Refuge And Strength~ God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea. For the raging roar of stormy winds and
crashing waves cannot erode our faith in you. Pause in his presence. Psalm 46:1-3 The Passion Translation ~ Awe-GOD!
Intentionally Develop Your Awe Of God
Let’s intentionally write thankfulness into our life story. There is a lot to be grateful for. Is our heart of thanksgiving active, living and alive? If not, we need to purposefully change that up, we need to stir up our Awe of God daily. Setting a soul atmosphere of an attitude of gratitude, makes us ready for the spiritual warfare of the “suddenly”! I know many of us have had a “suddenly” pop up in our life story, one we had not anticipated at all, blindsiding us and hurling our soul into panic mode. Chaotic times like these “sudden changes”, cause our soul to go into shock as our faith is stretched beyond what we think we can endure. At times such as these, we can either react out of a depleted spirit, or we can respond out of an inner core alive and awake in the Awe of God. I am so grateful that God’s Holy Spirit increases our faith through our vital-vertical relationship with Him. As we keep it personal with God, giving Him total access to our life story, our Awe of Him develops and our patient endurance grows strong.
From Faith To Faith We Grow
We can walk from faith to faith, from every moment to every choice, especially during these “suddenly” life transitions that the enemy calculated for our demise. Wholly-holy aligned with God, as we watch and wait on God, we will experience firsthand, God miraculous transformation of our “suddenly”, as He works it out for our good and His glory. We patiently endure because of the truth we know, our common denominator in our sudden crisis is Jesus and He has not changed, even though our lives have been affected by a sudden disruption. I am so very grateful for the One thing that never changes, even a “suddenly” can’t change it, and that is our wonderful Awe-GOD, Who is always with us, always for us.
Knocked Down But Not Out
In these “suddenly” times, I choose to develop my Awe of God’s Omnipresence and think on these things more than I do my sudden life disruption. God is with us and YES, He is a powerful and safe refuge for us. At the mention of the name of Jesus in prayer, everything begins to change up as His Kingdom comes on earth, as it is in heaven. We are never abandoned to our “suddenly”, it may have knocked us down, but not knocked us out. Why? Because our Advocate, He is always with us, and intentionally, His purposes are immediately set in motion, to work out our salvation into our “suddenly” and write victory into our life story exactly at the life intersection where our “suddenly” rudely interrupted us.
God Is In The Midst Of Our Suddenly
God’s Sovereign will is never far from His Infinite Love, the two go hand in hand and this is why we are soul saturated with peace and hope as we cry out to God in the midst of our “suddenly”. God’s Infinite Will collides with our finite and because of His great love for us, we will be cared for in ways we could never even begin to imagine possible, as God deals with the effects of our “suddenly”. God’s Providential Care always has two purposes jouncing within our life story. In His Providential Care of us, He is writing good for us and at the same time, writing glory for Him.
The Will Of God Can Be A Bumpy Road
The way of God’s will, sometimes is a road less traveled, we would not pick it, but He does, because He knows what is best, for our good and His glory to prevail. How can God’s Providential Care be a rough road? Well, the juggling of His two purposes within His Providential care, as He works out our good and His Kingdom Glory, in the midst of our “suddenly”, can be a rather bumpy ride for our flesh. We will be fleshed out as these two purposes mixed together will mess with our comfort zone for a bit, stretching us way beyond it.
Surrender To God ~ Wholly-Holy Trust Him
If God is not moving the mountain of our “suddenly” as quickly as we would like, He has purposes in play in the unseen. Let go of your plan and trust Him. We only see in part, He sees in whole. We can trust our faithful God, He will finish what He started in us and no “suddenly” will distract Him from completing the work He has begun in us. From faith to faith we go and we grow through our “suddenly” with our identity intact, wholly-holy In Christ. I pray we all will fight the good fight of faith as we are loved completely by Awe-GOD and I hope we reciprocate what we are receiving from Him, by trusting Him, giving Him total access to our life story and letting Him write it His way.

I am so glad you stopped into our Awe-God Grateful Table in the Bridegroom’s Café. We love to cook up these appetizers of thankfulness for you to whet your appetite in the Awe of God. Every day, God speaks, so make sure you subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Café by email, so you can receive a spiritual meal daily. I also highly suggest you purchase my book, The Bridegroom’s Voice. This incredible devotional book will change it up for you in your relationship with God, it is a great Journey with Jesus in His Word and you will get to hear His Heart for you. Purchase it today, you will be so glad you did. God bless ya. KimberlyMac
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