Tag: afraid


Let All That I Am Wait Quietly Before God, For My Hope Is In Him. Psalm 62:5 NLT Harbor Of Safety Our self-made safety is a harbor that keeps us trapped and we don’t experience the enlarging of our territory that comes from the influence of God. As we give God total access to our […]

Almost There

“God swathed Himself in the unanticipated, so we would know His great love has the farthest reach of any love ever expressed to mankind. Will we patiently endure to see Jesus, or will the culturally correctness of our time barricade us from our Christmas Savior and keep us from the realization of His Love saturating […]


For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He even gave up His only begotten, unique Son, so that whoever believes in, trusts in, clings to, relies on Him shall not perish, come to destruction, be lost, but have eternal, everlasting life. For God did not send the Son into the world […]