“Endurance Is Not Just The Ability To Bear A Hard Thing, But To Turn It Into Glory.” Quote By~William Barclay

Hurt? Fully Face Jesus
When someone hurts you in that awful way that breaks your heart into pieces, it is as if you feel like you can’t breathe, you can’t take another breath, your soul hurts so much. You feel like you will never be okay again, never feel whole again in your soul. It is such an awful place to suddenly find yourself. The only One Who can totally relate to your pain is Jesus, and He is also the only One Who can heal your heart. Just Breathe. Fully face Jesus, open your heart wide to Him. He knows.
Heap On The Floor? Cry Out To Jesus
We fall hard when cruelly pushed by the dysfunction of the human nature. I know what it feels like to be a heap of pain on the floor, not knowing if I can get up again. You know you have to take that first step up out of the pain, yet you feel paralyzed in it. At times like these, the best thing I ever did was to cry out to Jesus. He came. He held me. The second best thing I did was to get up and take a hopeful step towards healing. Then came the baby steps that help me to get back into the healing light of God’s Grace. The last thing I was able to do through the strength of God in me, was to close the door on yesterday and move forward with the healing power of God working to restore my broken heart.
Broken Heart? Jesus Is The Best Healer
Do you have a broken heart? Don’t go it alone, let Jesus carry you. He knows where He is going in the healing process, He sees ahead clearer than you could ever see. His perspective is Kingdom, yours is worldly view point. His purposes are in play working out things for your good. So breathe, just breathe and let your heart beat and mend in the Presence of Jesus. There is no greater healer than Jesus, Who defeated the sting of the worst of all enemies, death. He won the victory for us, Jesus is the perfect healer because He can empathize with our pain. He knows.
Wounded? Cling To Jesus
Life can be so difficult at times. This world and all of its stuff can drive us to our knees in such desperation before God. God hears our soul-distressed prayers and He answers the cry of His wounded children. Sometimes our soul just groans, as we feel under it knowing that alone, we can’t recover from such a shot to our heart, a stabbing to our soul. This is the time to look away from yesterday and find Jesus in our today, looking to God for the breakthrough we need in our messy lives. He is the Only ONE who can make a message out of our complete mess. It takes time, but He is so willing to invest His healing and restoration in us for the goal of our best. He loves us that much. He is the best reconciler that ever walked this earth.
Fixer? Not! That’s God’s Job
When we try to “grow through” with our own vices and strength, we can get very blocked by our defensive personal trying, that we utterly fail and fall flat on our face again. We so want to be the fixer, it is our nature. But when we are the broken, we can’t even begin to be the fixer, because we are not seeing clearly enough to begin any kind of diagnosing of our soul. We need help, we need the guidance, strength and healing of the Holy Spirit. These are dark times and when we are wounded, we can truly underestimate the divisive nature of our enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy all the light of hope in us. We could try to kindle our own fire and walk by the light we make, but it will never be enough, it will flame out and leave us in a more tormented darkness. We must walk by the Light of God, only He can illuminate our soul and heal our spirit. Our enemy wants to do more than bend our will, our enemy wants to break our spirit. We can fight defensively in our own strength and completely exhaust ourselves or we can get on the offense by allowing God to fight our battle.
Gap? Outside Appearance ~ Inside Reality
Another thing we do as we react to the pain of hurt, is we raise up pretty walls around our heart so no one can see the condition of our heart and we let no one in to help, we just grin and bear the pain on the inside. There is a huge gap from what appears to be our outside health to our inside sickness. Jesus is the only bridge to that gap. He works really hard to eliminate that gap and bring us to a honesty that genuinely feels the pain and works through the issues of it without a mask on. You can say I am F.I.N.E = Feelings Inside Not Expressed. Or you can truthfully say: I am growing through a difficult life season and purposefully learning some hard things. But I am not alone. God is right here with me, and I am yielded to Him, letting His purposes freely playout in my life. Which one will you be? Will you create a gap between your inside and outside life or will your live in Christ from the inside to the outside in genuine truth growing through by His power, wisdom and strength?
Bottled Up Pain
Most of the time people, barrier up, toughen up and go it alone, keeping their pain all bottled up. The lie they buy into is: “out of sight, out of mind”. When truly it is the opposite, out of sight, tormenting mind. This is not how God designed us to live in this fallen world. He wanted us to bear with one another, encourage one another and walk shoulder to heart with one another. Shouldering each other’s loads in prayer and hearing each other’s heart with empathy. We were built by God to do this, equipped in that special way that we could bear each other’s burdens. Hope was meant to be shared. If my hope was dead, then I could borrow your hope to grow me through. This is the God family life that our Father God willed for us. We are so far from this. We have let our pride keep us from sharing each other’s burdens, shouldering each other’s cares. We need to change this up.
Feel Hopeless? Link Up
Some life seasons are filled with hopelessness, and our enemy beats us to a pulp with despair as we try to endure long periods of unanswered prayer. We need someone to come along side of us and offer us their hope, this is the most miraculous kind of hope, shared hope. Sometimes you just don’t have any hope and you can’t even muster it up. Yet someone else has hope overflowing and when they come alongside of you in your suffering and offer you their hope, the design God had for us of bearing each other’s burdens, it comes into play and leans everyone into its miraculous flow. When you wait in the shadow of the hope and faith of someone shouldering you, it brings God’s peace like no other into the situation. There is no greater blessing then to wait on God together knowing He is going to breakthrough at the best most purposeful time and save, deliver and heal. When you have endured much, it is such a blessing to be linked up with other believers to lean on their hope, faith and belief and to grow through together.
Empathy The Best Encouragement
Sometimes, nothing helps, the pain is so big and the situation so humanly impossible, that even words fall short of comfort. Empathy is always the best offering of encouragement, especially in the form of a huge hug. Hugs help those in severe pain to step into the Light of God’s love and open their eyes to see the Kingdom perspective, which is much easier to swallow, than the worldly one that stares them down with fear and hopelessness. Just being present sometimes is the greatest gift you can give someone who is suffering, present in prayer, present in faith, present in hope and present in the love of God.
God’s Purposes In Play
When the enemy comes in like a flood and sweeps us off our feet, God mops up and leaves a standard of righteousness standing tall in our soul. There is never a time God leaves us or abandons us to the devices of our enemy. God’s purposes are always sent powerfully forth, intentionally set into play in our lives. The enemy does not have a shut off value for the purposes of God. God is continually purposefully and wisely working out His will to bring forth the good for us and the glory for God’s Kingdom in every situation we find ourselves in. Though our trials are many, our God deliverances are more. We are in God’s Providential care at all times. He is always working for our good and the good of His Kingdom and there is never a time that He is not purposefully active in our lives.
Let It Go~Breathe
If you are holding your breathe because you have been kicked in the gut by the enemy. Let it go. Breathe in the Holy Spirit. Relax and believe God is working on your behalf, there is no doubt about it. Actively stir up your faith by pressing forward in hope with the Promises of God as your shield to protect your already wounded heart. Connect with God, heart to heart and Spirit to spirit and let your heart beat to the rhythm of God’s heartbeat of hope. Breathe in the hope of God and excel every fear, doubt and anxiety. God is working for your good. Let go, let God. Just Breathe. Tell your heart to beat again. Breathe.
Followship~Be So
Let go of every expectation you have and freely follow after God, watching His movements, waiting on Him to direct your path. Follow after His Holy Spirit, He will guide you to healing, restoration, renewal and revival. Wait in hope and watch prayerfully in faith and then step out into the footprints He leaves as He goes before you, making this crooked place you find yourself in, a straight and perfect way out into the glory of God. Followship of God is an offensive plan that leads you into the miraculous flow of His purposes in play in our life. There is no challenge to great for God. Why? Because the challenge you face right now, the God purpose working at the center of that challenge is much greater than the challenge itself. This is how God works and the best place for us to be as wounded warriors is to be in followship of Him.

Let The Hope And Promise Of These Scriptures Strengthen Your Spirit Today:
Isaiah 43: 1-3 Eternal One: Remember who created you, O Jacob? Who shaped you, O Israel? See, you have nothing to fear. I, who made you, will take you back. I have chosen you, named you as My own. When you face stormy seas I will be there with you with endurance and calm; you will not be engulfed in raging rivers. If it seems like you’re walking through fire with flames licking at your limbs, keep going; you won’t be burned. Because I, the Eternal One, am your God. I am the Holy One of Israel, and I will save you. The Voice
Isaiah 59:18-19 According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay, fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; The coastlands He will fully repay. So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Psalm 34:19 Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, but the Lord rescues him from them all.
Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
1 Peter 5:8-10 Most importantly, be disciplined and stay on guard. Your enemy the devil is prowling around outside like a roaring lion, just waiting and hoping for the chance to devour someone. Resist him and be strong in your faith, knowing that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are fellow sufferers with you. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace who has called you to His everlasting presence through Jesus the Anointed will restore you, support you, strengthen you, and ground you. The Voice

Selah! Think on these! Let the wisdom and hope in these quotes give you the courage to “grow through” with God and fight the good fight of faith. Let your heart breathe again.
“No matter who you are, no matter what you’re going through, God knows it. He is with you. He is going to pull you through.” Quote By~Nick Vujicic
“Outside of Christ, I am weak; in Christ, I am strong. Outside of Christ, I cannot; in Christ, I am more than able. Outside of Christ, I have been defeated; in Christ, I am already victorious. How meaningful are the words, in Christ.” Watchman Nee
“I encourage you to accept that you may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.” ― Nick Vujicic
“I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There’s a purpose for why you’re in the fire. Hope is in the name of God, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope is when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God.” Nick Vujicic
“To me, it has been a source of great comfort and strength in the day of battle, just to remember that the secret of steadfastness, and indeed, of victory, is the recognition that “the Lord is at hand.” Duncan Campbell

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
The Worship SpotLIGHTis a heart healer and soul restorer for all those who have been hurt by someone. It is a great encouragement for those who are wounded and are being healed by God. I hope you enjoyed your stay in The Bridegroom’s Café today and I pray your soul was fed by in that Miraculously So way of God. Please share this hope with others by using the social media buttons below. I would love, love to hear from you, so please leave a comment on how this post inspired you to “flesh out” and spend quality time listening to The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac