Zachariah 4:6 So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. The Passion Translation
Today is my birthday, so I wanted to look back with heavenly hindsight on my life and give a personal shout out to the greatest God ever. Since giving my life to God over 30 years ago, I have known no lack deep within my inner spiritual core. Don’t get me wrong, I, like you, have had my struggles and trials in this world, it is like Jesus said it would be, that we would have tribulation, but that He has overcome this world. He overcomes our lack; He fills the voids in our lives with Himself. This is what I know, this is what I have experienced, the abundance of His Presence and how incredible it is to have Him in my life, in all, of my life. I have over the years of learning and growing as a Christian, decompartmentalized my life. There is no place in my life, God is not allowed in, not one compartment God has not been given total access too. I don’t know lack, because I know Him, I know God personally, I have a vital-vertical relationship with Him. I know, without a doubt, Jesus providentially cares for me in the, all, of my everything. I have good days, I have bad days, I know joy, I know sadness, but in the midst of everything I feel, everything I experience, I have no lack of God, He is with me, He is for me and I receive from Him what I need. God is my Advocate and from every moment into every choice, I have no lack.
On this day that we step into, we lack nothing we need, at all, to be taught, to be navigated, to grow through, to learn many new things.
Write the following to the messenger of the congregation in Sardis, for these are the words of the one who holds the seven Spirits of God[b] and the seven stars: Revelations 3:1
The Seven Spirits In Front Of His Throne = Isaiah 11:2-3
the Spirit of Yahweh will rest upon him,[The Spirit Of Prophecy]
the Spirit of Extraordinary Wisdom,[The Spirit Of Skillfulness]
the Spirit of Perfect Understanding[The Spirit Of Intelligent Insight]
the Spirit of Wise Strategy,[The Spirit of Guidance]
the Spirit of Mighty Power,[The Spirit Of A Mighty Warrior]
the Spirit of Revelation,[The Spirit Of Knowledge]
and the Spirit of the Fear (Awe) of Yahweh.
Footnotes From The Passion Translation ~ The Facts Of Our No Lack
Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of Yahweh is the Spirit of prophecy, the manifest presence of God resting upon the Lord Jesus. In the Hebrew culture, to say “the Spirit of Yahweh rests upon” someone meant the Spirit of prophecy was upon them. See John 1:32-33
When it comes to insight, I have no lack. When I need to be navigated through something, I pray, and I ask God and He provides the next steps for my feet. When it comes to needed guidance, I wait on God. I have no lack. I have insight from God’s Holy Spirit. In my years of walking with God, heart to heart, I have never had a time where I have asked for discernment that He has not given it. I have waited before I step out for the light to shine on my path, but God has always been faithful to do so. I have no lack.
“The Spirit of Skillfulness” (Exodus 31:2-4). This gives equipping ability for music, art, business, writing, creativity, and wisdom for judicial decisions. Paul prayed for the churches to receive this “Spirit of wisdom” (Ephesians 1:17-19).
I can really attest to this fact that I have no lack when it comes to skillfulness for what God has called me to do. God has faithfully equipped me for everything He has asked me to do and I consider this so miraculous. He has asked me to do things I did not even have a clue how to do. Many times in heavenly hindsight, I can look back and hear this statement echo: “You want me to do what???!!! Lord, You have got to be kidding me. I can’t do that.” Oh, how wrong I was and every time I said that, God proved me to be wrong. God has asked me to do things I have had no skill to do and He has in that “Spirit of Skillfulness” way of His, miraculously taught me things I thought I could never learn. I have no lack.
“The Spirit of Intelligent Insight.” This imparts the ability to discern the truth, to know the meaning of riddles, and to decipher parables and allegories. This anointing was upon the prophet Daniel. See Dan. 1:17; 5:11-12; 9:21-23.
There are some things in this life that I would look at and not even attempt to wrap my mind around. I have life experiences that shape me, but at times God was putting me in the most uncomfortable places. God always makes a way of discernment for me. There were times when I found myself face to the ground, beating the floor and crying out to God, “Why God? Why?” At times such as these, when I could not lean into my understanding, times where I found my circumstances and the people in them, was way beyond my intelligence to deal with and my strength to endure, God always came through for me. These are the times God stretched my intelligence for that moment, with His peace and His peace became what filled the gap my understanding lacked, until God filled it with His truth. I have no lack. There are still situations that cause my heart to wince in pain, but the intelligent insight I receive from them is God’s peace that surpasses my understanding. Peace gives me the staying power so I no longer seek understanding, I patiently endure, I trust Him with that situation, those people, where conflict still exists and I wait in God’s peace for the intelligent insight, the miraculously so, the say-so of God’s final word. I have no lack.
“The Spirit of Guidance.” “The Spirit Of A Mighty Warrior” This is the Hebrew word etsah and is used numerous times in the Old Testament for “counsel, advice, or purpose.” It is also used for steering (guiding) a ship. This anointing imparts the wisdom and counsel needed for spiritual leadership. See Ex. 18:19
There has never been a time that I have been without the counsel of God. I love that about the Holy Spirit, His advice for me is readily available and comes in so many creative forms. God’s purposes are always in play for me and there is not one challenge I face where the purpose of God, in the midst of that challenge, are not greater than the challenge itself. I am navigated by the Holy Spirit. I ask and He steers me with the wisdom I need to be His servant warrior. Jesus is a Mighty Warrior, and it is His Spirit who lives in me. People have never truly met my need like He has. I have no lack.
“The Spirit of Knowledge.” This is not knowledge that is learned from books or study but knowledge that comes from experiencing intimacy with God.
Our Father God, sent His Son Jesus, here to us. God came to us. I will never get over that. This is how much our Father God wanted a personal relationship with me. I take full advantage of this open door to have a vital-vertical relationship with God. All, of the WHO of who I am comes from my heart to heart connection with God and the constant conversation I have with Him. God has total access to my life, my identity is wholly-holy in Him. I hold nothing back from Him. God knowledge is a miraculous thing, and I don’t take it for granted. I love my relationship with God, He always leaves me wide-eyed with wonder. The personal intimacy from God has covered over a lot of lack in my life. Human beings have never been able to meet my needs, I used to expect them to, but I don’t anymore, I put all my expectations in God. God can and God does meet all my needs. I have no lack. I have not unmet human expectations.

Psalm 97:4 The Passion Translation When his lightning strikes, it lights up the world. People are wide-eyed as they tremble and shake. Revelation 4:5 And pulsing from the throne were blinding flashes of lightning, crashes of thunder, and voices. And burning before the throne are seven blazing torches, which represent the seven Spirits of God. Lightning is often an emblem of the revelation-word of God breaking forth on the earth (Ps. 97:4), which dismantles the works of Satan (Luke 10:18). As God’s Word goes forth, there will always be voices to carry the fresh revelation of heaven. The Passion Translation Commentary
“The Spirit of Fear -Awe.”
When it comes to human fear, I was paralyzed and held captive to anxiety most of my teen and young adult years. As I came to know God intimately, He delivered me from fear and healed my soul from anxiety attacks. I am so Awe-God grateful to be free of anxiety and I stand in Awe of God and the power of His Word. The Word of God never stops yielding its power here on this earth. The Word of God has a light which is never extinguished by darkness. Evil can’t stomp out God’s Word. The Word of God is never exhausted, it is always teaching, there is always, living fresh revelation heard through the Bible. God still speaks. The Word has done an incredible miraculous thing for me, it has deepened my awe and wonder of God. I thirst for God daily and I am filled. I have an Awe-GOD gratefulness that knows no bounds as I watch, wait, and see my God on the move in and through my life. I have no lack.
Luke 10:18-17 When the seventy missionaries returned to Jesus, they were ecstatic with joy, telling him, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we commanded them in your name! 18 Jesus replied, “While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from heaven like lightning to the ground.
May the kindness of God’s grace and peace overflow to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits[Holy Spirit] who are in front of his throne. Revelation 1:4 TPT
Enjoy your God Adventure today, I know without a doubt, it will lack no good thing and it will be great. What I have experienced on my Journey with Jesus is I know for sure we will have no lack. Revelation 1:4 is alive today in us as Jesus with all of His present, past and future is with us. There is not a day that goes by that we are not being taught, equipped and prepared by the One Who is the fullness of Truth; the One Who Conquered Death; the One Whose Rulership of Love is a banner over us. This Ruler, Jesus, His Rulership of Love over all, and His Holy Spirit is with us, shaping us on this day in this seven fold way: The Spirit of the manifold presence of God; The Spirit of skillfulness, extraordinary wisdom; The Spirit of perfect understanding, intelligent insight; The Spirit of wise strategy, guidance; The Spirit of Mighty Power, a mighty warrior; The Spirit of revelation, knowledge that comes from intimacy with God; The Spirit of fear-awe. We lack nothing today. Enjoy your journey with Jesus and remember at the close of each day, look back with heavenly hindsight, exercise your Awe-God Gratefulness. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement
Thank you for stopping into the Awe-God grateful table of The Bridegroom’s Café, where the meals are saturated with the spices of thankfulness and heavenly hindsight. The Bridegroom’s Voice is a book, no doubt about it that will increase your Awe-GOD in your relationship with Him. Purchase a copy today. God bless you, KimberlyMac
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