“Spontaneous Faith resides in our inner spiritual core, and has a strong foundation of God’s Promises, which He whispers into our spirit, speaking into our soul the confidence: “It Is Well”. This is the best soul atmosphere to step out into a Great God Adventure with confidence and courage.”
I Respect And Admire All Missionaries
God will take us beyond our wildest dreams on the wings of spontaneous faith to a great God Adventure! God adventure for me is always something new which I haven’t a clue about, no knowledge, no wisdom, no heavenly hindsight, just a new thing God is doing and I am stepping into. It also can be a situation which evokes strong soul emotions, which I have never dealt with before. I always want to be open to God for any God Adventure He wants to take me on, I want to have that “miraculous spring” to my footsteps as I walk out into the unknown with God on sudden God adventures with spontaneous faith. This is why I admire and respect missionaries, who daily step into great God Adventure. I love to pray for these courageous God servants
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans 5:3-5 NLT
Spontaneous Faith
Spontaneous faith is strong when the atmosphere of our soul is set with hope and we know as we step out into the unknown, it is well with our soul. We believe in God, but when a “spontaneous suddenly” hits our lifepath, can we believe God, and step out in faith on a way we have not traveled? Do we believe God’s Promises when we can’t see ahead because of a crooked pathway which seems to have no end? Do we believe in God and “believe” God? This is where hope comes in. Hope activates our spontaneous faith when we believe God and don’t see ahead, but walk forward courageously with His Promises tucked in our heart and our feet emboldened by belief in Him. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video on Great God Adventure and be blessed.
Pray It Up For Our Missionaries
Jesus, we pray for our precious God servants, our missionaries asking for You to soul saturate them with the Promise of Hope in You. Christ in them, the hope of glory. Jesus, there is promise and possibility in You, speak of it to their hearts. Christ in our missionaries, their hope of glory be the spark of passion that ignites their faith today. May every “spontaneous suddenly” they are thrust into, active a strong spontaneous faith, which encompasses Your strength, flooding the atmosphere of each “spontaneous sudden” situation with Your power, wisdom and grace. Jesus, give each of them a strong “spontaneous faith”, grounded upon the Promises of Your Word, so they may be Word Strong today.
Spring Of Hope
We can only imagine that this team of missionaries will have their share of sudden situations that require an active spontaneous faith. Jesus, put a spring of hope in their footsteps today as they know Your Joy as their strength. A miraculous spring of hope is prayed for these missionaries as they run the course of God Adventure on this day. Holy Spirit Navigate them at every crossroad of sudden God Adventure with a spontaneous faith, which treks in followship of You and paces itself with Your compassion and love.
It Is Well
Jesus activate a spontaneous faith in these missionaries and set their spirit with an atmosphere of hope founded securely upon Your Promises, an atmosphere that speaks to their soul: “It Is Well”. Holy Spirit whisper in that still small voice of Yours, the Promises of God, as they step out boldly and courageously into this great God Adventure today. Tune their ears up to You, to listen up, step by step as they run the course of faith today.
Pray It Up ~ Active – Spontaneous Faith
Father God, we pray for these missionaries that You, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, would activate their spontaneous faith for the God Adventure ahead on this day. May their first step out be a heart bowed in reverence of You, Jesus, “The Proven”. Let their second step be trust as they rehearse the AWE of Who You are, Father God, “The Proof”. Let their third step out be confident belief as You, Holy Spirit, “The Prover”, whispers the Promises of God into their Spirit as a strong fortress for their spontaneous faith to lean into. God, bless these missionaries in the all of their everything today, anoint them with a strong, confident, spontaneous faith for every step of their God Adventure on this day. Amen.
I love you, Yahweh, and I’m bonded to you, my strength! Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet, my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer, my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me . You’re the shield around me, the mighty power that saves me, and my high place. All I need to do is to call on you, Yahweh, the praiseworthy God. When I do, I’m safe and sound in you— delivered from my foes!’ Psalms 18:1-3 TPT
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe for a soul nourishing meal on the Prayer Mentor Table as we meet together in fellowship to pray for missionaries. God bless you, Much as you listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. Have a great day. KimberlyMac