Just A Thought ~ Listen Up ~ Psalm 46
The Bridegroom’s Voice
“You are either peace-filled or peace-less. The Bridegroom desires you to be full of His peace. What thoughts do you have as you ponder these truths? Strategize with God the adjustments you need to make to be a peaceful person and remain habitually in God’s peace in this turbulent world.” KimberlyMac Excerpt #TheBridegroomsVoice
Look Up ~ Reality Of Truth
God is present. This is the truth we need as our intentional kingdom cultured growth focus this year. No matter what trial is spinning up strife in our life on this day, God is in the midst of it. God is our present help. In times such as these, with wars and rumors of wars, we do not fear, we trust God. We are strong and courageous in Him. Is our nation in an uproar? Is there instability in our personal lives? Yes, at times our worldly viewpoint interrupts our peace. This is when we look up, for a kingdom perspective, and we listen up for God’s reality of truth. God still speaks! In times such as these, we remember with heavenly hindsight what God has done, what He is capable of doing. On this day, we listen up to God and we recall that all things are possible with God. In insecure times, we still our fear and position ourselves in the faith we know, that He is Almighty God, that we are underneath the Rulership of His Love, and that His Sovereign purposes are in play for our good and His glory. Look up, still your fear and know we are embraced by God’s Providential Care.

God Is For Us ~ God Is Our Peace Fortress
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10 NLT
Pray It Up
Holy Spirit, we pray for Godly wisdom that always is the precursor to God’s peace. Father God, the threat of war is always with us and has been heard for generations. Therefore, we pray You protect us from evil that causes our enemies to rise up in their horrendous human condition, as they steal, kill and destroy to strive for illegitimate power, desiring an authority over us that You have not given them. We ask You, Heavenly Father, to hold us tightly in the embrace of Your Sovereign Will as You rule over us with Your Rulership of love. We pray for God’s protection from nations, led by human beings who have corrupted power absolutely. We ask You, Almighty God, to change us all up, because in making us more like You, by the power of Your salvation, there is no doubt, by the working of Your resurrected power in us, that we will have inner peace. We pray for God to protect us and purposefully rid us of the threat of absolute human power, which has corrupted absolutely. We pray God will make us His servant warrior, with a pure heart, undivided in loyalty to the Kingdom of God, wholly-holy, just like Jesus. Jesus, we pray and hope for You to personally usher in Your peace into the inner core of our being. Jesus, as your Holy Spirit speaks what is true, we pray to have ears to hear, to listen up, and still our fear, quiet our anxiety and know, without a doubt, You are GOD and You are in control of all rulership. Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess, You Jesus, are Lord of all.
Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café! We hope this spiritual meal on the “Just A Thought” table has nourished your soul. The Word of God is a powerful way to usher in the peace of God in your life. I highly suggest an incredible “God Adventure” for you, one that will increase your listening up skills with new spiritual habits and a renewed relationship with Jesus. Purchase the book: “The Bridegroom’s Voice” and begin your “Journey With Jesus” today to a new vital-vertical relationship with Him as you listen up to His Voice.
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice