God is speaking! He is speaking from His Creation, He is speaking from His Word, He is speaking through His Holy Spirit, He is speaking through people. He is speaking through music and writing! There is a constant conversation going on from heaven to earth where we can hear The Bridegroom’s Voice. KimberlyMac
Listen ~ Vertically=Heart To Heart
Extensively ~ To God First
Speak~ God’s Thoughts
Significantly~ Making Moments Matter
Infinitely~ Believing –Wholeheartedly
Sincerely~ Living – Wholly Holy
My~ Purposeful-Intentional
Outlook~ Lived Prospectively Kingdom
Revealing~ Relation=Person To Person
Eternity~ God’s Kingdom Glory
Listening Intently Is Fully Facing God Without A Distracted Focus
When we listen to God are we fully facing Him, are we listening to Him heart to heart or is there worldly distractions in the way of our kingdom focus? Is our relationship with God vertical or are we taking in the horizontal first by stretching out our lives wide open to the world? We must break the fleshly habit of listening to the way of the world first and create new spiritual habits of leaning our ears into God’s Voice of truth. Less world, more kingdom. If we listen to God first, it will significantly change the way we think when we hear His Voice more than the voice of this world. We need to follow the customs of this world less and let God transform us more. We need to change the way we think, no longer thinking out of a worldly viewpoint but thinking out of a kingdom perspective. If we listen most to God and less to the world, we will act on God’s thoughts and truth most and what we do will matter significantly more, eternally so.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are amiable, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8
Wholehearted Desire To Be Wholly-Holy God’s
There is always a sense of wholeness in being wholeheartedly God’s, belonging to Him wholly-holy will lead us to trusting Him completely, even though we can only see in part and He can see in whole. We must be determined to know God the best that we can know Him, the more we strive to know Him, the better we will know Him. The less we discipline our flesh, spending more time with the things of the world and less with God, the less we will know Him. We know God as much as we desire to know Him, just as we can love Him with part of us, but not with all of our heart, soul, mind and will. Let us change that up to be less of us, more of Him, less of this world, more of His kingdom. We should strive to have less of our thoughts in play and more of His thoughts in action in our lives. We should pursue the things that cause us to be less in love with ourselves and more in love with Him.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and … thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. … we must have a due concern for the welfare of our own souls and bodies. Author Unknown Mark 12:30
For my determined purpose is that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly],
Philippians 3:10 Amplified Bible
Listen To God More Speak For Him Most
This life season I am going to listen to God 1st and more, so I speak out of my flesh less. Less is me is more of God is my life season motto. Less of me, my way, my words, my wants and more of God, His kingdom, His words, His life. I am going to “grow through this life season” learning how to listen extensively to God, so I can simply-significantly speak and make more of an eternal difference with the words I speak. I would like to change the habit of impulsive thought to mouth, and bring about a transformation that causes me to hear more from God, filter out the deceptive enticements, assumptions and temptations to speak impulsively and stop carelessly being a voice for my enemy. I hope to speak more of what God says and less of what I think. I hope to trump my assumptions, opinions and rationalizations with His truth, so it shines brightly from my life. My endgame is that I would like to have my opinion, my assumptions, my presumptions completely muted and be talking out of the heart to heart, streaming constantly from heaven to earth, conversation I am having with God.
“Believers have not been distinctly guided to see that nothing is more natural and beautiful and blessed than to be nothing, so that God may be all…”
Author~Andrew Murray
Less Dissatisfaction Is More Contentment
I spent a lot of my time speaking words of dissatisfaction and complaint over this last season of my life, and it especially increased because of the dismay over where God had divinely placed me. This is hopefully going to change. The more I hear God’s voice and the less I hear mine, the most I will be pleasing to Him in my thoughts, words and actions. Discontentment is fed by dissatisfied speaking as contentment is influenced by listening to God, to His promises, to His hope and encouragement. Sometimes this past season, I was saturated with discontentment in my soul, because it was all I could speak of when it came to my living situation. This life season, I am going to put a guard over my lips by guarding my heart more, by listening more to God and speaking less of things I don’t have a full picture on. I only see in part and while that part is seen and the rest is not seen, then conjecture, opinion, presumption and assumption should not be on my lips. I should not speak about the part I don’t know, I should trust God for it and talk up the part I do know in grateful gratitude to God. God’s ways are not my ways and when I accept that and let trust build a tenure in my spirit, then my discontentment will be minimal to non-existent.
“The place of real prayer is the Christian’s treasure chamber. He is there in the midst of the treasures of grace which God has given him, and it is there that God enriches him more and more; but in the secret place of the Most High where he dwells, he is rich in love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit.”
Quote By: Clarence Dixon
Listen Extensively-Speak Supernaturally! Significantly So! Simply-Significantly Ask Yourself: What Would Jesus Say? Listen-Speak!
I want to develop the listening skill that would help me to hear God first before I speak, so the things I say have significant eternal value, and add this kind of powerful worth to those I speak too. What I have to say, my opinion, my presumptions, my matter of fact, my rationalizations, my judgements, my impulsive thoughts, these I must speak less and listen more to hear what Jesus would say. This is the path to being a person of Kingdom purpose, where the purposes of God are always in play in my thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions and where what I say and do simply-significantly matters, eternally so.
Listening To Me Less And God More, Gives God An Eternal Edge In My Life As I Do What I Have Heard
I must have an eternal listening edge, so my tongue is always speaking the things I have heard from God before it speaks the things conditioned by my culture and circumstance. I need to learn to hear that still small voice of God, even as I walk through a world cluttered with words spewed at me from every angle, directed by all kinds of motives and clamored with cultural bias. I must learn to hear the voice of God through all of this confusion. I want to in this new life season, learn how to pinpoint God’s voice no matter what is going in in my life, I want to hear what He has to say first and to speak clearly, honestly and lovingly what He has said. I have spoken too many words in my life time that I would love to have back, yet once they have been spoken it is too late to change the impact of them. Do my words have an eternal impact or an earthly concussion? Does what I say, what I do add eternal value to others?
Less Pursuit Of The Things Of This World Is More Satisfaction In Christ, And More Glory For His Kingdom
Yes, God want all of us to be less satisfied, less rooted to the things of this world and more satisfied with Him and His Kingdom. God wants to stretch our satisfaction more in the direction of eternal. I have to admit that I do spend a lot on things and a lot of time with things I really don’t need, they are just comfort fixes. This Elohim, He can see ahead and knows that we will need Him to “grow through” this life season. He wants to teach us about His Kingdom, because He knows it is the key to trumping our dissatisfaction. Listening less to this world brings more satisfaction in Him. He is forever teaching new things. I love that about our God.
“Through attacking Eve’s contentment, Satan was able to incite rebellion in mankind and sin entered into the world.”
Quote By Wayne Barber
Less Listening To The Enemy, His Culture, Media And Replacing That Listening Time With God’s Voice Is More Kingdom Contentment.
I read this quote and I thought, wow I have never thought of what happened to Eve and Adam in that perspective of thought. How true is that! Her enemy, satan attacked her contentment and was able to incite a dissatisfaction in her that he used to turn to rebellion against God. The enemy talked in her ear, enticed her mind with half-truths and she bought into the deception and disobeyed God in a very impulsive and reckless way. As I thought about what happened that day with Eve, I decided to put a label on it. I call it enemy cackle. I have to admit, I also have experienced what Eve experienced and enemy cackle hurts when we listen to it and act on it. Ouch! The consequences of listening to it and being influenced to act on it, are not fun.
Less Of Listening To Deception More Living Out Truth
Enemy Cackle! In fact, I experienced it kind of like Eve did as I listened to the voice of enemy cackle coming subtlety to my mind, challenging the truth I know and bringing so much confusion to my soul, thoughts hitting me from every direction, so much so that my mind actually hurt, if that is even possible. Enemy Cackle goes on and on until you say Jesus help me. Then it stops and you can turn to God, fully face Him and listen to His voice of truth. God always, constantly and consistently speaks truth, how awesome is that?!
Less Of What I Want To Do Is More Of God’s Way Springing Forth In My Life
I hold on to things tightly, especially if they have been a success, I want to camp there. Yet when God says, move forward, I want to do a new thing with Him, yet I struggle letting go of the past and moving forward with Him. I have always been that way with change. I have focused more on the death or dying part of a transition of change. Like in the winter, the leaves of the trees are at their peak of color and then they turn brown and fall off and the tree looks like a stick. I have always disliked that. Yet, if you look at the different perspective of having a winter scene, it can be an astounding beauty of its own that we will miss if we are focusing on what was lost. Less focusing on the angst of change is more experiencing the bursting forth of the new.
Eternal One: Don’t revel only in the past, or spend all your time recounting the victories of days gone by. Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.
Isaiah 43:18-19 ~ The Voice
Less Nostalgia, More Knowing God’s Miraculous Newness
I have chosen to focus more, cling more to the past, then embrace the beauty of the newness of the present change. I realized this, it was kind of like realizing the dawn had already come, after the sun has been up for a while. Yet when I see the beginning of the sunrise, it is the most miraculous glimpse of the day ahead. We can so quickly miss that spectacular sunrise if we are not focused. Some of us wake up thinking: Grrrrrr another day to face and we do this when the day before is not yet done or settled in our soul and we are hanging on to it. A friend shared with me to be aware of the miraculous at the beginning of the transformation, and be focused most and more on God’s display of grace, mercy and hope. She wrote this and it really woke up my desire to do everything I could do to not be distracted by what was past, but to be focused on the new thing, so I would experience the miraculous newness God has given us in every day.
“This is the day the LORD has made, I rejoice and am glad to be alive to witness and participate in it. I sing praises to my God, Creator for the beauty of the sunrise, the symphony of the birds rejoicing at the beginning of the new day. My heart is still beating and my lungs still breathing, thank You for that miracle. I have eyes to see and ears to hear, O my God let me see and hear what you see and hear today that I may enter into what You are doing where ever I may be. I love You, I embrace this new day with You my Lord. God is Good!” Written By Dianna Harrison
Night Seasons Do Break Forth In Morning Light
God is making some changes in my life this new life season, old things are passing away and new things are starting. Only, I don’t do well with change, it is always a hard thing for me. I need a new spiritual habit when it comes to change. I need to appreciate the miraculous vicissitudes that take place every day. Less ungratefulness is more appreciation. When a night season transforms to morning, it is beautiful, it is a miracle of God, so maybe it is time for me to stop focusing nostalgically on the expiry of change and focus on the new life of change, the symphony of God rejoicing at the new beginning of my life season. In this life season I hope to be leaning into the sovereign sway of God and listening more closely to the rhythms of His Grace during my life transitions and less to the noise of my human condition as it fleshes out.
Less Of Leaning Into What I Want, Is Simply Significantly More Valuable To My Life!
“You’ve called me to be holy, Lord, not famous; to be holy, not successful. Keep me focused today on being the person You want me to be, no matter how significant or insignificant the work You ask me to do. Amen.”
Pursuing Me Less And God More
We sometimes in our fleshly ways will judge the value of what God has asked us to do by cultural standards. God is working out Kingdom purposes, which many times the value is in the unseen as His purposes are in play and until His endgame is revealed. We cannot put earthly value on Kingdom purposes, we don’t have the ability to judge it right. If you are begrudgingly doing something for God because you “think” it is insignificant, then you could be oh, so very wrong. That is why God does not call us to be culturally successful or famous, He calls us to Himself. When we die to ourselves and take on God’s Mission, we do not pursue personal fame or success, we pursue God 1st and everything else will purposefully, according to His Will for us, happen supernaturally so and for the glory of His Kingdom, not our earthly reputation. The less I seek my fame, my success, the more my life will shine God’s Glory. When I listen extensively to God and less to the cultural trends, I will know the purposes of God in play in my life. Less Is More! Less of me, less of pursuit for me, more of Christ in me and through me.

Water Your Soul With These As You Think On These God Thoughts, Glean Truth, Direction, Wisdom And Be Less, So God Can Be More!
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelations 21:5 NIV
And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.” And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.
Revelation 21:5-7
Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.
Hebrews 8:13
The words once more, show clearly that God will change what he has made. These are the things that can be shaken. Then only the things that cannot be shaken will remain.
Hebrews 12:27
Selah! Pause And Think On This And Learn How To Live Less With Your Flesh, More With God’s Power.
My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved. With God rests my salvation-my glory; He is my Rock of unyielding strength and impenetrable hardness, and my refuge is in God! Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us (a fortress and a high tower). Selah [pause-calmly think of that]!
Psalm 62: 5-8 Amplified Bible
God still speaks and I want to be an Author that pens what He is saying now to His Church. I hope that every meal that you partake of will nourish your soul and establish your vital-vertical relationship with God. Please share this meal “Less Us More God” with as many people as you can, this will help the Body of Christ to be aware that we can choose to “flesh out” and take in more of God, His way, truth and life. Use social media share buttons below to share this post with others. I hope you browse the other tables in The Bridegroom’s Cafe and enjoy feeding your soul here.