We are Celebrating Thanksgiving with a spectacular sale of the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. Make sure you purchase a copy today for you and gift one too.
We are Celebrating Thanksgiving with a spectacular sale of the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. Make sure you purchase a copy today for you and gift one too.
Genesis 35: 1-3 God who appeared to you when you ran away from your brother, Esau. Jacob told his household and those with him to get ready to move. Jacob: Get rid of any foreign gods you have in your possession. Purify yourselves: bathe and change your clothes. Then come with me. We’re going to […]
NO Offense ~ NO Reaction YES Respond In Christ ~ Love Better ~ Love Best ~ Love Much You Offended? No, Not You? How many times have you taken up an offense and it hurt you more than the one who had offended you? You were the enemies target not the person who has offended, […]
Excerpts From The Bridegroom’s Voice “The Bridegroom’s Voice is a weekly journey with Jesus. He speaks to His Bride about many things that are on His Heart, a few of them I have excerpted below for you to read. He also shares His Word with you, His powerful living truth about the subject He is […]