“Listen! You will hear a thunderous voice in the lonely wilderness telling you to wake up and get your heart ready for the coming of the Lord Jehovah. Every twisted thing in your lives must be made straight. Every dark way must be brought to the light. Wrongs righted. Injustices removed. Every heart of pride will be humbled low before him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth so that everyone everywhere will be ready to see the Life of God!” Luke 3:4-6 The Passion Translation
Hope Does Not Disappoint
This is what we hope for, because our world is full of deceptions. What is right is lifted up as being wrong and what is wrong is lifted up as being right. So Therefore, knowing we can’t fix it, we hope, for God to reveal truth and expose the false narratives and fake realities of our time. We pray for and hope for a Reality of Truth to come into the light of every dark way that people have submitted themselves too. We pray for and hope for God to shatter the fake reality and bring forth His Reality of Truth so brightly that we can’t turn away from it and no false narrative can stand up next to it. We hope.
Change It UP ~ Pray It Up
People have connived incredible falsities to try to hurt other people, simply because their way is different. Injustices have been committed as our justice system, which should be for the people to be innocent until proven guilty, has been weaponized by corrupted politics, politicians who are bowing to political idols. All those who oppose the ways of others that don’t agree with them, have created a corruption coup of trickery, lies and deceptions all based on biased assumptions and speculations, all without a semblance of truth. We hope and pray God removes all of these injustices, that He changes it ups and every deceitfully twisted way will be straightened by the power of His Holy Spirit, all who have been unjustly wronged, will be vindicated by God. We can not make this happen by our own will power, we must pray and fast in order for these principalities and powers to be thwarted by God.

Touch Our Inner Core
We hope God prepares our hearts, to be wholly-holy His, to change our hearts, so we bow our corrupted human nature at the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We hope and pray it up for pride to be humbled and the light of truth, which has been blinded by our arrogant hearts, to be brought forth in a powerful way that only The Holy Spirit of God can do; a way which shatters the darkness of every deception in play. Only God can light up the darkness of every secreted evil plan and bring evil connivers into the Light of His Truth. Jesus is the Spirit of Truth and it is to Him, we must turn in these times where fake reality is the norm of our land. We don’t know what we think we know, we are easily deceived. But God knows, and He knows all, even to the core of our corrupted motives, He sees everything. We hope for the inner core of our humanity to be transformed in that way only God can to bring about. We pray and we hope for an exchange of what we want, for God’s perfect will, an exchange of our corrupted authority for His purposeful, pure power. We pray for God to change it up in us, because at this juncture in this generation, we know no power higher than self. We hope for people to know God, we hope and pray they will serve Him in that wholly-holy way and we hope for people to be freed from their idols, and for the common sense they have sacrificed to these idols, to be restored, so they can walk in wisdom, compassion and love towards others.
Have You Bowed?
Wake up! Look Up! Listen Up! Get Your Heart Ready! This is what we hope for, an awakening of our human spirit, to make it personal with our God, to listen up to Him first, to serve Him and His Kingdom first, to be His people, whose vital-vertical relationship is all about Him and His way, truth and life. We bow, we surrender to the will and way of our God. We hope, we pray, we wait and ready our hearts for God to move us into a position of wholly-holy alignment with His heart. Change us Jesus, make the crooked places in our hearts, straight. This is our hope, this is our prayer, that You, Lord Jesus would bow our finite beings before Your Infinite life and change it up in us.
“Just A Thought” is a wonderful table in The Bridegroom’s Café, where you will find an appetizer that will whet your soul for more of God, His way, truth and life. I highly suggest, this year, that you make it personal with God, get into a heart-to-heart relationship with Him, it will benefit your life like no other thing can. A great tool to have a God Adventure this year, taking you on a personal journey with Jesus is the book: “The Bridegroom’s Voice”. I highly suggest you purchase it today. God bless ya. KimberlyMac

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice
Here Is A Great Place To Read Some Excerpts From The Book: The Bridegroom’s Voice