Pray It Up

Overwhelmed? Pray It Up!

It is overwhelming the amount of false narrative, lawlessness and twisted truth being broadcasted by a corrupted “Main Stream Media” in our country. They are majoring in the minor of falsity instead of majoring in the majority of truth. Evil has come out of the shadows. God is highlighting the devil’s playbook with His light of truth. This is not a time to sit back in disillusionment, discouragement or despair, these only lead us by way of compassion fatigue, to the dead end of hopelessness. Take a hold of God’s Almighty Right Hand and get up as His servant prayer warrior. It is a time to passionately advance the truth and love of the Kingdom of God in prayer, in being wholly-holy His and in listening to His Voice and speaking wisely out of it. Change it up with the resurrection power of God in you. Listen Up. Pray It Up!

Romans 8:38-39 Message Bible So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture: They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Feeling Powerless? Pray It Up!

Simply-Significantly when we feel human powerlessness, prayer changes it up to activate God’s power in us and through us. This is where our boldness and courage comes as we face the challenges of our times with strength. Almighty God’s response to our prayer is His divine interruption of incredible Way-Making. God is a translator, He changes up our human mess with His miraculous transformation, creating a message that speaks truth and life to all, trumping deception and bringing forth a glorified advancement of His Kingdom. God in His Providential Care, always has an endgame of good that spans here to there unto forever, with a Kingdom glory glow like no other. No darkness can extinguish the light of God’s Glory Glow. Pray It Up! Advance The Kingdom Of God. Pray It Up! Listen Up:

Need Common Sense? Pray It Up!

Our President, Donald Trump, is not bowing to the “political idol”. He is not wanting to be popular or please the special interest groups. He is there to change it up from politics first to “we the people” first. This will not “poll” well, but it will bode well at the polls. Oh, and heavenly hindsight says: it did vote well. The President is not chasing after being liked, selling his soul for votes, selling out his constituency for money, no, He is cleaning out those swampy places. Do you think he will be liked for shining a light on the evils of the human condition in our Government? Common Sense says no. Question? Was Jesus liked when He trashed the tradition of the Pharisees? No. They called for his death. Sound familiar? Jesus did not “poll well” either, He was an agent of change. Do you think the President cares of he is liked? Reality of truth shows he doesn’t, but then who can know the heart of man, except God, or protect the heart of a man well, but God. The biggest fight in times such as these is how the enemy has a strong hold on commons sense. Pray it up to God ask Him to release, restore and revive common sense in this country and let it work with the favor of God for the good of our President, Vice President and all of their cabinet administration members. Pray It Up!

Lord, how great is your mercy; let me be revived by following your regulations. Psalm 119:156 New Living

1 Timothy 2: 1-6 New Living Translation I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.  Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.  This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.  For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.

Stumbling Blocks? Pray It Up!

Lots of stumbling blocks set out for our President and His Cabinet, traps by His enemies. Some he sidetracks, some he falls into. This is why I pray daily for him, his family, our Vice President and his family and today I ask you to join me. They need it. Pray It Up! They are facing many adversaries. All of the Democratic party against them, all of the news media, against them, most of our intelligence community, most of the judiciary oppose their agenda and if that is not enough, some of the Republican party is not loyal, and most of the special interest groups are against them. This creates a very chaotic appearance in the White House as they battle all these demeaning factions, while shining a torch that is lighting up the dark corruption, unsecreting hidden evil conspiracies and thwarting false narrative. These are some big challenges and some big opponents as the President and His Cabinet move forward and shines a light on the Washington corruption, a light of truth that has not shone in this part of our nation for a long time. Our government has been in a swampy status quo, our President is changing it up. Yet his opponent is truly not flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of evil. We must pray it up for this President, this Vice President and their families, it is the least and the best we can do as they stand for God’s truth, law, justice and liberty for all the people to be restored, revived and renewed. Pray It Up! Listen Up:

Got False Narrative? Pray It UP

The Main Stream Media has been in a mediatic frenzy of false narrative before and since the President took office. Never in my days have I seen fake journalism, 24/7 broadcasting to persecute, dishonor and disrespect a President of the United States as I have in times such as these. For the sake of the country, the unity of the country, turn off the false narrative of the main stream media and pray it up. Defamation of character, horrific displays of hate, twisted truth, lies, anger, crude jokes, calls for assassination, plays about physically abusing and killing our President. If this is not enough we also see on a daily basis, a bowing to a “political idol” that encompasses the greed for ratings and money. All of this combined with our common sense reveals the truth that the main stream media does not produce anything that we should watch, they are not adding value to America, they are devaluing our country. There is not anything that is out of bounds in their pursuit of all things them. There is nothing that shocks us anymore about their broadcasting, it is no longer journalism, it is a mediatic frenzy of gibberish as the serve it up to their idols. Pray it up, pray for a divine intervention, a revival of God’s way, truth and life in the journalism of this country. Journalism as we knew it, is dead. We pray for God to resurrect it with truth and life. Pray the principalities and powers behind this evil deception would be bound up, thwarted by warring angels sent by Almighty God to fight for truth to be revealed. Pray It Up!

Ephesians 6:10-12 Living Bible Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.

Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me and give me life according to [the promise of] Your word. Psalm 119:154 Amplified Bible

2 Corinthians 10:3-9 Common English Bible  Although we live in the world, we don’t fight our battles with human methods.  Our weapons that we fight with aren’t human, but instead they are powered by God for the destruction of fortresses. They destroy arguments, and every defense that is raised up to oppose the knowledge of God. They capture every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  Once your obedience is complete, we are ready to punish any disobedience. Look at what is right in front of you! If anyone is sure about belonging to Christ, that person should think again. We belong to Christ just like that person. Even if I went on to brag about our authority, I wouldn’t be ashamed of it. The Lord gave us that authority to build you up and not to destroy you.

Corrupted Leaders Destroying You? Pray It Up!

The Congress and Senate of our country has a corruption of position as they bow to the “political idol” of title, money, party and self-preservation. This bowing degrades the duty to “we the people” and destroys the confidence we have in the government. A false narrative has taken over and a fake reality ensued, that “acts out” in obstructionism. This irresponsible foolishness doesn’t help “we the people” but damages us and destroys the civility of our country. The behavior of this Senate has been down right childish with a foolish, rebelliousness that destroys the credibility of authority. They did not get their way after 8 years of having their way, so they are taking it out of everyone. Their shock of an election losses turned to bitterness and their anger has snowballed into gross sin. Their soul sick sin has been our consequence. They were given authority by God to build people up, not to betray them for personal gain or destroy them on the altar of political party idols. Corrupted by bitterness, our leadership has sunk to new lows. I have never in my life seen such a display of irresponsible leadership. It doubled down from bad to worse to a point of no return when Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal said this: “I hope Trump is assassinated” and then she herself in unrepentant arrogance, shone a bitter spotlight of truth on the moral state of our Swampy Senate: “There is no way in hell that I’m resigning,” she said. “There are legislators who have cheated on their wives, they have smoked in the Legislature, in the state Capitol. If they have not been asked to resign for those acts, which I do believe that cheating on your wife or your spouse is immoral, I am not resigning for a mistake that I made and that I’m owning up to.” Hear our cry Lord God, revive our leadership, revive our country and make us wholly-holy once again. Pray It Up! Listen Up:

Got Self-Righteousness? Pray It UP!

As you can see, these “elite” Senators and Congressman are being stripped of their self-righteous honor as the “light of truth” shines down on them, that they are just like we and their elitism is about to end, they have fallen off their man made pedestals of honor and their special favors are about to end, their swamp is about to be cleaned up, not by the President alone, but by the power and authority of God. God has placed this specific President purposefully, with the intent of taking these people off their plinths and revealing the truth of what needs to be changed up, cleaned up and cleaned out of our government. The favor of God has ended and the chaos in the Senate ensues as God begins to strip off the layers of sin, revealing hidden secrets and shining a light on the self-righteousness and self-indulgence. God will shatter the idol of “political party” that they are bowing to. Those calling for the removal of statutes is just a surface act that precludes an inner dysfunction. God is mirroring the need for the idols in their hearts to be shattered, destroyed and cast down. Revival is coming in our Government. God is on the move. Pray It Up! Listen Up:

Need Holy Alignment? Pray It Up!

Pray It Up. Pray without ceasing and take time apart, fast a lunch or breakfast or fast all day. Make a list of the politicians God is asking you to pray for, call their names out to God asking Him to thwart the evil and false narrative in their lives, to shatter the idol of “party politics” and return them wholly-holy to a servant leadership, serving Him first and we the people second. Pray they will be taken out of the position of being part of the problem to a holy alignment with God, Who is the Solution and their only source of pure wisdom, knowledge and discernment, for times such as these. We are praying our congressmen and senators will return wholly-holy to God and God will divinely interrupt their lives and change it up to His way, truth and life. We hope huge for God to divinely move and stir their souls, and change up their lives. Pray It Up!

Jeremiah 4:1-5 Living Bible O Israel, if you will truly return to me and absolutely discard your idols, and if you will swear by me alone, the living God, and begin to live good, honest, clean lives, then you will be a testimony to the nations of the world, and they will come to me and glorify my name. The Lord is saying to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Plow up the hardness of your hearts; otherwise the good seed will be wasted among the thorns. Cleanse your minds and hearts, not just your bodies, or else my anger will burn you to a crisp because of all your sins. And no one will be able to put the fire out.

Thwart Foolishness? Pray It Up!

Journalism is no longer pure in its desire to seek truth, it is corrupted by the sickness of sullied politics. A political idolatry has evolved over the years, we all are bowing to it in some way as we have been saturated by its false narrative and affected by its fake reality. In some way we have all been irresponsible with the speaking out of speculation and assumption as if it were truth. We think we know, so we speak as if we do know. The False narrative which has steadily increased over many years now, is at a mediatic frenzy stage. Pray for the networks and their hosts, make a list and call their names out to God. Ask God to return them to the wholly-holy truth of real journalism, a seeking of truth. Pray God will send His warring angels to thwart their favor by cancelling the power of their false narrative with the Light of Truth. Lord God, Reveal Truth! Pray It Up!

No Common Sense? Pray It Up!

Common sense takes a back seat to the false narrative of the main stream media. Help people to see the lack of common sense in their fake stories, help them to see through the foolishness to the corrupted political motives of these networks. Pray for God to remove their favor with the people. Pray for every evil intention of these networks who believe there is no power higher than themselves. Pray for a divine intervention of God’s power to thwart the deceit, to reveal hidden motives, to unveil and unsecret hidden deception. Pray for the foolish, deceitful words to come full circle and tarnish the reputation of these networks with the very defamation of character they have hurt others with. Lord God, may they reap the injustice, the corruption that they have sown from the inside out until they topple from within. Let the desire to take down what God has put up, cause them to fall. Pray for God’s divine power to interrupt their human schemes. Pray It Up.

I am completely discouraged—I lie in the dust. Revive me by your Word. Psalm 119:25 Living Bible

Twisted Truth? Pray It Up!

Pray without ceasing. As you hear clips of twisted truth and false narratives, stop, take the lies captive and pray God thwarts the evil intention of that report, pray He divinely intervenes and takes away the authority, reveals the foolishness and revives the common sense truth of the listener. We are saturated with these false narratives in these times of mediatic frenzy and we need to ask God for the discernment to flip flop them at the moment we hear them to prayer. Pray without ceasing and stand on the side of truth. Be aware of God’s Presence in the all and everything of your life and be ready to advance the Kingdom of God through prayer and His Truth, at all times. Capitalize on those breaks of your day when you have taken time to listen to a piece of news that comes across your social media. If this news is a false narrative. Pray it up and then talk up the truth, to change it up. Twisted truth is fake news and we need to expose it and reveal truth, by sharing it with your prayer comment. This will advance the mission of the Kingdom of God to reveal truth in times such as these. Pray It Up!

Time For Truth? Pray It Up!

If you are watching television or internet news and you see a Senator or a Congressman speaking falsely, stop what you are doing, and pray for them, for a divine intervention in their lives, for their favor to be thwarted and God’s truth to be revealed. Ask God to send His warring angels to fight, to frustrate and stop the power behind their false narrative. Prayer matters. Prayer changes things up. Believe and we will receive. God wants to interrupt our human foolishness in times such as these and advance His Kingdom. God wants to shatter the idols in the lives of our leadership and transform their lives into being wholly-holy His servant leaders. God wants to raise up His servant prayer warriors to pray for our Government. This is our time, “we the people” of God to pray it up and see the miracle of God change hearts and lives and change things up. Pray It Up!

Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness. Psalm 119:40 NAS Bible

Shallow Roots? Pray It Up!

There has never been a more intense time in our lifetimes and there has never been a time like this one where our allegiance, our wholly-holy alignment must be with God, His truth and His Kingdom. We need to cling to God and dig our roots deeply in His Kingdom Truth. It is time to shed our allegiance to all things of this world and surrender the all of our lives to the advancement of His Kingdom. There are many unseen forces seeking to destroy the unity of the United States that is founded upon “In God We Trust”. God will reveal truth of who these are and when He does, it is time to call them out by name and pray. Our time must belong wholly-holy to God and we need to shatter our comfort zones and step out in the resurrection power of God and be His Intercessors for our nations. Pray It Up!

I am greatly afflicted; Renew and revive me [giving me life], O Lord, according to Your word. Psalm 119:107 Amplified Bible

Got A Worldly Viewpoint? Pray It Up!

No other time in the history of the church, have we needed to completely shut down our gaze upon our worldly viewpoint and change it up to a new focus, to a total reliance on God’s Kingdom Perspective. We were created with eternity in our hearts, we need to start acting like it. Prayer must become less of an occasional thing and become the more and most conversation of our life. With every breath we take, we can exhale prayer, worship and praise unto our Awe-GOD. We must be more aware of discerning the spiritual battle all around us and call on God for His heavenly help, becoming more dependent on Him, and less independent of Him. Less of us and more of Jesus and His Kingdom, this is needed more than ever. It is time for us to sacrificially advance the Kingdom of God. Pray It Up. Listen Up, this will change it up for you, in Jesus name. and we will see the revival of God, miraculously so in our nations. AMEN. Pray It Up! Listen Up:

“To look back upon the progress of the divine kingdom upon earth is to review revival periods which have come like refreshing showers upon dry and thirsty ground, making the desert to blossom as the rose, and bringing new eras of spiritual life and activity just when the Church had fallen under the influence of the apathy of the times.” Quote By – E.M. Bounds

Thank you for being a part of the prayer #ReviveUSA and #ReviveCONGRESS #ReviveSENATE. God has called all of us to a time of prayer for our nation, I have accepted this challenge. We need to pray for our President and His Cabinet, call their names out to God, pray for our Senators and Congressmen and we need to pray for #WeThePeople. I hope you have been inspired by this meal at our Prayer Mentor Table in The Bridegroom’s Café. The way back to God’s Heart is through His Word of Truth, daily digesting it, letting it change it up in our lives. An incredible journey for you to take to revive the Voice of God in your life is through the book, The Bridegroom’s Voice. I highly suggest you begin this Journey with Jesus today. Read the Overview of the book, The Bridegroom’s Voice and purchase a copy to begin your Great God Adventure. Please invite others through your social media to join us in prayer #ReviveUSA. I would love to hear from you, leave a comment below. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac

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