Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am the Author of The Bridegroom’s Cafe. I was wondering, do you find that God speaks to you through your life situations? I do. This Christmas was definitely one of those times.
I received some really “heart sweet” gifts from my son, his wife and my grandkids. I have a prayer chair by my bed that is now covered in a Grammy encouragement blanket. If you know me, one of my nicknames is “Captain Kodak” because I take so many pictures. I love the heart memories in pictures. My son and grandkids got me a beautiful picture frame with lots of sweet memories in it, so I put it right above my prayer chair with my Grammy encouragement blanket, so when I wake up, I am reminded of the faithfulness of God in the gift (Philippians 1:3-5) of my family.

One of my favorite gifts this Christmas was a cutting board that says: World’s Best Mother. This cutting board was originally gifted to me last Mother’s Day and I absolutely loved it. It had a freak accident. I set it on the stove and somehow the burner got turned on, because sometimes when you walk too close to the stove, you can accidentally rub up against the controls and it turns the burner on without you knowing it. That burner got turned on, I didn’t realize it until the whole kitchen was filled with smoke and that cutting board was toast! It wasn’t intentional, but it happened, and I was really sad about it.
Here is the God story in this regifting of a cutting board: Listen Up! So many times we make dumb choices and things get a bit burned up in our lives. Sometimes we put things on the burner of the stove that should not be there and fires start unintentionally, yes we didn’t mean it, but we started a big fire. Yet God, He cares about these things in our lives, better said… He cares for us abundantly well in that way only He can. So… back to the burned cutting board. What a mess was made! Sometimes we don’t intentionally make messes out of our lives, but we step out into places we should not step into on our own, we try to fix things that are not ours to fix, kindling our own fires, (Isaiah 50:10-11) and walking by the light of a man made fire that flames out, we find ourselves on the enemies playground, sitting in the tormenting dark.
Yes, the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy, (John 10:10) but God comes to give us life, abundantly. Abundance was gifted, yes, the mercy of God was gifted to us that 1st Christmas morning, a grand gesture of love from our Father God, sending Jesus His Son here to us. (John 3:16) Jesus was born as God Incarnate, the greatest transformation ever known to mankind came here to us. Now, we accept Jesus in our heart, and we go from death to life instantly, as we experience the beautiful mercy of our God. Then as life goes on, we find ourselves working out our salvation (Philippians 2:12-13) in our imperfect human condition kind of way, as the mercy of God is regifted over and over again, as we grow through to mature Christianity. We are not perfect, that is for sure, but we are perfectly loved by God, no doubt about it! We should never forget the perfect love gifted us, His name is Jesus, and we should stand in Awe of our God and how His regifted mercy (Lamentations 3:22-23) covers us day by day, making us perfectly imperfect through the righteousness of Jesus. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:
“The Divine Surprise Of God’s Mercy Is That It Is Always Triumphing Over Evil.” Tara Leigh Cobble
So, if you are grieving over a “crispy cutting board” yes, if something you loved, appears to have been lost forever, a good choice is to let be, be still and (Psalm 46:10-11) know God is at work in the unseen for your good and His glory. That is what happened to me, Christmas Day. My daughter regifted the cutting board to me, beautiful and new. It brought me so much joy. (Titus 3:5) It reminded me that so many times in our human condition, we unintentionally make messes, but GOD, He will always restore what the enemy intentionally steals from us, through our unintentional human messes! Yes, there is nothing irreversible with God.
Got some destruction in your life? God is Your Redeemer, look to Him, He will reconcile, (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) restore, renovate, and all things will be new. This Christmas regift of a cutting board restored, will always be a God memory every time I look at it. God restores, and now I will live with a greater wisdom of not putting the cutting board on the stove, be careful to be led by God, navigated (1 Corinthians 10:31) by His Holy Spirit, from every moment to every choice this year.
Jesus, Thank you for my Christmas gifts and those who gifted them. I see God in them, I heard Jesus, His Voice of love, care, healing, deliverance restoration and reconciliation through them.
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe at The Author Table. We hope this spiritual meal nourished your soul. Please make sure that you subscribe to this website, it really helps us! Thanks, God bless you, KimberlyMac, Author
PS… check out our Rumble Channel for our 1 Minute Encouragement Videos: https://rumble.com/c/KimberlyMac