“Our World Is Not Operating In The Way God Intended, Therefore There Is Sin And Suffering.” Quote By ~ Paul Tripp
Psalm 36: 1-4 The rebellion of sin speaks as an oracle of God, speaking deeply to the conscience of wicked men. Yet they are still eager to sin, for the fear of God is not before their eyes. 2 See how they flatter themselves, unable to detect and detest their sins. They are crooked and conceited, convinced they can get away with anything. 3 Their wicked words are nothing but lies. Wisdom is far from them. Goodness is both forgotten and forsaken. 4 They lie awake at night to hatch their evil plots, always planning their schemes of darkness, and never once do they consider the evil of their ways.
Pray It Up For Those Lost From God’s Way – Truth – Life
Who convinces them that they can get away with anything? They are blinded to the reality of truth by the enemy of their soul who has killed all compassion in them, stolen their common sense and destroyed their conscious and civility of action is no longer their concern as they serve no power higher than self. Lies and more lies and what an exhausting way to live as they just plow through life leaving a wake of destruction behind them. Their legacy is not living, it is death and it dead ends, it does not pay forward life. For them, they have been deceived to believe their badness is good as they have forgotten God’s goodness and forsaken His ways. They are stuck in the muck and the mire of the enemy of their soul and I feel the heart of God for their plight, knowing that He won’t breach their will, I sense He wants us to intercede for them, because that is what He is doing, praying before the Father God for them, that they might be delivered from the snare of the enemy, that the blindfolds of deceit might be removed from them, that their fake reality would be shattered with the light of God’s reality of truth. Jesus, let it be so. Save them from the destruction of their soul, deliver them from the enemy of their soul. Thank you Jesus for hearing this prayer and intervening on behalf of all these who are blinded to the reality of truth.
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