Walk Away From Your Idols, Turn And Fully Face God. Position Your Identity Wholy-Holy In Him.
Walk Away From Your Idols, Turn And Fully Face God. Position Your Identity Wholy-Holy In Him.
Reveal Truth: “And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his hand (influence); He will magnify himself in his mind, He will corrupt and destroy many who enjoy a false sense of security. He will also stand up and oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken, and that by […]
Truth Stands Victoriously Truth stands victoriously throughout the ages. It doesn’t need a prop, but it can prop you up through the worst of trials until God’s victory breaks through for you. God’s truth is a standard of right this world can’t ever extinguish the light of. Many have tried to cover truth with darkness, […]
Pray It Up! Lord Jesus, Revive The United States Of America “The word “patience” means endurance. They were to persevere in their persecutions as Christ did in His. They faced political and social pressure from their community. They needed to follow the example of Christ in suffering.” Quote By ~ Grant C Richison Come on […]
John 4:41 His Servant Warriors! John 4:41Then many more believed in and adhered to and relied on Him because of His personal message what He Himself said. John 4:41 Our Hope-Our Prayer-Our Purpose Less Is More! More of God’s Influence, Less Of My Viewpoint! A Revolution Of Media Excellence=Increasing His Truth, Decreasing Our Opinions! Less […]