Narrow Way

“We have had it pretty easy, but times are changing. We can’t run from the conflict, we can run to God, He is in the midst of it.” KimberlyMac

Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. James 5:16 The Message

Listen Up To The Call Of God~ The Call To Prayer

There has never been a time more necessary than this season in the lives of our family for the need of prayer in and through God’s Word. We are a conflicted generation, what is right is now wrong, what is wrong is now right. We, family members need to run to God, pray for our family, not just a once in a while thing, but diligently, habitually lift up our family members to God, knowing that the power of God, through the light of His Truth, is released into our family through passionate, heartfelt prayer for each other. Jesus, we pray for God light in these dark times, shine the Light of Truth into our family lives.

Matthew 7:13-14 There are two paths before you; you may take only one path. One doorway is narrow. And one door is wide. Go through the narrow door. For the wide door leads to a wide path, and the wide path is broad; the wide, broad path is easy, and the wide, broad, easy path has many, many people on it; but the wide, broad, easy, crowded path leads to death. Now then that narrow door leads to a narrow road that in turn leads to life. It is hard to find that road. Not many people manage it. The Voice

Pray It Up For Your Family

  • Holy Spirit, guide us, this family, teach us, each one of us how to find the narrow road that leads to life, help us comprehend the way to it and how to habitually walk it. Holy Spirit, we lay down our worldly viewpoint, teach us how to live out of Your Kingdom perspective and be found in the flow of Your Purposes.
  • Lord God, be on the move in our family from home to home, open up the truth of Your Word to us, may we be a family who stands on the side of truth. Position each one of us wholly-holy aligned with Your Spirit and Truth, may we be a family who is standing on the truth, may our reality be saturated with the fullness of Your Truth as we step out day to day to add value to the lives of others.
  • Holy Spirit, speak what is true to this family, help us to overcome all the cultural deceptions that distract us from our identity in Jesus and pull us towards the broad path of our life here. Focus us Holy Spirit, with a Kingdom Perspective, that sees You first, hears your Voice first, and responds to You foremost.
  • Jesus, may each of our lives shine forth in truth, proving and testifying to the reality of Your Truth alive in us. May the claim of our Christianity be seen in the total access You have to our lives, the wholly-holy surrender of our lives to You, in that all in kind of way with Your truth and life. Jesus may it be so in our families, Your Spirit, Truth and Life at the center, at the center of our all and everything.

“When one compares the great numbers of people today who cavalierly identify themselves as Christians yet never consider the claims of Christ, one shudders to realize how deadly such deception remains. May we present Christ’s radical claims boldly so that more professing Christians may reckon with the reality of his lordship.” IVP Commentary

Pray Up The Word For Your Family

  • Rescue us every time we face tribulation and set us free from evil. For you are the King who rules with power and glory forever. Amen And Amen Matthew 6:13 TPT
  • Keep us from sinning when we are tempted. Save us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 NIRV
  • Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. But let Your kingdom be, and let it be powerful and glorious forever. Amen. Matthew 6:13 The Voice
  • Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil. Matt. 6:13 CEV
  • And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 CSB
  • And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. For kingship, power and glory are yours forever. Amen. Matthew 6:13 CJB

The gracious hand of his God was on him. This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel. New Living Testament Ezra 7:9-10

“Raise a standard of righteousness. Truth does not stand down.” KimberlyMac

Pray It UP To The Holy Spirit For Your Family

Lord God we praise You, for Your Kingship Power alive in our family, the strength of Your Truth empowering us in our day to day lives. We do have an enemy, but we don’t focus on our enemy, we recognize his temptations and we turn from them, we turn to You, Jesus, looking for Your wisdom, standing on Your Promises, and being Your Truth keepers. Lead this family, be at the helm of it, keep us Jesus, deliver us from evil and save us from our human condition. Free us Holy Spirit, from the bondages of our worldly culture, rescue us from its deathly grasp. Jesus may we be a family who raises Your standard of righteousness in the heart of our home, may we from family to family, experience Your Truth, a truth that does not stand down.

Pray It Up To Jesus, Our Deliverer

Jesus strip the focus of this family from the grip of this world, give us a Kingdom perspective. Jesus build our lives upon Your way, truth and life. Your purposes are in play to shape our lives by Your Thoughts as we give you total access to our mind, asking Your Holy Spirit to clean up deceptive thoughts of assumption, presumption, speculation, theory, and presupposition. Speak what is true to us Holy Spirit, deliver us from the evil intentions of deceptive thoughts, may we have the mind of Christ. Help us Lord to yield total access to the flow of your purposes, which are in play to design and build our lives on Your way, truth and life. Lord Jesus, bring each person in our family to that incredible place of taking our hands off of our lives, and giving You total access to our lives, total control of our lives, that we might be kept by You and delivered from the evil intentions of our enemy. Lord Jesus, we give you control of our family, empower us by Your Holy Spirit, May Your Kingship power course through our family life.

The Bridegroom’s Café is known for meals that feed your soul. The Family Table is unique in so many ways, as is each family is incredibly designed by God. This meal today will inspire you to connect with Jesus heart to Heart and pray it up for your family. It is imperative in times such as these to hear The Bridegroom’s Voice in that habitual kind of way that changes it up in your family life. I highly recommend you take a journey with Jesus through the book, The Bridegroom’s Voice and create a daily habit of listening up to God. It will be such an amazing God Adventure. You can purchase it by clicking on the button below. Please, share this Family Prayer Meal with other families by using the Social Media links below. I would love to hear from you, please leave a comment. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac, Author.

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

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