“Even Ordinary Mercies Should Awaken Your Gratitude.”
Charles Spurgeon
Miraculously So…
God is so good at working the miraculous into an ordinary on mission day. Sometimes we don’t even stop to acknowledge what He has done, we so take Him for granted. This morning my internet was down for 7 hours, my connection to a lot of things no longer there. What would happen if God was “down” for seven hours? We would definitely feel a huge difference in our lives. Don’t worry, God doesn’t take down time, He is always with us, Omnipresent God! God never takes us into any on mission situation where He does not supply us with everything we need, or equip us for the mission at hand. The best thing we have always and forever, is His Presence with us. We are a blessed people and we need to be a God Grateful people. Our enemy is constantly lurking to see who He can destroy and when we are acknowledging God through Praise, we send the power of praise first into every battle front the enemy has set up to upset us. Gratefulness that turns into Praise is a great spiritual weapon for a missionary. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video, it will give you great God wisdom about the wiles of your enemy and how to side-step His traps:
Don’t Underestimate Your Enemy…
The miraculous is exciting and we can expend so much energy when on mission, that we get lax in the most important area of our life, our connection with God, our heart-to-heart relationship with God, it must come first. We are physically tired, we are compassion fatigued, and we get emotionally spent. So, we have the “bright idea” of sleeping in a little longer, and this takes away from our quiet time, our heart-to-heart connection with God. On mission with God, we must continue making time for God first, even when on mission is slammed with many time consuming responsibilities, we must make it a priority to keep our heart guarded with God’s spirit and truth, connected wholly-holy with God.
“Guard Your Heart With God’s Promises! Pray Big-Bold Prayers And Stretch Your Faith Past What You Think Is Possible, Because You Serve At The Call Of A Miraculous God, Who Can Make All Things Possible.”
Kimberly Mac
God’s Bright-Light Of Mercy
Keep God first, this is how we guard our heart, knowing and acting on the truth that without Him, there is no being on mission, and we are not empowered with life giving change. Beware of kindling our own fire, walking by the light of a manmade fire is not a good thing because a man-made fire, flames out. Our enemy is a backbiter, who likes to slash the victories of God with a backlashing. Heart To Heart with God, walking in the light of God’s mercy, which is never extinguished, the enemy can scheme and backlash all he wants, but he can’t put out the light of God. As we stay positioned in God’s light, we are navigated through all the schemes of the enemy with God’s mercy paving the way through His grace, truth, strength and patient endurance. God’s mercy surrounds us, guarding us from the backlash of the enemy of our soul. Look up!
Supernatural Connection
Connection, heart-to-heart with God, quietly bowed before Him, silently submitting our will and our expectations to Him, this is how we start our day on mission with Him. It only takes a minute to connect our hearts with God in vital-vertical relationship. Even if the mission is harried, busy and stressful, we never cut corners by not giving God our first time of the day. Our first step out onto our mission field should be down, bowed before our God, Who makes all things possible, for without Him, we can do nothing. We are not the Savior. We are not the Fixer. We are not the Redeemer. Jesus Is. With Him, everything matters, without Him, we can’t do anything that matters in that forever kind of way. Missionaries strive to keep your connection with Jesus strong, unbreakable by doubt, fear, worry and alive in the possibility of Who God is in you and through you. All things are possible, Christ in You, the hope of glory. Listen up to this 1 minute encouragement and be inspired by God:
Thank you for stopping into The Prayer Mentor table during a week of a prayer journey with the missionaries. We are grateful to God for your support of our ministry through sharing these posts on your social media platforms. We also ask that you subscribe to this website, The Bridegroom’s Café so you don’t miss one spiritual meal prepared here by Chef Jesus. God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac