Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer! James 5:16 TPT
“Looking back over the years, I’ve never faced a crisis in which, in response to earnest prayer, whether prolonged or instant, God didn’t make a way. That is the great secret of those who put their hands in the hand of the One who can part the seas.” Robert J. Morgan
“Heavenly hindsight is such a beautiful thing. Looking back we see Jesus, we see His miraculous intervention into our lives. We see His faithfulness. We see how trustworthy He is. We see His Infinite Love for us. We see the power of God that has been released through our heart to heart relationship with Him. Our constant conversations with God have changed things up and our heavenly hindsight is full of the testimony of God’s divine interruption into our mortal being and we see how we are becoming wholly-holy His.” KimberlyMac
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café. Good Morning Manna is such a sweet meal to start your day with. Please share the spiritual nourishment with someone today. Make sure you subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Café by email, so you don’t miss one of these amazing meals from Chef Jesus, as you continuously feed your soul. God bless you. KimberlyMac