Shatter The Silence

Talk To Someone Today

Silence… we have stopped talking to each other… voice to voice. Have you heard the voice of someone in your family today, a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, a co worker, a church member, anyone??? There is so much silence in our families, churches, neighborhoods, communities, in our world. People are not using their voice, talking to each other heart to heart.  I am saying, because God is saying: “Change It Up~ Shatter The Silence!” So yes, keep reading and I will explain more of what God has shown me in this godly exhortation, and yes, let’s change it up, let’s start communicating with our voice.  Shatter The Silence. Today is February 1, 2025 take down the boundaries  of social media, emoji, texts, and shatter the silence and talk to each other. Change it up. 

Emojis Create Silence

Like I said, it was eye-opening to see how much the emoji took away our voice and created a silence between us. We are so comfortable with not communicating with each other, and that was what we were created to do, to encourage each other with our words, heart to heart. I couldn’t believe how hard it was for me to not use an emoji, but as I did it, and I started communicating my words, instead of using an emoji, I realized the deepness of the silence between us. Even after we stopped not using emojis, I decided to use the emoji, but also to say what was on my heart, and in my mind. We need to shatter the silence between us, we need to step out of the  Comfort zone created by a world of emojis. Using our voice with each other, speaking, what’s on our hearts, adds so much more value than an emoji does. We honor each other when we use our voice and encourage each other with words.

We Need To Use Our Voice

What other “easy communication” things in our life have stolen our voice in our family life? I would say my first thought is the text message. It’s so easy just to flip off a text message rather than pick up the phone and call your family member, talk to them voice to voice. If we didn’t have the ease of the text message, we might go see them, and talk to them face-to-face, and heart to heart and have a good conversation with them. We are living way outside the designs of our God. He made us to live heart to heart with each other. We get into our the quietness of our comfort zone, and lean into technology to share with someone via, a social media platform. We were created for more. Did you ever think if God ever got tired of all this technology stealing from what He designed for us, and how it’s creating such silence between us, that one day He might just might shut it down to shatter the silence? Hmmmmm. 🤔What would we do? We would talk. We would use our voice. Listen up to the godly wisdom in this 1 Minute Encouragement Video from our Rumble Channel, Called: Back To The Basics

“Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.” Hebrews 10:24-25 TPT

Change It Up

We need to change it up, the silence between us. When was the last time we called our family member? When was the last time we called our friend? When was the last time we took time to talk to our neighbor? When was the last time we stopped after church to talk with someone. The sad thing is we can sit in church, God’s Body of Christ, and don’t even say hello to the person next to us, we don’t even strike up a conversation the whole time we are sitting next to them. What would Jesus do? We see our neighbor, walking by our house, or working out in their yard, we don’t even stop what we are doing to say hello. We can live by people for years and never even speak to them once. What would Jesus do? Is this what we were created for… silence between us? 

““He gave his life for us so that we may share in resurrection life in union with him—whether we’re awake or asleep. Because of this, encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another, just as you have already been doing. Greet every brother and sister with a sacred kiss.” 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11, 26 TPT

Loneliness Is Prevalent In Our Culture

There is a deep heart silence between God’s human beings. I know because I have been one of the silent ones. The convenience of an emoji, saves me time and keeps me from having to share what’s on my heart, which truly would only take another couple seconds… but I’m not willing to invest those seconds… why… because I’ve gotten stuck in a comfort zone created by my culture of technology, which has stolen from me the heart to heart relationship with others, that I was created for by my God. Why do you think there is such a loneliness in our culture? We created it by not using our voices by not talking to each other. In this season of time, God is asking us to do this: “Talk to someone today. Shatter the silence and break the power of loneliness over your culture in this season of time”.

❤️ We are NOT Talking To Each Other

The text messages, so nice to use, so convenient. I don’t have to call someone and talk to them voice to voice. I’m so busy. I’m so busy? I don’t have five minutes to talk to my family, my friends? What is happening to us? We are not talking to each other, we are not using the voice that God gave us. It’s time to break the silence, first by acknowledging our part in it. Taking those baby steps out of our comfort zone that technology has made for us. I started with the emoji. If I use an emoji, I am taking that extra couple seconds to write a comment, to share what that emoji is supposed to say, but actually doesn’t have a voice like I do or the words like I do. An emoji cannot express what our hearts can express, we remember the voice and the actions of Jesus Christ, as he demonstrated what true love was really like, we need to be like Him! True love is not an emoji without a voice or a heart. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video From Our Rumble Channel on “Love On Display” there is some really good godly wisdom in it in a short time invested you get much!

““So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.” John 13:34-35 TPT

God Wants To Speak Through Us

I am going to obey God in this ask of His that I start shattering the silence in my life. If I use an ❤️ emoji, I am pushing myself to communicate more. I’m leaving a comment saying what was on my heart, when I put the ❤️emoji,  I am going to communicate with my voice, my words, heart to heart. I know it won’t be easy to step out of the comfort zone of the emoji, I have been in it for a long time, but the more that I do it, the more that I communicate what is actually on my heart,  the more I use my words instead of emoji’s, I will feel the silence shattering in my relationships. So I encourage you today, to as I am doing, and break the silence, shatter the silence of the emoji, and say something, say what’s on your heart, and use your words, because that adds more value. Isn’t that what we were created to do? Aren’t we supposed to add value to each other with our words that come from our heart, that actually come from God. God wants to speak through us, not through emojis, but through our voice, our words.

“’Moses replied, “I have never been a good speaker. I wasn’t one before you spoke to me, and I’m not one now. I am slow at speaking, and I can never think of what to say.” But the Lord answered, “Who makes people able to speak or makes them deaf or unable to speak? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Don’t you know that I am the one who does these things? Now go! When you speak, I will be with you and give you the words to say.” Exodus 4:10-12 ‘Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying, “This is the road! Now follow it.” Isaiah 30:21

Talk To Someone Today

I think God is saying to us talk to someone, use our voice and talk to somebody today. That is the hardest part of our comfort zone of using the text message. It’s so easy. But we were created to use our voice, our bodies were created being able to speak and hear with ears. Our soul was created to need the encouragement that comes from each other, heart to heart. When was the last time you called a family member, just to say, I love you? When was the last time you encouraged a family member, face-to-face or voice to voice? The text message is convenient. But we were not created for text messaging, we were created for more, to be close in heart, not to be joined by emojis, but by each other’s heart for one another.

““Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other!” Proverbs 18:24 TPT

God Challenged To Step Out Of Easy-Comfort

So God is challenging me, to step outside of the text message, oh that is a big ask and I hope He is patient, it will take some time for me to turn around this bad habit. I was thinking to start with, if there is somebody, I’m text messaging a lot, then I’m gonna start trying to call, voice to voice, or visit, face-to-face. I won’t use an emoji to answer a text message sent to me, I will use my words, or better, I will call them back, and talk voice to voice.  I’m going to try to talk voice to voice more each week with those that I love, and those that God has put in my life path for a reason. I have a sister who calls me at least once a week, I can’t tell you what that encouragement means to me, it adds so much value to my life. It’s really time for us to step out of our comfort zone, yes, we can use the emoji and the text message, but let’s not hide behind it and create a silence between us, where we don’t hear each other’s voice, where we don’t visit each other and hug each other, but we use this instead🤗 which is not enough, we can do more, we were created to be more. We can love better we can love more we can have value we can move a legacy of love. An emoji has no value. It has no legacy. Listen To This Song By Hannah Kerr. Called: Love I Leave

This Is Your Mission Will You Accept It?

So the challenge to me from God and the challenge to you from God today if you accept it… kind of like God speaking to us and saying this is your mission. Will you accept it? We have to step outside of our comfort zone that technology has afforded us. We have to break the silence and use our voice, be the people we were created to be, to add value to each other, hard to heart voice to voice. Start being more aware of those around you as you sit in church, as you walk in your neighborhood, as you’re in the grocery store, and use your voice. As for our family, these are individual, people God has gifted us with purposefully so: call, visit, and talk to them voice to voice and heart to heart.

Change It Up: February 2025

So February 1st, 2025, I am going to take those steps to break the silence, to shatter it with my voice. I am going to start making the choice to communicate with my voice, with my presence. Do you know how uncomfortable that feels? Very much so, we have been stuck in a comfort zone, one that is easy for us, one we were not created to be in. So I’m gonna start taking baby steps out of my comfort zone, and intentionally start talking to people voice to voice. I hope you join me. I hope together we can shatter the silence that has happened between us, and let our voice become the first of our communication, and social media and technology take a second seat to the way that God created us to be, to use our voice. So talk to somebody today, use your God-given voice. God bless you.>

Baby Steps

Call someone today. If you see your neighbor walking or in their yard, say hi to them, start up a conversation. If you get a text message today, don’t just answer with an emoji, say something back, speak what’s on your heart encourage them with your words. If you are scrolling through social media and you leave an emoji, also leave a comment, say something from your heart with your words. We have been stuck in a comfort zone for a long time, it won’t be easy to step out, but just start with one baby step today. Leave a comment on this post.

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today to be fed by Chef Jesus! We hope your spiritual meal on the Family Table has nourished your soul. We hope you will subscribe to this website so you don’t miss one of the spiritual meals served up here just for you. Make sure you check out our Rumble Channel: for our 1 Minute Encouragement Videos and make sure you subscribe to those. It is really a nice way to start a day off with a couple of minutes of God encouragement. God bless you, KimberlyMac, Author 

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