‘Why don’t you understand what I say? You don’t understand because your hearts are closed to my message! But I am the true Prince who speaks nothing but the truth, yet you refuse to believe and you want nothing to do with me. ‘ You are the offspring of your father, the devil, (8:44 The word for “devil” in Greek means “slanderer-accuser.” The Aramaic word is akelqarsa, or “adversary.” It is taken from a root word that means “to ridicule” or “to gnaw.” ) And you serve your father very well, passionately carrying out his desires. He’s been a murderer right from the start! He never stood with the truth, for he’s full of nothing but lies—lying is his native tongue. He is a master of deception and the father of lies! 45 But I am the true Prince who speaks nothing but the truth, yet you refuse to believe and you want nothing to do with me. John 8: 44-45 The Passion Translation
False Narrative ~ Fake Reality
Because we live in a world where “tech” and social media has become a center of our cultural focus, a portion of our people contact is “online” and we have interaction with people who don’t know us at all, they don’t do life with us. Online acquaintance with people is truly hampered by assumption, deception and fake reality. A lot of people post things that do not truly exemplify who they really are, but they create a false narrative to support a fake reality, not the people they are, but the people they wish they were. It is difficult to discern deception in an online setting. Our enemy, the father of lives is alive and well online.
Divine Appointment ~ Discernment Of God
It is really aggravating when people online, who barely know you, make an assumption about you and spit it out online to thousands of people on social media and your reputation becomes muddied up by their assumptive perception. It is really a good idea for the “most” of the people who you “do life with” not to be online, but to be in person. Invest in the people around you, heart to heart, and build genuine relationships with them. It is very difficult outside of a “divine appointment” of God and the discernment of God, to make deep, genuine relationships online. I do have a few of those, but most are just acquaintances that I don’t really know. We don’t do life together with people we meet online and we can’t “really” know them. There is exceptions to this and that is when God sets you up with a divine appointment and then that friendship online bears godly fruit.
Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Proverbs 18:1-2 The New Living Testament
Stupid Assumptions
Assumptions, this a stupid part of our human condition that our enemy uses to play negative mind games with us. Don’t you just love it when people “think they know” something about you that they could not possibly know. Not!! The worst assumptions are from people who know you online, but don’t really know you, the real you, because they don’t “do life” with you. They truly don’t know what they “think they know” about you.
Think They Know
People make assumptions, this is what the human nature does. In these types of relational interactions, assumption can play into things in a very negative way. A person who does not do life with you, truly does not know the real you. Online is a place where assumptions can taint relationship. People “think they know” something about you that they could not possibly know. It is near impossible to fix that kind of wrong assumption. The more you try to defend who you are and your reputation, the more twisted up the conversation becomes.
Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others. For we know that we will receive a reward, an inheritance from the Lord, as we serve the Lord Yahweh, the Anointed One! A disciple will be repaid for what he has learned and followed, for God pays no attention to the titles or prestige of men. TPT Colossians 3:23-25
Online Bullying
Some people online make negative assumptions about you out of their speculation about something you posted and they damage your reputation, and you can’t do much about it. Speculation is always a false narrative in the making. This online bullying is so frustrating and is one of the “thorns” when you engage in social media. Post for God, do what you do unto Him and then people can’t frustrate you with their speculative reactions.
Stupid Suppositions
If someone who doesn’t really know you wants to “think” badly about you because of their assumptions, you can’t change that. Just do what it takes on your part to make peace and bless them and move on. Your reputation, the way you live day to day, it stands the tests of these deceptive suppositions. If someone who speculates and assumes tries to taint it by their false narrative, they can’t. God knows who you are and He maintains your reputation, and we can trust Him with it.
‘Neither in the temple, nor in the synagogues, nor elsewhere in the city did they find me carrying on a discussion or disputing with anybody or causing a crowd to gather. Nor can they present evidence to you to prove what they now bring against me. But I confess this to you, that according to the Way, which they call a [divisive and heretical] sect, I do worship and serve the God of our fathers, [confidently] believing everything that is in accordance with the Law [of Moses] and that is written in the Prophets; having [the same] hope in God which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of [the dead], both of the righteous and of the wicked. In view of this, I also do my best and strive always to have a clear conscience before God and before men. Acts 24:12-16 Amplified Bible
Not A Fixer ~ A Forgiver
You can’t fix everything in this life, especially assumptions from people who don’t know anything about the real you. You can keep a clear conscious before God, this you can do. With people’s speculations, we just shake off the dust, move on and leave it to God. What matters is what God knows and what you know. Focus on what matters, let be, be still and let God work it out. Say This: I am not the fixer, God is. I am not the deliverer, God is. I am not the Savior, God is. Now, shake off the offense, forgive and move freely forward.
Godly Wisdom ~Guard Your Heart
The best godly wisdom for dealing with people you are acquainted with online is, don’t give people who don’t really know you, permission to speak into your life. Guard Your Heart. People who “think” badly about you and voice their negative assumptions in a very confrontative way, just make peace on your part, and move on, you can’t fix that, only God can. Shake off the dust, move on and leave it to God. What matters most is that God knows you the most and loves you best.
You Can’t Argue with a Fool – Arrogant cynics love to pick fights, but the humble and wise love to pursue peace. 9 There’s no use arguing with a fool, for his ranting and raving prevent you from making a case and settling the argument in a calm way. 10 Violent men hate those with integrity, but the lovers of God esteem those who are holy. 11 You can recognize fools by the way they give full vent to their rage and let their words fly! But the wise bite their tongues and hold back all they could say.12 When leaders listen to false accusations, their associates become scoundrels. Proverbs 29:8-12
God’s SONshine
Here Is Some Great God Wisdom: God knows what you do, He knows your heart, and He knows everything about you, so focus on what matters, what God knows, and don’t give a second thought to the assumptions and speculations of people who truly don’t know you. Be wise, and stay encouraging as you post online as God’s SONshine in a dark world. Don’t take personally what other people speculate about you or bully you with assumptions. Don’t take offense, not worth the emotional energy, because truly, they don’t know you and they don’t know what they think they know. God knows you best, honor and please Him, seek His approval over men. You don’t need the approval or the like of someone online who does not truly know you. God bless ya. Be happy!

The psalms provide us with a way to think about and pray through the various threats we face. Our enemies today may not be the same as in biblical times, but they are no less real. Consider the threats on the horizon. Some may be national. Others may be more personal. Still they come to surround us and destroy us if they could only get the chance. The reality is there are times when our enemies appear to have the upper hand and our cause is lost. But wait and listen to the psalm! All is not lost because, ultimately, God is our light and salvation. The darkness will lift, and our Savior will come. He will settle all scores, and we will live in the beauty of His presence. The Voice Commentary Psalm 27 Listen Up!
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Just A Thought Table. These spiritual meals on the “Just A Thought Table” are a 1 Minute Encouragement Video from my Rumble Channel: Heart To Heart. https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 I highly suggest you subscribe to these incredible 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. I always give a Dig Deeper link back to The Bridegroom’s Café where you can grow through in God’s Word and exhortation as The Bridegroom, Jesus is always speaking to us. God bless you, much, KimberlyMac