Tag: James 5:16

National Prayer

Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. James […]


A Smorgasbord Of Delight I love reading a lot of different books by Christian authors. It is a great way to learn so much great godly wisdom. I meet with God every single day and I ask the Holy Spirit to “teach me”. I like being taught by God. A lot of times, the Holy […]

Chase God

So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from Him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Matthew 6:33 Passion Translation Spirit-To-Spirit Jesus, bring this family to a life-focus that incorporates all things You and Your Kingdom first. Father God, keep our […]


Praise God! He Is Unchangeable. Awe-God! Praise God! In a rapidly changing world, where it seems like our culture is at war with all things good and has flip-flopped what is right for what is wrong and what is wrong for what is right, our family needs God, who is unchanging. God’s love, His truth, […]