. Do you know what is so good about that? Well, obviously we all have felt the pain of wounded people wounding people. Many people are hurt, betrayed and wounded in their childhood by adults who have let them down, rejected them, abandoned them and have not cared for their hearts, but have wounded their souls. People with soul hurt, they attack, wound and hurt others. This is a tough pain to alleviate, when a wounded person strikes out in anger at a completely unsuspecting and underserving person. Being blind-sided by someone’s woundedness, is over as soon as you leave this earth and walk the streets of heaven. There is no greater joy to look forward to. Human beings can be so cruel and that ends on this side of heaven.

In Heaven~No Devaluing

In heaven there will be no disrespect. How amazing is that. We live in a world full of disrespect, dishonor and devaluing. A bitter root is definitely going to be a factor in disrespecting and devaluing another human being. In heaven, we will be deeply rooted in Jesus, there will be no bitterness to identify with. Our identity in heaven will be clearly seen and we will never be falsely accused again. That is the sweetest thought ever, to never again be bullied by what people think they know, an opinion that tries to take the place of truth. Being emotionally bullied on earth, does not demand a response or reaction when our future and hope is satisfied in thoughts of heaven. We wait, we watch and one day we will know freedom from all strife.

In Heaven~No Assumption

In heaven there is no opinion, no speculation, no assumption, no presupposition, no presumption, no rationalization, just the purity of truth. On earth, people think that just because they assume something to be true that it is true, yet in heaven the reality of truth reigns supreme. Just because you think something is true, doesn’t make it true, if you don’t believe truth, it doesn’t change that it is truth. In heaven truth will stand so bright, so tall, that no false narrative could ever exist next to it. In heaven, it will be the only place where we will all stand on the side of truth.

In Heaven~No Darkness

I saved the best for last. Heaven has no darkness, no temptation and no evil to entice us to hurt one another. There will be no hidden motives, everything will be seen. We can live truly, love truly and laugh always. The darkness of our souls, will never affect another person again and we won’t have to walk on eggshells around people, worried that we will evoke their wrath and they will retaliate with mean spirited actions. We will love unconditionally and be loved in return, in the same spirit. Heaven will be bright without the dismal influence of evil.

The Smorgasbord Table in The Bridegroom’s Café is very unique, with meals that you usually don’t eat every day, they are moment special plates. We hope this meal satisfied your creative palate and nourished your soul. Listening up to The Bridegroom’s Voice daily is an incredible God Adventure, a Journey with Jesus you won’t want to miss. I highly suggest you pick up a copy of my book, “The Bridegroom’s Voice” and begin your journey to a deeper walk with God. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac

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