It felt like we had a death sentence written upon our hearts, and we still feel it to this day. It has taught us to lose all faith in ourselves and to place all of our trust in the God who raises the dead. 1 Corinthians 1:9 TPT
Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video Below And Be Deeply Encouraged By God About Being Securely Anchored To God In Times Such As These.
So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change! And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakeable hope! We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold, 20and where Jesus, our forerunner, has gone in before us. He is now and forever our royal Priest like Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:18-20 NLT

God’s Truth Anchors Us. The storms of life come upon us and we are battered by the waves of deception. As we sit in the darkness of these lawless, unjust times, it is easy to doubt what God spoke in the light. We must stay anchored in God’s truth, not letting false narrative change our course to fear. Truth stands the test of time; thus, and therefore, we can trust God in the dark when we cannot see what was spoken in the light. We can hope in the dark because God is with us, He is our Advocate, our Navigator and our Prince of Peace. God is with us always and forever, never not with us, never not for us.
A changeable God would be a terror to the righteous, they would have no sure anchorage, and amid a changing world they would be driven to and fro in perpetual fear of shipwreck. …Our heart leaps for joy as we bow before One who has never broken His word or changed His purpose. Author: Charles Spurgeon
Truth remains. God has spoken and it will happen. God does not work on our timetable; He does things His way. God is not bound by our dates or our prescriptivism. This is a time when we don’t see, but we believe what He said. We watch in prayer, wait in hope and know, without a doubt, we will see His Glory. We have been commissioned by God to be on mission for God. We must not give anyone permission to broadcast their opinions, assumptions, speculations and false narratives in our mind. Listen up to God, He is the only reality of truth and His truth is a firm anchor that will last through the winds of this season, this horrific cultural storm we find ourselves suddenly in. Believe God. Stay On Mission With God. Anchor To His Word.
He will be your constant source of stability in changing times, and out of His abundant love He gives you the riches of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Yes, the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:6 TPT
Our Soul gets battered at times on this life path. Thankfully as we stay anchored in Christ and His Word, we know, without a doubt our anchor will hold, no matter how anxious or afraid we feel. There have been times in my life where I said: “Really God”, I can’t do this, You have picked the wrong person.” Sometimes in our lives, we do face very hard things, doctors reports for loved ones that we know we don’t have the strength for the journey ahead. Life on this earth can be very overwhelming at times, but God has promised us a strength like no other, and equips us to grow through these times where we feel we can’t make it through. God never gives us more than He has equipped us to handle. “One Thing Remains” is a very inspiring song, you can listen to it here and be inspired to dig deeper in your walk with God:
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. We have a very special Chef at the “Just A Thought” table and we hope you are enjoying the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos, where it only takes 1 minute to be deeply encouraged by God. I highly suggest you subscribe to the Heart To Heart Channel on Rumble, so you don’t miss one of these amazing 1 Minute Encouragement Videos: