Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth. Psalms 46:10
Jesus, this is my worship, this is my offering. I withhold nothing from You, Jesus, I trust You. I believe You have what is best for me purposefully in play in my life. I believe in You, in Your love for me and even if my soul is suffering, I lift up a sacrifice of praise. When I praise You in my life storms, I let be, be still and see You, knowing that You are my deliverer. I obey You by trusting You and not following my own ways, chasing my feelings… NO, I choose less of me and more of You, I chase You, Jesus and I release my life-plan to You! Today I am letting be, stilling my soul and activating my faith, I am led by Your Holy Spirit.
Got Hopelessness In Your Soul?
Hope can be allusive and sometimes all hope is gone in the life situations we are growing through. What then? We choose to stand on Your Word, You, the One Who brought water from a rock when our ancestors thirsted in the dessert! We remember all You are, and all You have done. We want things to change for the better, but this is not what we focus on, we focus on You, Jesus, You are all we desire! Even if things are hopeless, we chase after You, Holy Spirit, we Yield to You, letting You lead us in these times where nothing of common sense can be found, and cultural chaos is screaming all around us. We give You, Jesus, our burdens, these are Your business, and we give our lives to Your Holy Spirit’s leading, to be all about Your Kingdom business. We choose to be all in with You and we shake off the distractions of this life, choosing to stay on mission with Your Kingdom First. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video and be encouraged to stay On Mission with God, all in with His Kingdom!
Holy Spirit Lead Us 🙌
Holy Spirit, lead us. If You say no, we release and let go, and when you say go, we step out in faith, and if you say wait, we will be still, and if you say trust, we will obey You. No longer will we chase fickle feelings that have no stable foundation. Kingdom Truth sets us free, Your truth, Jesus, lasts through the tests of time and anchors us in the the violent cultural storms of our time. We choose truth, we chase after Kingdom truth, not fickle feelings. We walk on the narrow road of truth and faith and praise You in our trials, as we wait in great anticipation for your deliverance.
Even Though We Don’t Understand…
Even though we don’t understand Your ways, we praise You, Jesus, because of Your great love, which You overflow in us from every moment into every choice, and from every step to every next step. Awe God, we chase after You, first and foremost. You are our One desire. We praise You, Jesus even if our heart is broken and shattered in a million pieces because of broken human beings breaking other human beings. We Praise You In This Pain, In This Chaos, In This Incredibly Dark Life Season, Because We Know Only You Can Make Us Holy-Wholly Yours, That You Are Our Worth, And You Jesus Are Our Light In The Darkness. Thankfully And Gratefully, Our Identity Is Firmly Planted In You, And We Will Not Be Moved As You Are All That We Desire, Our Future And Hope.
Here’s what Yahweh says to you: “I know all about the marvelous destiny I have in store for you, a future planned out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround you with peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful future, glistening with hope. When you call on me and come to me in prayer, I will listen to your every word . If you reach out to me, you will find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will not disappoint you,” declares Yahweh . “ All that you have lost , I will restore, and I will regather you from all the nations where I have scattered you. I will bring you back home to the land from which I exiled you,” declares Yahweh . Jeremiah 29:11-14
🙌 Yes Lord, I Embrace Lordship… Daily
Even in the senselessness, where common sense can no longer operate as the human condition during this season of time, is deplorable and depraved, corrupted by people serving no power higher than self, yet, there You are Holy Spirit, leading us out of the darkness to the light of Your Truth. Your Truth, Lord Jesus, a light which is never extinguished by darkness, but continues to shine brightly, shattering ever dark deceit, thwarting every evil plan, and leaving a glimmer of our future hope. We will praise You, Jesus in this storm that is upon us, and we will be led by Your Holy Spirit, we say YES, we Yield to the leading of Your Holy Spirit, our yes is on the table with You. Y.es I. E.mbrace L.ordship D.aily. One God, One Purpose, One Day At A Time. God Still Can! Listen Up to some Christmas Cheer, as the greatest transformation ever known to mankind was born on Christmas Day and even though it is not the Christmas season, Christ, our Christmas, is with us every day of every year:
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today, we hope your spiritual meal on The Worship Spotlight Table. Never miss a spiritual meal from The Bridegroom’s Cafe, take a moment and subscribe to this website by email. We love speaking our 1 Minute Encouragement through video at our Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/KimberlyMac Make sure you subscribe, it only takes a couple of minutes to be deeply encouraged by God, you will love these inspiring videos. God bless you, KimberlyMac, Author