One of the best benefits from having a Thankful Heart is Peace. One Of The Best Benefits From Having A Heart Of Gratitude Is Peace. Gratitude Is The Pathway To Peace! Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. […]
Tag: True Joy
Embrace Thanksgiving
Embrace Thanksgiving This is the season for Thanksgiving, so we are more aware of being grateful, but it would be such a great thing for our souls if we would embrace “Giving Thanks” as a way of life, a part of our daily life from day to day. I am thinking if we do this, […]
“Faith, and hope, and patience and all the strong, beautiful, vital forces of piety are withered and dead in a prayerless life. The life of the individual believer, his personal salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom, and fruitage in prayer. Trust is faith that has become absolute, approved, and accomplished. When all […]