“Stop having a measuring stick for other people. There is always at least one more fact, which we know nothing about, in every person’s situation. The first thing God does is to give us a thorough spiritual cleaning. After that, there is no possibility of pride remaining in us. I have never met a person I could despair of, or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God.” Oswald Chambers
Weaponized Words Are Used By Bullies
When we are in attack mode, when we weaponize our words, we are no longer walking the path of truth, instead we have chosen to ideologize, to lift up false narrative and no know power higher than the idol we bow to. We don’t want to “do life” that way, not knowing any power higher than self. It is not a fun way to live, it is exhausting. Truth is the only power that does not waiver in strength or ability to stand, and will endure the tests and trials of those who do not believe in what is wholly-holy true. The Reality Of Truth is never changed by people’s unbelief. Truth is truth and no one’s doubt of truth defaces it, or even touches it veracity. Truth is always on your side. The purity of truth endures the smearing of false narrative and in the end, it stands as the winner, wholly-holy complete and powerful. Truth does not have to be proved, it has a Prover, the Holy Spirit is that Prover and we are not. Listen up to GOD first and align yourself with His Truth. God still speaks, stay in followship of His Voice and live life in that “be best” kind of way that is made possible by God’s way, truth and life.
Align Yourself With God’s Truth
Be careful who you listen to. Don’t be taken into the deceitful spin of fake reality. Listen up to God first and experience the reality of His Truth in your life. In our society today, our media is corrupted by weaponized politics against someone and something and sharing out of this personal bias. There is not much reality of truth in our Main Stream Media. We can know the truth and choose not to align with it. Our human condition trips over our personal bias and people will spin what they “think they know” in the direction of what or who they serve. The media of our country, in times such as this, are choosing to serve no power higher than the human condition and they bury the lead of truth, in order to bow to the idol on their political platform. Therefore, Media today is spoon feeding the people who listen to them, and what is spooned out is only what they want them to hear, aligns with the fake reality of their grandstanding platform. We must listen up to God first in times such as these and trust in no other way, truth or life. It is a good day when we pursue truth, find it and then speak it.
“There is nothing special about criticism, it is quite ordinary and accomplishes nothing of value. A sarcastic criticism, deceptive in its intent, does not have the power to change anything. A false narrative has a weak foundation of fake reality, but don’t underestimate the power of truth, its foundation stands forever strong.” KimberlyMac
Don’t Get Caught In The Deceit Web
Our Main Stream Media are spinning up a web of deceit, false narrative, criticism and mediatic frenzy in hopes to catch us in it and draw us into their fake reality. As they bow to their political idol, these deceived ones will sacrifice all common sense, all human decency, all compassion and all truth. This is why many of us have tuned them out and are seeking other forms of media which are truth based. Sadly so, our Main Stream Media is not our media, they are no longer true journalism and the path of deceit they are on is destroying our national civility with a 24/7 broadcasting of criticism, false judgement and lies. A journalist seeks after the truth at all costs, and no matter what that truth is, even if it doesn’t align with their political ideology, they present it to the people, just as the truth is found. In a time such as this, journalism is dead in this country, our Main Stream Media has weaponized politics against someone and something, and trust for the Main Stream Media to speak what is true, is at an all-time low, which is also reflected in their very low ratings. People want truth, they don’t want the big “I” think and you should think like “I” think or do as I do or you are evil and I will label you so.
Protect Yourself From Deception
Against someone and something is not a good foundation for truth to be found. That is just plain common sense. When you allow your personal bias to be raised higher than the truth, you will be deceived and you will used to deceive others. We have to protect ourselves from the deceptions of those biased by the personal vendetta of destroying someone or something. In followship of GOD, we will find our way to the truth He knows. Truth is illusive in times such as these, it is shadowed in ambiguity by the deceit of our enemy. On this day and every day, we need to take the time to pursue truth, seek after the Spirit of Truth, at all costs. We should not settle with deception; we should press past deceiving bullies and seek truth. We need to stop being spoon fed by other people’s fake reality and seek, diligently chase after and find the reality of truth. Stand with truth, be a person who is always found on the side of truth.
“Criticism serves to make you harsh, vindictive, and cruel, and leaves you with the soothing and flattering idea that you are somehow superior to others. Jesus says that as His disciple you should cultivate a temperament that is never critical. This will not happen quickly but must be developed over a span of time. You must constantly beware of anything that causes you to think of yourself as a superior person.” Oswald Chambers
Truthless People Speak False Narratives
A truthless person becomes a highly critical person. They take what they “think they know” and they point fingers at other people with their false narrative. When we live out of a fake reality that has been created by taking in too many false narratives, we become less concerned about the reality of truth and highly critical of others who do not “think” the way we do. We exchange compassion, civility and truth for criticism and false personal judgement of someone or something. It is so foolish to point a finger of judgement against someone and something with what you “think you know”. Fake criticism devalues everyone including the person speaking it.

These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness in the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed in the abundance of Christ.14 And then our immaturity will end! And we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. 15 But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church. Ephesians 4:13-15 The Passion Translation
Be Better ~ Be Best With God’s Truth
Truth makes us better people. When we live truly, deal truly, love truly and speak truly we find the best way of our human nature. We can be best, we can be better from every moment to every choice, as we walk in the truth. Pointing our finger at others, leaves three fingers pointing back at us. God made it that way to remind us that criticism cultivates wrong judgement and judgement always points back to our own hearts. When journalism became finger pointing, instead of seeking the truth, it was corrupted and truth is not spoken, therefore journalism has been dealt a death blow. It all began with criticism that was weaponized to support personal bias. We have to be so aware of our personal bias and not let our lives be shaped by it, instead we need to seek truth and be shaped by truth and speak truth.
Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café. We hope you enjoyed your meal today at the Smorgasbord Table. This table usually serves a very spicy cuisine that will wake up your taste buds and feed your soul with bold flavors. Every day is a good day to listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. I highly suggest you take a “Journey With Jesus” and strengthen your inner core with the sound of His Voice and the Spirit of Truth it contains. Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice and begin your God Adventure!
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