Tag: presumptions


The Bridegroom’s Café is a pretty awesome internet café. There are a lot of tables specifically designed for you to pick from a menu you think will delight your soul. Most of what is served in this incredible café are “spiritual meals” what makes them so unique is how the ingredients come from my personal […]


Pharisees: Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. Moses says in the law that we are to kill such women by stoning. What do You say about it? This was all set up as a test for Jesus; His answers would give them grounds to accuse Him of crimes against Moses’ law. […]

Flesh Out

“I pray for us today, that we can “flesh out” all the negative soul emotions brought on by the fallen world we live in and “truth in” the joy of the Lord that will always be found in the Kingdom of God, an overwhelming, soul saturating joy that is our great strength as we live […]


  Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him, will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings and rise up close to God like eagles rising toward the sun; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and […]


Let those who are busy plotting violence and doing wrong stop right now, turn, and do right. Let them turn back to the Eternal so they can experience His compassion. God will excuse our past wrongs. Our God’s forgiveness is inexhaustible. Isaiah 55:7 The Voice Who is among you who reverently fears the Lord, who obeys […]