
Idolatry Steals ~ Kills ~ Destroys

The idol of politics steals so much from our civility as our nation has gone from being interested in politics to being obsessed by it. This obsession has caused derangement in our attitudes, words and actions towards each other. We are sacrificing our compassion, common sense and civility to our political idols and we need to change it up before it divides us so much, that we will fall. The point being, politics that is causing us to dehumanize each other and completely shut down the tolerance of “civil agreement to disagree” is divisive and divided we will fall and we will fall together.

Yet you have abandoned me and served other gods. So I will not rescue you anymore. Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen! Let them rescue you in your hour of distress! But the Israelites pleaded with the Lord and said, “We have sinned. Punish us as you see fit, only rescue us today from our enemies.” Judges 10:13-15 New Living Translation

Thus And Therefore

The better choice is to do what it takes to change it up so we can stand together as citizens of this great nation. Before you say something or do something, ask yourself this: Am I doing this out of obsession or interest? Will it add value to our civility? A sharp decrease in civility means no unity, and without unity there is no UNITED States. Don’t underestimate the need for civility, it is one of the foundational cores of this nation. Without civility, we fall and we all fall, destroying the freedom and liberty we now know and enjoy.

Pray It UP ~ Change It Up

We need to change it up. Our politics should be part of our interests as a citizen of this nation, but it should not be our obsession. When we are interested in something, we don’t promote it by the way of devaluing something else. We parade what is good about what we are interested in, we add value to our cause. We do not lose our compassion for others, our respect for them. We may not like what they represent, but we can like them. We do not dehumanize others to force our politics forward, this is obsession. Obsession devalues the person, it attacks people, it is a politics over people mentality that devalues people. It is no longer, I dislike your politics, it is I hate you. Political party obsession is devaluing our civility, dehumanizing people and is taking the human nature into dangerous down spiraling.

The Depravity Of Dehumanizing

Example: A Republican Senator did a Facebook post honoring one of the civil servants of the General Assembly of his state, who had died. Then you read this kind of depraved comment written on the Senator’s post:

Bell Bruce: “Seems like that is the only way to get rid of all these self-serving politicians.”

What a sickening comment! This is a person who has been completely dehumanized by politics and has no compassion for other people. How hurtful for the family member to read this in the midst of their grief over their loss. An obsession with politics changes us in ways we never would think possible and we should not underestimate the possible depravity of the human condition. We need to check our hearts and make sure our political interests have not become political obsessions. We need to change it up to adding value, to compassion, to people over politics.

Now we’re no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being God’s very own sons and daughters! And because we’re his, we can access everything our Father has—for we are heirs of God through Jesus, the Messiah! Before we knew God as our Father and we became his children, we were unwitting servants to the powers that be, which are nothing compared to God. 9 But now that we truly know him and understand how deeply we’re loved by him, why would we, even for a moment, consider turning back to those weak and feeble principles of religion, as though we were still subject to them? Galatians 4:7-9 The Passion Translation

Obsessed With Politics

Our country is “obsessed with politics” and that creates a deranged, dehumanized kind of living, where we don’t care, we don’t have compassion, it is all sacrificed to our political idols and we treat people who don’t agree with us like dirt. Tainted politics is the knowing of no power higher than self. This corrupted political lean, where we idolize and are obsessed by a political party, will require us to bow. How? We will have to sacrifice our common sense, and all reality of truth.

Obsession Becomes Derangement

Obsession becomes derangement and this kind of dehumanized politics, where our mind is not engaged, where we are bowing to political idols, leaves us with horrific votes like Colorado Democrats just voted for. They passed legislation that if a baby is born alive from an abortion, the doctor can’t help the baby, they just have to watch it die. Politics over people idolatry, dehumanizes us, destroying our humanity by sacrificing our common sense, like passing a law that says a doctor can’t help a baby. Unbelievable!

“Conservatives think liberals are people with bad ideas. Liberals think conservatives are BAD PEOPLE with ideas. THIS is the core of the problem.” Dan Bongino

The Smorgasbord Table has unique meals, some spices may not agree with some people. We hope you enjoyed this meal today. In today’s culture of deceit, where false narrative is seen as right and truth is seen as wrong, we need to hear God’s Voice of truth. The Bridegroom’s Voice is an incredible and unique personal journey with Jesus. You will hear His Voice, You will be in His Word and your heart will learn the value of being guarded by the Reality Of Truth. You can purchase it here today.

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