Senseless people find no pleasure in acquiring true wisdom, for all they want to do is impress you with what they know. Proverbs 18:2 The Passion Translation
Got Opinions In Your Face?
We have opinions coming out at rapid rates all around us and in our face constantly. A part of being free is we are allowed an opinion; we can believe what want. Yet, the Kingdom perspective that trumps our worldly viewpoint is that God knows the truth about everything and what we believe to be true, does not make it truth. Usually, the human condition of what we believe falls into the category of an assumption. The best thing about God’s Truth, what He knows is that our assumptions don’t change it. Truth is truth and it is not changed by what people believe or don’t believe, it is not even dimmed by a false speculation, assumption, opinions or a person’s theory. Truth stands the test of all falsity spoken against it. Our personal opinion, what we think we know or believe about something or someone, will never alter the truth God does know.
How Much Do You Place In An Opinion?
The cool thing is God always has the final say-so and it is always a truth that will stand the test of time. God see’s everything and knows the heart of every person, so don’t underestimate His ability to navigate us into all truth. This is why we don’t need to point our fingers at people or apologize for them, God will deal truthfully with every person for how they have lived their lives. God’s Got Us Covered Up In Truth! He knows us from the inside to the outside, there is nothing hidden from Him. God knows thing we could never begin to know about people. So, our opinions are pretty valueless in the eyes of God and even at times seem very foolish to Him. Opinion never changes the strength of what is true. Just because we believe something to be true, doesn’t make it truth.
Isaiah 40:6-8 A voice says, “Shout!” I said, “What shall I shout?” “These people are nothing but grass, their love fragile as wildflowers. The grass withers, the wildflowers fade, if God so much as puffs on them. Aren’t these people just so much grass? True, the grass withers and the wildflowers fade, but our God’s Word stands firm and forever.” The Message
Are You Exhausted By Trying To Prove An Opinion?
The one thing I love about God’s truth is how it stands forever, nothing can hide it or stop its power, it will persevere through our human nonsense and through the father of lives schemes and craftiness formed against it. Nothing can hide God’s truth, or stop its power. Nothing dims the light of God’s truth and nothing and no one can extinguish God’s Light of truth. We don’t have to prove truth; God does by the power of His Holy Spirit. When it comes to God’s Truth, our Father God is the Proof, His Holy Spirit is the Prover and Jesus, God’s Son is the Proven. We can believe what we want, that is part of having a free will, but in the end, the truth that God knows, it will stand and be accounted for. God has the final say. Never forget that. Almighty God is the Spirit of Truth and no principality or evil power can manipulate His Truth. Deception is a fire that flames out, whereas God’s truth is Enfugeo ~ a forever fire!

Who Is Your Transformer? Who Can You Transform?
Why do we point our finger at others in judgement or condemnation? Kind of a foolish human thing we do. We can’t truly know their lives, their heart or their motives. Only God can know the heart and life of His human beings. I know this: God’s Word is Truth. I also know that God knows the truth about how many people in this whole world, who go by the name “Christian”, truly are living the God-kind of lives He wants them to live. So, God doesn’t need me to tell people what I think I know about what they are doing and how I think it is right or wrong. God never asked me for my opinion. God never asked me to accuse or condemn another person; He asked me to love them and point them to His way, truth and life. God is the Messiah with the message, the way, the truth and life, I am just a servant of the messenger and I don’t get to interpret His message, I just get to live it out, to be the testimony of what He has said. God is the Messenger, by the Power of His Holy Spirit, He speaks truth and He transforms in that way only He can. I can’t change anyone, only God can. God is the transformer; I am the one in need of transformation.
Hebrews 12:1-3~Discipline in a Long-Distance Race ~ Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! The Message Bible
Do You Add Value To Civility?
People love to use the word “hypocrite”. I have even heard people say that most Christians don’t act like Christians should act. I say this is a guesswork assumption made strictly out of a human viewpoint. How could they know that the majority of believers are not sold out for Christ, are not living godly lives? How could I even know that? I can’t. Opinions don’t matter. What God knows matters. God does not have to share with us everything He knows and many times we acknowledge we know nothing and we trust in the One Who does know. This is a good remembrance for us when we want to run our mouth with accusations about others. We truly don’t know what we think we know and the sooner we live in this reality of truth, the better our civility will be. Civility is devalued by personal opinion’s run amuck. We need to change it up to truth, live out of the reality of truth. In our fight of faith, we need to run the race in the lane of God’s truth.
Is It Okay To Agree To Disagree? Pray It UP?
Is it obvious, or is it another assumption? What you believe is what you believe, it doesn’t title it right or wrong because you choose to believe it. There are things only God can know. If you make an assumption that I don’t agree with, I will listen because this speculation comes out of your life perspective, and I will respect you, because in a relationship, respect goes both ways. We don’t have to agree on assumptions, we can choose to agree to disagree and still respect one another. Why? Because we know all truth rests with God, He alone corners the market on truth. Instead of saying to someone who has shared their heart with you: “Don’t lecture me”, why don’t you embrace the person and be grateful they have chosen you to share their opinions with. We don’t have to be afraid of the opinions of others, because what is true is not changed by what they believe is true. And what is false, God is able to change up in their lives, we are not. Many times, we will not agree with what other’s believe, and that is okay, because truth will stand the test of time, we can speak it, but we don’t have to prove it, that is the Holy Spirit’s job. So, we ask Him to prove it and we do whatever it takes, to make peace on our part with those we don’t agree with. Prayer is a great way to make peace with the opinions of others you don’t agree with, take them to God, ask Him to show the way of truth to both of you. Let Him be Your peace until He works out truth in your friendship. God is the One Who creates friendships, He is Present in them, He is the rulership of them. So, can we trust Him and just agree to disagree with our friends whose opinions are different than ours?
John 16:12-15 “There is so much more I would like to say to you, but it’s more than you can grasp at this moment. 13 But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won’t speak his own message, but only what he hears from the Father, and he will reveal prophetically to you what is to come. 14 He will glorify me on the earth, for he will receive from me what is mine and reveal it to you. 15 Everything that belongs to the Father belongs to me—that’s why I say that the Divine Encourager will receive what is mine and reveal it to you. Footnotes: The Greek word for “truth” is “reality,” not “doctrine.” It is the application of truth that matters, not just a superficial knowledge. The Passion Translation
Who Is The Common Denominator Of Our Friendships?
There is a truth equation that equals peace. I don’t agree with what you believe and you don’t agree with what I believe, so we bring in the third party, Jesus, the Spirit of Truth. We don’t have anything to prove, we don’t need to be right. The Holy Spirit is the Prover and we yield to Him. We, don’t need to hold on to our “right” to be right when Jesus is the common denominator of our friendships. I can be wrong, you can be wrong, because Jesus in us, He is always right. God always knows what the majority or the minority is doing, being, acting or thinking. God knows the truth about His people and their motives, He knows every single detail about them. That is why we can’t know the truth and every time we condemn other’s about things we can’t possibly know, this is a false accusation made out of an assumption. Assumption, speculation, presupposition, theories, these all are not the reality of truth, they are our human superficial knowledge.

Are You Pressing Forward In Truth?
There are things God only knows and these things we can only assume or speculate about, this is an opinion; it is not truth. It is best to not speak out of anything but truth and this is what we need to change up in our lives. It is okay to theorize, speculate and form opinions, but it is not okay to speak them like they are truth we know. I pray we learn to be careful not to use our opinions to condemn or accuse others or devalue civility. We must work hard to be a person of truth in the all of our everything, and allow The Holy Spirit to be the Prover that He is so good at being. Opinions are just assumptions that we must not give the title of truth, there is great value to truth, an opinion is valueless. We should be people who add value to each other, therefore opinions are not something we should live our lives out of, be controlled by or take seriously. Simply-Significantly Truth Matters More Than Opinion, Therefore We Should Give Our Lives To Truth. Change this up in us Lord Jesus, so we won’t be a fool for the enemy, but a testimony of Your Truth.
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Proverbs 18:2 NIV
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Author Table. Just A Thought meal plan is fantastic as Chef Jesus shares a spiritual meal with us that is new, revelatory and very soul nourishing. It is good to feed our soul daily with The Bridegroom’s Voice. I highly suggest you do what it takes to hear this precious, powerful, purposeful voice. Please subscribe by email to The Bridegroom’s Cafe, you can do this on the home page. Also, it would be amazing if you would share today’s spiritual meal with other’s in your social media sphere of influence. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac
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