Ramble – 2

The Way To Speak More Significantly with less of me, my thoughts, my ways and more of God’s thoughts, ways and truths is to listen more extensively to Him. So I have agreed to a “Great God Adventure” a ramble through The Voice Bible with the Holy Spirit. I have this feeling, gut feeling that He is going to “grow me through” as I listen to His Voice along the pathway of His Truth. I am not sure how long it will take me, so it won’t be one of those typical walk through the Bible with an everyday thing that has a perfect calendar ending. That is unlikely. I am just going to follow God when He calls me to ramble with Him, listen to His Holy Spirit, learn from the living Word and write down the thoughts of God to encourage others. So here we go, the adventure begins at the beginning with Genesis and where we go, and how long it takes, only the Holy Spirit knows. Let’s Ramble! Follow The Holy Spirit! Author~KimberlyMac

Let’s Ramble!

Follow The Holy Spirit Through Genesis Chapter Two

Ready Set Go!

Genesis Chapter Two

When human body meets divine spirit, soul is born. Divine breath and sculpted earth come together to make up the living soul. For thousands of years philosophers and theologians have posed the question: what is a human being? Here God gives the answer. The Voice Commentary

Genesis 2:1-3
So now you see how the Creator swept into being the spangled heavens, the earth, and all their hosts in six days. 2 On the seventh day—with the canvas of the cosmos completed—God paused from His labor and rested. 3 Thus God blessed day seven and made it special—an open time for pause and restoration, a sacred zone of Sabbath-keeping, because God rested from all the work He had done in creation that day.

My Thoughts: “I love it! God rested! We think we don’t need to rest, we go and go and go until one day we just stop dead in our tracks, we call that a burn out, God calls it foolish because He gave us a good pattern for life. God showed us the importance of a creative break, a replenishment of our soul. We pour out, we rest and we replenish and -that is how He set up our week. I think it is cool that God took a break and sat back and just enjoyed a day off. How sweet is that good example for us?”

My Thoughts:

“Even God paused His work, He also needed the kind of soul replenishment that yields body restoration. God planned this Sabbath so we could rest our souls. Do we rest? God thought it was necessary. Considering that God thought it was necessary, why do we shrug it off, why do we keep pushing until there is nothing left? Why do we shun this wisdom? What part of our human condition keeps us from shutting down and resting?

God’s rest on the seventh day is a model for the kind of Sabbath rest He wants for His people. The Voice commentary

Genesis 2:1-3
This is the detailed story of the Eternal God’s singular work in creating all that exists.

My Thoughts: Isn’t that the coolest thing how God doesn’t mince words, He flat out speaks it. He created everything that existed and Genesis is the detailed story about all of it. He started sharing with us from the very beginning. He never left us out of His life, beings and doings, He was inclusive from the very beginning and in detail.

Genesis 2:4-6
On the day the heavens and earth were created, 5 there were no plants or vegetation to cover the earth. The fields were barren and empty, because the Eternal God had not sent the rains to nourish the soil or anyone to tend it. 6 In those days, a mist rose up from the ground to blanket the earth, and its vapors irrigated the land.

My Thoughts: Before God spoke everything into being in that incredible creative way of His, there was not even a plant, the word used was barren and that is what we were without His creative power, this earth was empty and barren.

My Thoughts: I love the picture of God misting the whole earth, try to think on that one and not have wonder and awe rise up in your soul. What are you thinking right about now? Is it how we have such an incredible God that we may not ever be able to wrap our minds around all of this on this side of heaven.

When human body meets divine spirit, soul is born. Divine breath and sculpted earth come together to make up the living soul. For thousands of years, philosophers and theologians have posed the question: what is a human being? Here God gives the answer. The Voice Commentary

Genesis 2:7
One day the Eternal God scooped dirt out of the ground, sculpted it into the shape we call human, breathed the breath that gives life into the nostrils of the human, and the human became a living soul.

My Thoughts: Just like that! One day God scoops up dirt and creates the human race. I don’t even have the words to say. We were made, just like that, God choose to give us life and we became a living soul. What an incredible day that must have been for God, we were what He wanted and He created us by breathing His breath in us after He fashioned us according to His heart’s desire. What thoughts are running around the corridors of your mind right about now?

My Thoughts: Made out of dirt! That would be us, something incredibly beautiful, unique and purposefully gifted, shaped by God for an amazing life in Him. Father God, You are so incredibly amazing and we are entirely foolish if we don’t cling to You, dig our life roots deeply in Your Kingdom.

Genesis 2:8-9
The Eternal God planted a garden in the east in Eden—a place of utter delight—and placed the man whom He had sculpted there. 9 In this garden, He made the ground pregnant with life—bursting forth with nourishing food and luxuriant beauty. He created trees, and in the center of this garden of delights stood the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

My Thoughts: God spent His first moments after creating us to make a way of provision and happiness for us. It was at the moment, He became what we know of Him as now, our Way-Maker God. Everything He did and still does for us is abundant in provision, promise and purpose and full of life and nourishment.

My Thoughts: It is interesting how God did not hide the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He put them out in the center of this garden He created that was bursting forth with everything our body, soul and spirit would need. He is like that with us today, He is at the center of our lives, our tree of life, our tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He is constantly providing for us in that lavishing way of His.

Genesis 2:10
A river flowed from Eden to irrigate the garden, and from there it separated into four smaller rivers

My Thoughts: From the very beginning God’s plan was to be living water that irrigated our lives and flowed out of the center of our living places. A river flowed, it flowed, it didn’t stay stagnant for just one area, it flowed out and that is what God always hoped for us to be a flowing river, refreshing us where we live and then flowing out from the center of our life to moisten the souls of others all around us. Nothing God created was stagnant, or without life, reproducing life. How cool is that?

Genesis 2:15-16 The Eternal God placed the newly made man in the garden of Eden in order to work the ground and care for it. 16 He made certain demands of the man regarding life in the garden. God: Eat freely from any and all trees in the garden; 17 I only require that you abstain from eating the fruit of one tree—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Beware: the day you eat the fruit of this tree, you will certainly die.

My Thoughts: It is interesting to see just how much God did for Adam, he had so much that I wonder if it even bothered him at all that God asked him not to eat from the one tree. It was God’s first directive to man and it had incredible purpose in it. God was protecting his creation by holding back something he was not ready to have, but He also provided him with more than he would ever need. My feelings are, Adam was probably overwhelmed with gratefulness and feeling very well taken care of, that this first demand made on him, paled in comparison to how God had taken care of him. If it was me, I would want to please someone who had lavished me with so much in an abundant, crazy beautiful way.

Genesis 2:17 God: Eat freely from any and all trees in the garden; 17 I only require that you abstain from eating the fruit of one tree—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Beware: the day you eat the fruit of this tree, you will certainly die.

My Thoughts: God gave us everything we needed to lavishly sustain our lives, yet we still wanted more. Curse this human condition. We can never satisfy it and we should stop trying and just receive gratefully what God gives us. Stop looking at what we don’t have and look at what we do have. The what of “I do have”, far outweighs the why of “I don’t have” in that God purposeful kind of way. God shared everything we needed and more with us, even His authority. Why do we divide our hearts to Him when He totally opens His to us, abundantly so?

After God gives man this directive, He realizes something is missing. The Voice Commentary

Genesis 2:18-20 It is not good for the man to be alone, so I will create a companion for him, a perfectly suited partner. 19 So out of the same ground the man was made from, the Eternal God sculpted every sort of animal and every kind of bird that flies up in the sky. Then He brought them to the man and gave him the authority to name each creature as he saw fit: whatever he decided to call it, that became its name. 20 Thus the man chose names for domesticated animals, birds, and wild beasts. But none of these creatures was a right and proper partner for Adam.

My Thoughts: I love this so much because it proves that God has emotions. He realized something was missing. Food was not enough, God also wanted to feed our soul, our emotions. We were created to be more than a body, God created us with a soul, spirit, will, and emotions were a big part of our design.

My Thoughts: God has always, even from the beginning of our creation been so openhearted to us, letting us share in everything He created, even share in the process of it. He made us feel a part of everything. That has not changed over the course of history. God has reached for us, wanting to be a part of our lives, wanting us to be a part of His doings on this earth. He has not held back relationship with us, He has been wholly-holy for us and with us. It is us, our independent spirit that thinks it knows it all, that has isolated us from Him. We have compartmentalized our lives, shut God out!

My Thoughts: “Check! Open! God is allowed here. Check! Shut! I’ve got this part, don’t need Him. Check! Open! Need God’s life provision for next breath. Check! Close! This is something I want to do, it is messy. I will clean it up later. Don’t want God in here.” KimberlyMac

My Thoughts: God wants us to be wholly-holy HIS, because He is wholly-holy ours in that incredible unconditional kind of way. Being found in God has to be a total, complete surrender to Him. No Compartments Allowed. Openhearted dependence heart to Heart and spirit to Spirit with God is the sweetest way to live life, because we were specifically designed for this kind of living, being found in Him, wholly-holy!

Genesis 2:21-25
So the Eternal God put him into a deep sleep, removed a rib from his side, and closed the flesh around the opening. 22 He formed a woman from the rib taken out of the man and presented her to him. 23 Adam: At last, a suitable companion, a perfect partner. Bone from my bones. Flesh from my flesh. I will call this one “woman” as an eternal reminder that she was taken out of man. 24 Now this is the reason a man leaves his father and his mother, and is united with his wife; and the two become one flesh. 25 In those days the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

My Thoughts: A perfect partner… hmmmmmmm is this me? Am I being so? A suitable companion? Am I the rib taken out of man to protect his heart? Am I? Being So? Do I complement my husband’s weaknesses with my strengths? If I am the rib, then I cover the weaknesses of my husband, I forbear and wait on God to restore and regenerate my husband. I don’t angrily expose or shame or disrespect my husband, this is outside of the nature of my creation. I protect his heart.

My Thoughts: An eternal reminder. Interesting that God knew we would need that. We do have a constant reminder that we are not like a man in so many ways, we are different, yet we are constantly trying to be like what we were not created to be like. We were created to be a woman, a helpmate, a complement to man, where one without the other is just not complete. God felt we needed an eternal reminder about this. Selah.

My Thoughts: Innocence created by God before sin was a beautiful thing because there was no shame. Sin birthed shame. Shame really taints our human condition with an inward soul anger that comes out of our lives with many ugly symptoms of a human condition that has been damaged by sin. It is kind of cool to see the innocence of children and how they have no shame about being naked, it is a beautiful guiltlessness innocence.

My Thoughts: It is kind of cool to see just how perfectly a man and a woman fit together in body, soul and spirit. We were created to complement and complete each other and even our bodies and our reproduction abilities prove this to be true. A man and a man can’t procreate, a woman and a woman can’t either. We were created to be man and woman. Seed and egg, one without the other and there is no humankind.

Genesis provides an image of the ideal marriage: One man. One woman. In a one-flesh relationship. For life. These four elements constitute the ideal, as Jesus reminds His followers (Matthew 19:4–5). Anything less, anything more, or anything other misses the ideal. In marriage two individuals, who once lived as “me,” come together as “we” in one flesh and one life. No earthly bond can match the intimacy of this divinely sanctioned union. The Voice Commentary

“Okay so that was Genesis chapter two? How did you like the God Adventure of it? Amazing isn’t it. I hope you come along in this truly undefined ramble with the Holy Spirit through the Word. Please leave a comment, with your thoughts and make sure to follow these posts. I am not sure when the next one will be as I am following after the Holy Spirit. I only see in part, He sees in whole, so I am very content at following Him day by day and not having to set a schedule for these posts. Whenever He is ready, we ramble.” The Miraculous Musings Of KimberlyMac

***All Biblical References Are From The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

The Voice Bible Journal 2015

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