Be in awe before His majesty. Be in awe before such power and might! Come worship wonderful Yahweh, arrayed in all His splendor, bowing in worship as He appears in the beauty of holiness. Give Him the honor due His name. Worship Him wearing the glory-garments of your holy, priestly calling! Psalm 29:11

“In The Midst Of The Awesomeness, A Touch Comes, And You Know It Is The Right Hand Of Jesus Christ. You Know It Is Not The Hand Of Restraint, Correction, Nor Chastisement, But The Right Hand Of The Everlasting Father. Whenever His Hand Is Laid Upon You, It Gives Inexpressible Peace And Comfort, And The Sense That “Underneath Are The Everlasting Arms,” (Deuteronomy 33:27) Full Of Support, Provision, Comfort And Strength.” Oswald Chambers
Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is our hiding place; He carries us in his arms. When God tells you to destroy your enemies, He will make them run.
Cling To God, Dig Your Life Roots Deep In Him
Are you “growing through” more than you “think you can” endure? Remember this, as we travel through unchartered times, desperately in need of God and His navigation, we look up, and we listen up. Underneath us is the everlasting arms of God, this is our reality of truth. Do you feel “this is more than what I can handle” a lot of us have this kind of feeling in times such as these? Is a difficult situation robbing your peace? The Prince of Peace is with us, may we open our heart wide to Him, know the wealth of His peace in our soul, the thriving of hope in our spirit. We live under the Rulership of God’s Love. Awe-GOD!
Psalm 29:11 The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.
God Has A Good Endgame ~ Pray It Up
May God strengthen our inner spiritual core with patient endurance and steadfast courage that points the way out of our night seasons, with His bright light of hope, the brilliance of a glorious morning ahead. Jesus, the strong refuge, may He be our enough, on this day. May our soul be saturated with His peace that infuses stability and courage within our emotions, establishing His knowing of well-being. May Awe of God rise up in us to replace fear of mankind, situational fear, and fear of our human condition deteriorating.
Hope Is Our The Heart Alliance Of God’s Peace
May we know the peace that surpasses all understanding and establishes the stepping stones of faith to faith, one step at a time, taught and led by our Father God. May we be empowered by God’s Holy Spirit and navigated out of the darkness by His heavenly insight, as we listen up to Jesus, Who is always speaking truth into our lives. We speak the name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace, into our darkness and life confusion. We speak the name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace, present, with us now. We hope in Jesus, our Deliverer, mighty to save us. We stand in AWE of God!

King Jesus Rules Even Over The Dark Flood Of Evil To Make It End. Psalm 29 TPT Footnote
With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees. Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you. Isaiah 35:3-4 New Living Translation
In The Midst Of Our Life Storms Jesus Implants His Soul Saturating Peace As His Investment Of Purposeful Value. Powerful Peace, That Will Devalue The Enemy And Debunk The Liar That Is Stealing Our Peace, With God’s Reality Of Truth. KimberlyMac
How beautiful and delightful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace, Who brings good news of good [things], Who announces salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7
Challenges? The God Purpose Is Great!
The enemy can only have what we give to Him. We declare our peace is ours to keep, Our enemy, he can’t have our peace. We belong to the Prince of Peace. The circumstance may look horrible, out of our worldly viewpoint. But, on this day, we who believe in Jesus, we believe Jesus, we change it up, our focus, to a Kingdom Perspective, we know our God is fighting for us. We know we are not the Savior, we are the servant. We know, without a doubt, Our Awe-GOD, Messiah, He has the final say in our life-story, He has the pen in His hand. Purposefully so, we know, we are not the Messiah, we are the messengers of the Messiah’s good and glory, as we revel and thrive in the purposes of good and glory in play in His Providential Care of us.
God Knows ~ This Is All We “Need” To Know
We think we have the right to know. We think we need to know. We don’t. We need to be thankful for the part we see. We have been created to only see in part, so in faith, and in heavenly hindsight of God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness, we know, what God is working in the unseen, will miraculously be for our good and His Kingdom glory.
God Knows His Purposeful Plan
God knows the endgame; He infuses our challenges with His purposes that are in play every single day, working His Providential care (our good, His glory) out in our lives. These God purposes in play in our hard situations, they are greater than the challenge we face and they help navigate us out of the darkness of our enemy, into the light of God’s victory. We “grow through” we are taught, loved, delivered and restored! Jesus! Name above all names! Price of Peace, purposeful, good, right and just. Praise Him!
Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace at all times and in every way [that peace and spiritual well-being that comes to those who walk with Him, regardless of life’s circumstances]. The Lord be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Amplified Bible
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