Dear Family Member! You have come here to sit with Jesus and enjoy a meal made especially for you by Him. I know He is anticipating talking to you about your family and praying for each family member, name by name. Today, at the Family Table, Chef Jesus has prepared a fine cuisine for you to enjoy, a Prayer Exhortation Meal He calls: “Our 1st Valentine!” Enjoy!
This Valentine’s Day as a family we should think on the Father God’s Love for us. Think On The Father God’s Love! How Great A Love Is This? There Was No Greater Love Ever Shown Than Salvation! Salvation is God’s Love, just as if we never sinned, just for us. God’s Love, Choose It! Value It! Honor Him! Never Forget It! In our family life use this sweet Valentine to think on these thoughts of God’s love for us. Read them, mull them over in your mind, over think them, because they are good thoughts. It is good for our family to be wildly in love with God, Who He is and the knowing of His love for us. These are such good thoughts. Make a commitment today to always lead your family to think good God thoughts. Go through these scriptures together and muse on them, share about them within your family life devotions. AWE-Father God! He Is Your 1st Valentine! Infinitely So!
Family ~ Think On These Things
There Is No Greater Love Than Our AWE-God
Pray It Up For Our Family
We pray for every member of our family to choose to believe in God’s Love, His love acted out in great personal sacrifice, resulting in our salvation unto His Life- forever. We pray our family members know, without a doubt, this: There Is No Greater Love, A Redeeming Love That Saved Me From Eternal Death! To God Be The Glory ! Pray It Up~ Ephesians 2:3-5!
Pray It Up For Our Family
We pray our family members do not get caught up in the Valentine’s Day parades of cultural cubic zirconium kind of love, always thrown in the face of our families. God may our family know Your Love, a love which remains changeless as a rock solid – pure – genuine – diamond kind of love! May our family members experience this kind of love that doesn’t just say I love you, but proves itself through action. Pray for our family members to definitely choose God’s Love. Jesus, may they know of Your love proved in an extreme way, a way of sacrifice which proved You loved us to the extreme degree. Father God, may we know real love. This is real love! I pray for our families to cling to this love on Valentine’s Day and to know the true lover of our souls, our Creator God, Our AWE-Father God, Our 1st Valentine! Pray It Up ~ 1 John 1:8-10!
Pray It Up For Our Family
Jesus center our family life in You, our 1st Valentine, and cause our love for You to grow and our desire to make the 1st choice, a righteous choice, become our family goal. Jesus, our family, we want to live our lives for You, our Amazing Valentine because You gave Your life for us, You loved us that much. Jesus, thank you for making a way for us, by sending us the Holy Spirit, our Way-Maker, our Advocate! AWE-GOD! There Is No Greater Expression Of Love Known To Mankind And Jesus, We, Our Family We Receive It! We, our family is grateful for The Holy Spirit is the Advocate Who stands on behalf of our families. We , our family says thank you to our personal Advocate, Who is working in the unseen on our behalf, for our ultimate good of our family. He loves us utterly and His love is simply-significantly enough for us. As a family, we place all our hope and expectations in Him. Pray It Up ~ Ephesians 5:1-3.

Pray It Up For Our Family
We pray our families know this deep in their heart that our families are saved by God’s Love for all eternity! There is no Higher Love, it reaches down into our situations and infuses His hope, wisdom and deliverance. We are saved by His Love for all eternity and there is no Higher Love that could gift our family life in such a way as this One True Valentine! We hope and we pray Lord Jesus, that our family members will trust in the Father God’s Love, completely! Nothing else compares to it! We pray our family desires no other love but God’s Love first and foremost! Psalms 108:1-6!
Pray It Up ~ Declare And Decree This For Your Family
Lord God Speak This Truth To Our Family Members: We are God’s prized possession! His love for us never changes! His Word is true to every single family on earth! Yes, Lord God, help us know of a great Valentine Love, a devotion that deepens daily, an intimate relationship with our AWE-Father God that does not change, is not affected in the least by our current family circumstances. Let this be the consequence of us loving a God so amazing, so true: Because of a Love so deeply implanted the heart of our families, we will not react or act by what we see happening in our family life-situations in this world-a place where we really don’t belong! The Covenant of our 1st Valentine’s Love, the expenditure of His love ensures our family citizenship in the Kingdom of God and our family inheritance is forever sealed by the enduring power of such a Valentine Love as bravura as this Love of God! Trustworthy Love! Yes, Our 1st Valentine Is Mighty To Save Our Family And His Love Endures Forever! It Changes Not! AWE-Father God! Pray It Up ~ James 1:17-18!
Pray It Up ~ Declare And Decree This For Your Family
Our 1st Valentine, Jesus Christ, because of His Great Love for us, sacrificed His Life to be our Way-Maker to our future. Jesus is the hope of our family’s future! The most awesome thing about our 1st Valentine’s Love for us is that the best is yet to come. He went to make a home for us and He is coming back for our family! It is this reflection of His Love that should fill the minds of our families this Valentines! We need to remind our families how we are already loved more than what we could ever begin to imagine or hope for and yet, this is not even the paramount of it! The preeminence Of AWE-Father God’s Love is nonetheless approaching as the season of timeless wonder comes to an end and God will reveal His plan of final fidelity for us, for every Kingdom of God family member, for all the world to eyewitness! Our Bridegroom Will Come For His Bride! Pray It Up ~ John 14:1-6!
Pray It Up ~ Declare And Decree This For Your Family
Our 1st Valentine, Our AWE-Father God, places such a high value on our lives, that He has given us the gift of Infinite Love. Finite love cannot hold its value, but Infinite Love is valuable from here to there unto forever! God’s Love respects our family life and places such huge value on our family life; therefore, in our family life we respect and value our relationships with divine things. In our family life, we choose infinite value over human value and we stay seated, firmly planted in Christ, learning to be content with what He has put in our family life path. Why? Because His Kingdom purposes flowing in our lives are valuable because His Infinite love is trustworthy to finish all things in His Goodness! It is because of God’s love for our families that we are able to wait, and grow through the storms of this life, standing firmly and confidently in the Love of our 1st Valentine, praying without ceasing and hoping expectantly for His suddenly to miraculously appear and make all things new and excellent in His Kingdom goodness! In our families there is a high priority value placed on loving God and loving others because of our 1st Valentine, Jesus Christ! Pray It Up ~ 1 Corinthians 13:7-13!

Pray It Up ~ Declare And Decree This For Your Family
Our 1st Valentine has a special kind of love, that only He could create, a love that sticks with us through the all of our family life; it is a fragrance that graces our family with a sweet smell and goes throughout our neighborhoods, as our lives testify of His Great Love. God’s love is something our families share from our family life to our community life. This incredible love keeps us hopefully waiting for His unexpected, divine impact on our life-situations! We believe and we share the integrity of AWE-Father God’s Love, therefore we trust in Him completely as we wait for Him to answer our family prayers. We endure through hard times, because His Presence is always with us and His Love for us! We are consistently loving Him, praising Him, sharing Him in the good and the bad times, because we know in His perfect purposeful timing, He will display yet another part of our life puzzle; a piece that will fit our family with the fragrant Goodness of God and will be far above all we could ever have hoped or expected for! It doesn’t matter to us that we can’t see all He has planned for us, because He does and we know He’s Got It. We honestly believe God is simply-significantly enough for us and we share the loyalty of His Love, unquestioning as we believe His plan for the outcome of our life situations, will be what is Kingdom Best for our family. Our families are willessly positioned in AWE-Father God’s Mighty Right Hand, gripped by His tenacious Love for us! No one could ever keep us this spellbound, only the Love of Jesus, our 1st Valentine; therefore we speak like people God has sent and are fragranced in His Infinite Love! Pray It Up ~ 2 Corinthians 2:13-17!
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Family Table and enjoying a spiritual meal prepared by Chef Jesus. We hope your soul was well nourished here. Please share this meal with another family you love and pray they also will feed their soul and strengthen the heart of their family life. We hope your ears are wide open to The Bridegroom’s Voice each and every day. God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac