
Praise God! He Is Unchangeable. Awe-God!

Praise God! In a rapidly changing world, where it seems like our culture is at war with all things good and has flip-flopped what is right for what is wrong and what is wrong for what is right, our family needs God, who is unchanging. God’s love, His truth, His Providential Care, changes not as the cultural tides of the times roll in crash on the shore of our lives. God is our Proof. Jesus is our Proven. The Holy Spirit is our Prover. We have a Triune Advocate Who is with and for our family in that unchangeable kind of way.

Ecclesiastes 3:16 Teacher: Again, I looked at everything that goes on under the sun and realized that in place of justice, wickedness prevails. In place of righteousness, wrongdoing succeeds. The Voice

Conditioned By Cultural War

There are temptations that are flying in our face daily in every media we turn on as a family. There are circumstances beyond our control that are happening that scare the living peace out of our family life. Our family is full of people with a human condition that is conditioned by the cultural war we are growing through in times such as these. Unchanging God, oh how we need the stability of Your way, truth and life to permeate the heart of our family life. We are grateful that you are unchanging and we pray to be found in You, to be stable in Your characteristic of goodness that changes not.

1 John 4:4-6 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. Those people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them.  But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. New Living Translation

Limitless Power Of God

Within our family is a limitless power of God that is unchanging, nothing in this world affects it, alters it or stops it. We as a family can overcome every evil formed against our family. We have the Holy Spirit in us, the favor of God surrounding us, the Word of God protecting us and Jesus Christ as our Advocate. There is no better way to live than to cling to God and dig our life roots deeply in His Word. We must reposition ourselves daily so we can stay in wholly-holy followship of Jesus, Who does not change, Who is a stability like no other for our family in these chaotic, changing times.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11 If you freely forgive anyone for anything, then I also forgive him. And if I have forgiven anything, I did so for you before the face of Christ, so that we would not be exploited by the adversary, Satan, for we know his clever schemes. The Passion Translation

Mediatic Social Media Frenzy

There is a mediatic frenzy of false narratives influencing the social media of our time. It is hard for our family to know what is true. Therefore, it is difficult to stand unmovable on the side of God truth. At times, this cultural war is very offensive to us, we pick up the spirit of offence as we hear harsh, cruel false narratives. We have to guard against this because offense always leads to arrogance in our soul. We have to be careful to forgive the offenses of the foolish in this cultural war of words. Why? Because unforgiveness always leaves the door wide open for the enemy to come into our family life with his chaos.

God’s Truth Is Unchangeable

We belong to God. God’s truth is unchangeable. It has not changed, even with this cultural war of words, lawlessness, disrespect, dishonor so prevalent in times such as these. The fake reality of someone else, no matter how loud, or violently it is pushed at our family, it does not change truth. Because someone believes a lie twisted up with rationalized assumptions, speculations, presuppositions and opinion, does not make it truth. If something is not absolutely the reality of truth, belief in it, does not make it truth. God’s truth is unchangeable and it remains the same for our family as we follow after God. When our family stands on the side of God Truth, we will know the difference between good and evil, the Holy Spirit will provide this discernment for our family.

Pray It Up For Your Family Members

  • Father God we pray for the members of our family today, we call their names out to You, asking for the covering of Your Kingship.
  • We are grateful for Your Word, it is true, it is unchanging, we ask You to saturate the soul of our families with Your unchanging truth.
  • Father God, give our family wisdom in dealing with this cultural war going on in our generation. Guide us and sanctify each one of us by Your Living Truth. May we respond out of a position of strength in You and Your Truth.
  • Holy Spirit shatter the illusions of any fake reality that has made it into our family lives. Holy Spirit, shut up and shut down the false narrative with Your Truth before it affects our family members. By the Power of Your Advocacy of Truth, give favor to all things true that we may be changed up by Your Holy Spirit of Truth.
  • Our culture is violent, angry, bitter and pushing what is wrong to be what is right, what is right to be what is wrong. It is a topsy-turvy philosophy in times such as these; may Your Word sustain this family during this cultural war against God truth and make every crooked thought, straight.
  • Guide every family member away from the traps that buried beneath the picking up of an offense. Jesus, help forgiveness to flow freely in us and through us, as we keep a Kingdom perspective and do not live out of our worldly viewpoints. Help us Jesus. Protect us as we live, breathe and move through this era of cultural war.
  • Cause every family member to cling to You, anchor to Your Holy Spirit, and dig their life roots deeply in Your Word. Change up every cultural battle that our family faces, transform lies to truth, fake reality to reality of truth, false narrative to common sense certainty.
  • Jesus fight for the truth to reign supreme in our family lives, send your warring angels to raise a standard of truth in the midst of this cultural war our family finds itself in. Break the chains of cultural deception off of every family member.
  • Jesus, You remain the same, help each family member to know this truth, to know the stability that their faith and belief in You brings. Stabilize and undergird our family in Your Truth, by the Power and favor of Your Holy Spirit.
  • Father God, increase the hope in each family member as they know without a doubt, that You are unchangeable, Your Word changes not. Seed this into each family member’s spirit and undergird their soul in the strength of this unchangeable God characteristic
  • Lord God, increase the desire and wisdom in every Patriarch of this family to be supportive of their wife, children and grandchildren, to pray it up for them, to be found in the character of Jesus, to operate out of truth and not fear and control in the headship of their family.
  • Jesus cause every wife to be the help mate of her husband, the encouragement of her children and grandchildren, speak Your order into her life, that she may let her husband lead as she keeps open conversations saturated with wisdom, discernment and respect.
  • Lord God, change it up in our family to reverence and Awe for You.
  • Jesus, what Christ has done for the church, let each man emulate this in his family relationships, change it up in their hearts.
  • Lord, turn the hearts of the children and grandchildren of our family toward you, to fully face You, to hear Your Voice, to know Your way, truth and life and cause them, Holy Spirit, to walk humbly with You, in respect, honor and obedience to their parents and all the authority, You have divinely set up in their lives.
  • Jesus cause this family to be wholly-holy aligned to Your Way, Truth and Life. Be our Advocate, our unchangeable truth. Jesus. Amen

Dig Deeper In God’s Word

The Word of God guards our family in times such as these, with unchanging wisdom that works its way in us and through us as we pray it up for our family and as we live it out in our family lives. Dig Deeper today in Ephesians 5:22-6:4, flesh out your spirit, soak your soul in it, learn it and live it. This life style wisdom serves it purpose in so many ways, but one of the ways is it guards the heart of our family and fights valiantly for us in this cultural war we find ourselves in the middle of.

Listen Up:
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%205%3A22%20-%206%3A4&version=TPT Live It.

The Bridegroom’s Café has amazing prayer menus for Family Life. It is so good to pray for your family, to call their names out to God in times such as these. The Family Life table will feed your soul with the passion to pray for your family. Please share this Family Prayer with other families using the Social Media tabs below. God bless you from our family to your family. KimberlyMac, Author Of “The Bridegroom’s Voice”.

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