
I am living in pain; I’m suffering, so save me,

True God, and keep me safe in troubled times!

Psalm 69:29 The Voice

Jesus: Why are you sleeping? Wake up and pray that you will not sink into temptation. Even as He said these words, the sound of a crowd could be heard in the distance, and as the crowd came into view, it was clear that Judas was leading them. He came close to Jesus and gave Jesus the traditional greeting of a kiss. Jesus: Ah, Judas, is this how you betray the Son of Man—with a kiss? The Voice Matthew 23

A Sinners Perspective

I was thinking today about the perspective of a sinner, after being deceptively enticed by the enemy and committing a sin. Temptation happens and you go through all the craftily planned enticing, and it is usually a new concept, and that makes it exciting to your flesh, there is much anticipation and it builds and builds until you flesh out the sin and then what? Well, for sure, the reality of truth demands for the sinner to be positioned in some type of consequence, that was not anticipated. The enemy never shares the obvious common sense of a sinner’s action, that it always has a consequence reaction. This is a part of the deal with the devil, which never gets discussed. Consequences are something the sinner did not bargain for and it blind sides them, creating an inner soul turmoil like no other emotional storm ever known. So truly, part of the enticement was true, it will be a new experience, just not a very nice one.

As it has been determined, the Son of Man, that firstfruit of a new generation of humanity, must be betrayed, but how pitiful it will be for the person who betrays Him. They immediately began questioning each other. Disciples: Which one of us could do such a horrible thing? Luke 22:22-23

“Don’t be impulsive in the dark, it is a sure way to stumble into a pit of sin. Wait on the Son-Light, when it rises, follow the glory glow, step by step.” Quote By~KimberlyMac

Over Exaggerated Deception

The act of wickedness may seem large at the time of its vehement outburst, but disdain for its reality of truth, shrinks it and the fame promised by the enemy, becomes obscurity. The enemy gets lifted up, but the one he used for evil, is trashed. The enticement of the enemy does not always flesh out in reality, exactly like the deceptive day dream presumed it would, as realism carries it through from potential likely to positively unlikely. Trickery is like that, unpredictable in outcome and nothing like its exaggerated presupposition. The realization that the sin was not as exhilarating as it was assumed it might be, casts a shadow of darkness, that settles into your soul like a long dark night. Kingship is the day to this night, as our King always shatters the darkness of hopelessness with the dawn of a new day. You will suffer for a while, until you ask for forgiveness and turn from your sin, and then wait for it, the morning light will come and you will know the joy of the power of Kingship, a spontaneous experience, an unanticipated soul freedom.

A vicious criminal can be persuasive, enticing others to join him as partners in crime, but he leads them all down a despicable path. It’s easy to tell when a wicked man is hatching some crooked scheme—it’s written all over his face. His looks betray him as he gives birth to his sin. Proverbs 16:29-30

“Only God can give you your heart’s desire. The temptation to sin for a temporary pleasure is truly a disappointing and devastating exchange.” Quote By~KimberlyMac

An Alluring Hype

Sin doesn’t live up to the hype of its allure, and unfortunately for a sinner, satan uses other people, to group them up with, he pulls in other people to join them together in their sin. It is a defensive win for the enemy. Our enemy has an ulterior motive to keep us in the drudgery of sin, with its lonely back lash. It does temporarily feel good for sinners to not have to sin alone. The enemy insinuates that pulling others into a sin cycle, will help reconcile the out of control, irrational feelings of a sinner’s undivided heart, which at this point is unstable in all of its emotions. The enemy spins a web of deception and then a bright idea suddenly spawns: If someone else was sinning with us, we have a scapegoat from self-blame, it is no longer all about us as the sinner, it is all about them as the sinner. Be Lame. Sin has a vicious cycle of self-condemnation that is sticky and keeps sinners stuck in the same immorality pattern and this is how a sin habit is formed. Habitual sin is very serious in nature, because the evil intention of it is to steal their identity in Christ. A habitual sinner is now identified with their sin. This is a sad state of affairs for their soul, because it shuts off their heart from a personal relationship with their Kinsman Redeemer. Habitual sin is so very soul lonely and being out of fellowship with God, is a miserable state of soul despair and spiritual hopelessness.

Judas—the one who had betrayed Him with a kiss for 30 pieces of silver—saw that Jesus had been condemned, and suddenly Judas regretted what he had done. He took the silver back to the chief priests and elders and tried to return it to them. Judas Iscariot: I can’t keep this money! I’ve sinned! I’ve betrayed an innocent man! His blood will be on my hands. The priests and elders want nothing to do with Judas, and they refuse to take his money. Chief Priests and Elders: We’re through with you, friend. The state of your soul is really none of our affair. Judas threw down the money in the temple, went off, and hanged himself. Matthew 27: 3-5 The Voice

Beautifully Enticed

Sin will always be death, and no matter how beautifully the sinner is enticed, it always dead ends and in some way, shape or form, there is death. Our enemy amazingly and craftily stages sin to be a huge gain for the sinner, they are stunningly enticed. Do not underestimate the power of the enemy’s deceptive lures. Our enemy is masterfully divisive and stages his deception so the temptation seen and heard, is exactly what will bait and catch a sinner. Like a glove designed to perfectly fit only a specific person’s hand, he ensnares them with a personally designed hook. Yet, no matter what selfish increase they were enticed with, and they bought into, sin will play out with no permanent earthly gains and will steal from them, destroy them and eventually kill them. No doubt about it, sin does not live up to its pre-elicited enticement and will always disappoint and backlash the sinner’s soul with bitter despair. This is the way of the enemy. But, our Kinsman, He heals, saves and redeems. With Kingship, there is always hope for freedom from habitual sin and the power to change it up in our lives.

“Sin Exchange happens quickly when the enemy bait and switches his pride for our self-dignity. The enemy steals our self-respect when we operate in arrogance.” KimberlyMac

Simon, Simon, how Satan has pursued you, that he might make you part of his harvest. But I have prayed for you. I have prayed that your faith will hold firm and that you will recover from your failure and become a source of strength for your brothers here. Luke 22:31

“There is a lot of things that change things up in our lives. But nothing changes us like forgiveness from our Kinsman Redeemer does.” KimberlyMac

I am so happy you took time out of your schedule to share a spiritual meal with Jesus at The Author Table in The Bridegroom’s Café. The Author Table has a very spicy menu today, as being open and vulnerable with others makes for a piquant meal. Now this is spicy: What hurts the most in life for me, is not what others have done to me, but what I have done in reaction to the sudden hurt in my life. When I impulsively react out of a wounded heart, through a mind that has assumed all kinds of things, I ultimately disobey God and sin. Disobedience for me, is a pain like no other. I know there have been times when I have hurt God, the One I love the most in this life, and those times have the same common denominator, me, me wanting things to go my way, me trying to manage my persecution, me trying to fix the problem or me trying to micromanage my pain during relational trials. Today, I realized it was all about focus, it was all about giving my Kingsman Redeemer total access to the all of my life. I pray that for you too. Please share this meal with others, I believe it will help everyone who journey’s through it. You can use the Social Media Buttons Below. I also would love to hear your feedback on how this meal nurtured your soul. I would love for you to leave me a comment. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac, Author.

PS… I highly suggest you purchase the book I wrote: The Bridegroom’s Voice. It is an incredible journey with Jesus, a great God Adventure that will definitely change things up in your relationship.

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

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