Psalm 36:7-10
How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. You feed them from the abundance of your own house, letting them drink from your river of delights. For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see. Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts.

The Abundance Of Life In Christ Is Totally Amazing! Every single day in our relationship with Him we feast in our thoughts, conversations and experiences on such a large variety of incredible life sustaining spiritual food. God takes time to nutritiously provide for us all that we will ever need and He does so with such amazing abundance. His love is not only given to us, it is lavished upon us. We have more in God than we could ever begin to hope for or imagine and the endgame of our lives is really the beginning of a beautiful forever future!

The Smorgasbord Table is really a fun risky kind of soul food. You never know what will be on the menu, but it certainly will be different and will stretch the ability of your taste buds as you experience new flavors. If you like trying new things, you will enjoy this table in the Bridegroom’s Café. Our Bridegroom, Jesus is very creative, He is the ONE Who spoke the world into existence, therefore this dining experience is going to be incredible as Jesus prepares a spontaneous cuisine at this Smorgasbord table. Come sit with Jesus at a table where nothing is thought-out and you are completely found at His Dietary Whim. Take a risk and enjoy something unprompted by your need. Enjoy your God Adventure! And let that which you receive in abundance be appreciated gratefully so with a huge thanks unto our AWE-GOD! If you would like to try one of these amazing Smorgasbord Meals, click on one of them below and enjoy a new spiritual sensation.
In Heaven
Political Idols
Sunday Glean 6-5-16
God is always feeding us with His Miraculous Manna and when we are openhearted to HIM, we will experience the newness of His creativity. I hope you will always experience that at The Smorgasbord Table. And, when experiencing new things, I hope you will give your evaluation of how it tasted, share with us your own Miraculous Musings and leave lots of comments and opinions! God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac