Hello! I hope you are having a good day. I am on a God “Time Out” setting aside all the mediatic frenzy of social media and listening up to God. This is from my journal today. No distractions! Listening Up! Enjoy!
Hello! I hope you are having a good day. I am on a God “Time Out” setting aside all the mediatic frenzy of social media and listening up to God. This is from my journal today. No distractions! Listening Up! Enjoy!
Hebrews 12:15 Watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of God’s grace. And make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness, sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many. The Passion Translation Hating Something Or Someone? Family life is difficult and […]
God Is Speaking~We Are Gathering Food For Our Souls We hear many messages during the week, God is always speaking to us. God is speaking all the time, in fact we can have an abundance of soul food nourishing us daily if we listen up. The time God knows we will be listening to Him […]