Everything In Our All, That Is Who Jesus Is. All In With Jesus In Our Everything That Is Who We Are. Christ-Christians. So be it.
Everything In Our All, That Is Who Jesus Is. All In With Jesus In Our Everything That Is Who We Are. Christ-Christians. So be it.
Awe-GOD Gratefulness will ready you for the “suddenly” that interrupts your life story.
God Is Speaking~We Are Gathering Food For Our Souls We hear many messages during the week, God is always speaking to us. God is speaking all the time, in fact we can have an abundance of soul food nourishing us daily if we listen up. The time God knows we will be listening to Him […]
“Hallowed by Your name, Lord. Do whatever it takes to be holy in my life. Take your rightful place on the throne. Exalt yourself. Magnify yourself. Glorify yourself. You be Lord, and I’ll be quiet.” Author~ Max Lucado Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Eternal; for not only does He hear my voice, my pleas for […]