Good Morning Manna: The Divine Presence~ Psalm 138~ By King David~ 1 I thank you, Lord, and with all the passion of my heart I worship you in the presence of angels! Heaven’s mighty ones will hear my voice as I sing my loving praise to you. 2 I bow down before your divine presence and bring you my deepest worship as I experience your tender love and your living truth. For the promises of your word and the fame of your name have been magnified above all else! 3 At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me. 4 One day all the kings of the earth will rise to give you thanks when they hear the living words that I have heard you speak. 5 They too will sing of your wonderful ways, for your ineffable glory is great! 6 For though you are lofty and exalted, you stoop to embrace the lowly. Yet you keep your distance from those filled with pride. 7 By your mighty power I can walk through any devastation and you will keep me alive, reviving me. Your power set me free from the hatred of my enemies. 8 You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me! Since your love for me is constant and endless, I ask you, Lord, to finish every good thing that you’ve begun in me! The Passion Translation
“Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Our victory is from Jesus, our Jubilee. We have tapped into a root of mercy, not of judgement. We are warring from our position of victory; we war with and from victory. There is a root of mercy we can tap into. God’s Mercy triumphs over judgement. Jesus conquered the iniquity and mercy triumphed over judgement. God’s Mercy is new every morning. God takes no pleasure in judgement; He takes pleasure in redemption.” Quote By Dutch Sheets
My Thoughts: We Fear Not. We Pray For Your Mercy, Jesus. Your purposes are in play for us, for our good, for Your Glorious Sovereign Will to be played out for the glory of Your Kingdom. Your purposes in play have the farthest reach to preserve our lives, to fulfill Your Will for us. You do not forsake the work of Your Hands, You preserve our life with Your purposes always in play in the unseen for our good, and for the glory of Your Kingdom. I stretch my heart to Yours, my faith responds to Your Mercy and stretches from what is seen in my worldly viewpoint to the unseen belief as I trust wholly-holy in You through a renewed Kingdom perspective.
Psalm 138:8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands. NKJV
My Thoughts: Your Infinite Love and Your Sovereign Will, go hand in hand, one is never without the other and Your purposes for us are never not in play in our lives. Every great challenge we face in times such as these, Your purpose in the midst of the challenge is greater than the challenge itself. Your Infinite Love ushers in, Your Sovereign Will, bringing to the forefront Your Kingdom purposes in play and miraculously birthing the newness of Your plan for our lives. You will finish what you started in us, You will finish well. Our heavenly hindsight will be awesome in the power of Your Mercy and Redemption.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. Psalm 138:7 English Standard Version
My Thoughts: Infinite Love – Sovereign Will, Hand In Hand, Always In Play, As Your Purposes Are At Work Right Now In The Unseen, Never Not At Work, Always Working Out Your Good And Glory, Leaving A Godly Legacy Of Heavenly Hindsight. Oh, the Providential Care of God, touching us, transforming us from every moment into every choice, as we are connected heart to heart with You, Lord God, as You change us into Your Image, Your Character, Your Voice, Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life. Awe-GOD!
Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty, he sees them from afar. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me. 8 The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands. NIV Psalm 138: 6-8
“We Are Not Quitters. We Patiently Endure. We Trust What The Process Looks Like Because We Know, Without A Doubt, Your Purposes Are In Play As We Faithfully And Patiently Endure, With Our YES On The Table With You, Lord Jesus. What You Have Spoken Will Come To Pass. We Believe In You Jesus, We Believe You. Jesus Can – Jesus Will. We Are Promised Mercy. We Believe. We Watch In Prayer – We Wait In Hope – We Will See God’s Mercy, His Goodness, His Glory.” Written By And Being Lived Out By ~ KimberlyMac
Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café today. We hope and pray the meal on The Breakfast Table was good manna for your soul. It is good to feed our soul with God’s Word. He still speaks. Listen Up To The Bridegroom’s Voice today. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac. Be a person who shares the blessings you receive with others. Share this post with your social media platform outreach. Thank you.
Amen thank you
God bless you and yours!