Psalm 33:20-22 The Lord alone is our radiant hope and we trust in him with all our hearts. His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon you!

“Be Careful Family. Be led. Don’t be pushed. The enemy pushes us to impulsive reactions, whereas God leads us, as we patiently endure, waiting on His peace.” KimberlyMac
We Have A Guardian
Precious family, today we are thanking God for the Guardian that He is. He protects us on all sides. He goes before us, (Deuteronomy 31:8) making a way for us. He is our rear guard, protecting us from the behind from the attack of our enemy. (Isaiah 52:12) He walks beside us, day by day as we grow through this life here. Jesus Christ is the Advocate for our family and we pray to Him today, our Protector, (Psalm 121:5) our Keeper, our Way-Maker God.
Saying NO To Doubt
Doubt barricades our soul from joy and joy is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) Jesus touch each family member and increase our faith so we have that “grow through” kind of trust that doesn’t inhibit the flow of Your purposes in play for our good. Help us to walk in the boldness of belief (John 6:29) that is continually trusting, from faith to faith with a “no doubt about it” attitude that presses forward in followship of You. Help us walk with You, Holy Spirit from faith to faith in every moment to every choice we make. (John 10:8-11) As a family, the enemy does not want us to finish well with a “living legacy” and he throws everything against us that he can.
“Living a life of faith means not always knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith not reason— a life of knowing Him who calls us to go. Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Christy Casavant
God’s Great Wisdom
Therefore, the greatest wisdom of all for family life is followship, (Galatians 2:19-22) the kind of following of Jesus that puts us in a relational position where we are overshadowed by His Love. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, (John 14:25-27) He is our Way-Maker, He goes before us and as we stay in followship of Him, He takes all the enemies darts and returns them back upon our enemy. (Deuteronomy 28:7-10)
“Lord Jesus we worship You with all our heart. From deep within we lift up praises unto You. Nothing can separate us Your love. Your Kingdom reigns forever and our inheritance as Your children cannot be taken away. However, our aim in life can change if we take our eyes off of You. In order to maintain this new life in You we must keep everything we do lined up to the primary goal of life which is to please You. Our natural life has many directions it wants to go, but if it doesn’t aim to please You then it’s not the right direction. May we keep our aim, our goals, our focus, on You constantly so that all we do will please You. Amen!” Donnis Steele
Pray It UP For Your Family
Holy Spirit speak what is true to us, speak into the center of our family life, the truth and promise of God and breathe God purpose into all of our homes. Lead our families safely by Your Purpose, Oh Lord God. We look to You, Father God to overshadow our family and extended family with Your Love, fly the banner of Your Love over our lives. Holy Spirit be the Advocate, The Way Maker God for all of our family members. Teach us how to cling to Jesus, digging our life roots deeply into our Father God’s Kingdom and walking in followship of You, Holy Spirit. I pray we will be a family that says to our enemy: “You will not push us, we will be led by God”. I pray for each member of our family today, may we give God total access to our lives and live in that sweet, wholly-holy surrender where there are no dead ends, where the only ONE Who has permission to speak into our lives is Jesus, the Spirit of Truth. Let it be so, Father God in the life of every family God has created on the face of this earth. Turn us to fully face You and help us to find our way to that position where our identity is being found wholly-holy in Christ Jesus, for Him and for the good of His Kingdom, our future and hope. Lead us Jesus, I pray the characteristic of Your steadfast kindness be continually flowing in us and through us to our family members, friends, community, work places and churches. Help us to always add value to wherever You divinely bring us and to whoever you divinely connect us too. We hope for our family to be led by You, not pushed by our enemy. Help us Father God, we put our family in Your Hands, lead us. Holy Spirit, you are so welcome in our family lives, we want to be led by You, in followship of You, faithfully from every moment to every choice.
Romans 1:17 This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness—a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith. This is what the Scripture means when it says: “We are right with God through life-giving faith!” The Passion Translation
Families, Finish Excellently. Don’t Let The Enemy Distract You With His Nonsense. Stay Focused On Your WAY-MAKER God. Don’t Be Pushed To Impulsive, Dead End-Choices By The Enemy. Be Led By God’s Holy Spirit, In Followship Of Him. Desire To Hear This From God’s Voice: “Well Done Good And Faithful Family”. KimberlyMac
The Family Table in The Bridegroom’s Cafe serves soul nourishment to families. Families are God’s sweetest design. We hope your soul was fed today as you prayed it up for your family. Please share this post with other families using the social media icons below. Thank you. I also ask that you take a moment to “Subscribe” to The Bridegroom’s Café. That way, you won’t miss one “spiritual meal” we write, it will be emailed directly to you, hot out of the oven. Go to our home page and put your email in on the left side bar. Appreciate that. Also, I would love to invite you to an incredible Facebook Group I am hosting called: Heart TO Heart. We are loving God, being encouraged by Him and loving and encouraging each other: I am highly encouraging you to take this“Journey With Jesus” through the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. You will definitely benefit in your relationship with God through the adventure of listening up to His Voice through the pages of this book and the interaction of His Word. You can purchase it here:
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